More Stoneshard Guides:
- Adventurer Guide.
- Basic Survival Guide.
- 100% Achievement Guide (Prologue).
- How to Own the Boss of the Prologue (Useful Hints).
- Guide to Mace Tank (Attributes, Traits, Skills, Rotation and Gear).
- Guide to Hunting and Cooking.
- Guide to Fresh Start Saves.
- Useful Tips and Tricks.
- How to Skip Prologue.
- How to Fill Waterskin.
- Starting Guide.
Table of Contents
Dagger Rogue Build
Break down how to have a successful run by playing Dirwin with dagger build.
- Dirwin has a solid stats.
- Dirwin trait is useful because it gives extra damage and effective constant striking.
Dagger Skill Tree
- Dirwin benefits by going with the rogue style because his trait gives him extra damage.
- Dual Wielding gives Dps and paired up with the Double Lunge, more Dps.
- I found it useful when you have double daggers because the proc chance is often.
- You will deal constant Dps, solid skill.
- Using this skill will provide room for the player to back up or use a free hit on the target.
- When you getting jumped by 2+ enemies your able to evade one target and dodge the other target depending on tile position.
- Best 1v1 skill because you immobilize the target and you gain 100% dodge chance.
- A solid buffing skill that gives extra damage.
- Overall I found myself completing the caravan quest more often (all the quest given) as Dirwin with this build.
- Dirwin stats is the best for dodging and countering the enemy and paired up with the Dagger skill tree.
- Dirwin extra perception is good when traveling the dangerous road in Stoneshard, with this in mind you get extra vision for detecting random goons or even the bear.
- My first time making a guide hopefully this can help new/vet players trying out a new way to play.
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