All commands a admin or owner should know!
Welcome human! If you play singleplayer you might want some of this commands and if your admin or owner in a multiplayer server you will probaly need all!
All the Commands
- @Admin [Nickname | Steam ID] – To make Admin.
- @Admins – To make the list of Admins.
- @Airdrop – To make Airdrop.
- @Ban [Nickname | Steam ID] / [Reason] / [Duration] – To ban the Player.
- @Bans – To make the list of Banned Players.
- @Bind [IP] – To link to the server IP.
- @Chatrate [Number] – This assigns a minimum time between chat message.
- @Cheats – To turn on the server cheats(Not VAC banned Cheats).
- @Cycle [Number] – This assigns the length of the day/night cycle in seconds.
- @Day – To set Day.
- @Debug – This provides information on the state of the server.
- @Experience [Nickname | Steam ID] / [Experience] – This gives a players some Experience.
- @Filter – This filters out players with non-English-alphanumeric names.
- @Flag [SteamID | Player] / [Flag] / [Value] – This sets a player’s flag.
- @Give [Nickname | Steam ID] / [ItemID] / [Amount] – To spawn Item(s).
- @Gold – It makes the server is only available to Gold.
- @Help [Comman] – This provides information on Commands.
- @Hide_Admins – Hides admins.
- @Kick [Nickname | Steam ID] / [Reason] – To kick The Player.
- @Kill [SteamID | Player] – This kills the specified player in-game
- @Loadout [SkillsetID] / [ItemID] / [ItemID]… – This gives players each item then spawning.
- @Log [Chat Y/N] / [Join/Leave Y/N] / [Death Y/N] – This assigns the console log option.
- @Map [Level] – To set Server Map.
- @Maxplayers [Number] – Number of server slots.
- @Mode [Easy | Normal | Hard | Gold] – To set the Difficulty of the server.
- @Modules – To show a list of the loaded modules.
- @Name [Text] – To set the Name of the server.
- @Night – To set Night.
- @Owner [SteamID] – To set the Owner of the server.
- @Password [Text] – To set password of the server.
- @Permit [SteamID] / [Tag] – This add specified player to the list of users allowed to join the server.
- @Permits – This shows a list of the current players allowed to join the server.
- @Perspective [First | Third | Both] – To set the Perspective of the server.
- @Players – This shows a list of the current player on the server.
- @Port [Number] – To set port of the server.
- @PvE – This allows player versus enviroment combat.
- @Quest [SteamID | Player] / [Quest] – This gives a player a Quest.
- @Queue_Size [Number] – This sets the maximum number of queued connections the server is willing to hold on to.
- @Reputation [SteamID | Player] / [Reputation] – This gives a player some reputation.
- @ResetConfig – This reset the config file to the default values.
- @Save – To save Server.
- @Say [Text] / [R] / [G] / – This broadcasts a message to all of the connected clients.
- @Shutdown [Delay] – to Off the Server.
- @Slay [Nickname | Steam ID] / [Reason] – To kill the player and parnamently ban.
- @Spy [Nickname | Steam ID] – To make screenshot from player.
- @Storm – To set Storm.
- @Sync – This allows players to share savedata between your servers.
- @Teleport [Nickname | Steam ID] / [Nickname | Steam ID | Location] – To teleport the players.
- @Time [Number] – To set time on the server (In seconds).
- @Timeout [Number] – This assigns a maximum ping threshhold to the server before a client is kicked.
- @Unadmin [SteamID | Player] – Remove the player from the post of Admin.
- @Unban [SteamID] – To unban the Player.
- @Unpermit [SteamID] – To “Unpermit” the player.
- @Vehicle [SteamID | Player] / [VehicleID] – To spawn Vehicle.
- @Votify [Vote allowed Y/N] / [Pass Cooldown] / [Fail Cooldown] / [Vote Duration] / [Vote Percentage] / [Players] – This configures voting for the server.
- @Welcome [Text] / [R] / [G] / – This sets a welcome message shown to clients as they connect.
- @Whitelisted – To on Whitelist.
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