More Stoneshard Guides:
- Adventurer Guide.
- Basic Survival Guide.
- 100% Achievement Guide (Prologue).
- How to Own the Boss of the Prologue (Useful Hints).
- Guide to Mace Tank (Attributes, Traits, Skills, Rotation and Gear).
- Dagger Rogue Build (Class / Skill).
- Guide to Hunting and Cooking.
- Guide to Fresh Start Saves.
- Useful Tips and Tricks.
- How to Fill Waterskin.
- Starting Guide.
Skipping the Prologue (Step-by-Step)
Step 1
Search for location, hidden files must be displayed:
- C:UsersNAMEAppDataLocalStoneShard
Step 2
Just create a file:
- account.ini
Inside the file, paste this text:
how does account.ini skip the bloody prologue, i did what you said and nothing is different
Edit or create file: