BarnFinders – All Items and Collectibles (Level 4 / Auntie Mary’s)

Level 4 / Auntie Mary’s – Items

Story Related Items

To get to the backyard you need to get the keys, and to get the keys, you need to go up to the 2nd floor, lockpick the door and take down the luna the dog painting and behind it you will find the keys:

After that you can go outside to the seesaw, get it to where the topside is facing the house and then jump on the ladder and get the clock:


1. Pet family – found on the kitchen counter:

2. Book (Living among pigs) – found in the bathroom:

3. Car (The roadtoaster) = found in the garage, behind a tarp, need to buy a lockpick to get all the items in the garage:

4. Red cyclone – found in the corner of the garage:

5. Galebo trumpet – found inside the white cabinet in the garage:

6. San harry – found in the other corner of the garage:

7. Topsky taste – found in the garage on the table:

8. Raven leader – found on the 2nd floor, in the hallway:

9,10. – Zauder january (cabinet) and Luna the dog, found on the 2nd floor, in the room:

11,12. – Lemon white and lemon arc, found in the closet:

13. – Xenix 9mm (gun) – can be found in the backyard, on the box:

14. Hot foot – found in the backyard, on the right side:

15, 16. – Scarlet boar(necklace) and final fish (vase), can be dug up from 2 piles in the backyard, don’t count as progress:

17, 18. – Housewife manequen and insomnium bang (clock), can be found in the attic of the house:

Level 4 / Auntie Mary’s – Collectibles

To get the golden toilet paper, you have to go up to the 2nd floor and pull down a level, which is located on the side of the white cabinet in the room, then the closet door will open and you can go inside and claim your tp:


Poster – The poster is located in the batchroom, above the toilet:

Wall skin – The wall skin can be found in the garage, on the other side of the car:

Floor skin – The floor skin is in the dumpster, behind the auctioneer:

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3755 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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