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FPS Boost #1
I get on to 70 FPS with this settings.
My Start Parameters
- -USEALLAVAILABLECORES -heapsize 6291456 -refresh 60
Note: I dont use -d3d9 because I have a new graphics card that can handle Directx 11.
What They Do
- -USEALLAVAILABLECORES basically forces the game to use all cores available, this is useful for people with multicore processors who see that the game isnt fully utilising their CPU.
- -d3d9 forces the game to work in Directx 9, good for people with lower end graphics cards as dx11 can be problematic with older GPU’s, also changes the level of DX9 for better performance.
- -refresh is the refresh rate of your Monitor. So for example: If you have 144hz you use “-refresh 144” or if you have 60hz you use “-refresh 60”.
- -heapsize 6291456 is how much RAM you have.
Use the reference below for your RAM:
- 512MB System Memory: Your -heapsize should be: “262144”
- 1GB System Memory: Your -heapsize should be: “524288”
- 2GB System Memory: Your -heapsize should be: “1048576”
- 3GB System Memory: Your -heapsize should be: “1572864”
- 4GB System Memory: Your -heapsize should be: “2097152”
- 5GB System Memory: Your -heapsize should be: “2621440”
- 6GB System Memory: Your -heapsize should be: “3145728”
- 7GB System Memory: Your -heapsize should be: “3670016”
- 8GB System Memory: Your -heapsize should be: “4194304”
- 16GB System Memory: Your -heapsize should be: “6291456”
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