More Loop Hero Guides:
- 100% Achievements Guide.
- All Cards and Enemies Unlocking Guide.
- Card Combos and Resource Guide.
- How to Kill The Lich (Boss Guide).
- Ermac (Hidden / Secret Enemy).
- Quick Guide to Resources.
Beginners Tips
Your hero walk around a path of roads (“wastelands”) filled with nothing but slimes. As you kill the slimes you start to gain cards from a deck you can customize.
If you’re having trouble remind yourself that you make you own difficulty so there’s no need to go crazy filling the whole map with monsters.
Ideally in your deck you have (spider) Cocoons to farm cards, Cemeteries to farm high quality items and (ratwolf) Groves to do a bit of both. An advanced but awesome card is Blood Grove which allow you to farm Flesh Golems and their awesome loot. Battlefields with their Treasures and Blood Clots are cool, too… just watch out for those ghosts and mimics!
You might not get good, or any, lvl2+ weapons in your first 3 loops so keep an eye out for Magic Damage and Damage All on your loot and use those for extra damage.
Defense (Shields) is also great: 1 Defense = 1 Less damage taken (per hit, per monster, it adds up).
Stats such as Evasion, Counter and Attack Speed all have their place but only in specific circumstances.
Your Camp and (Blooming) Meadows are great sources of recurring HP gains but you probably will need one more such as Regeneration (best early) or Vampirism (best late).
Having more max HP (rocks/mountain/peak) give more HP restored when reaching your Camp.
Until you understand the game spread out your monsters spawning tiles. More monsters at the same time = often increasing unnecessary damage on your hero. Spiders, for the most parts, ignore this rule, as their fast hitting, small damage is easily minimized by your Defense.
At first consider not using tiles which add an extra of “5th” monster such as Vampire Mansions for some peace of mind.
Villages look good on paper: some HP and a low-level item from doing a “Quest”… but it’s often a trap. The math behind auto-targeting a Quest Monster first mean you can receive roughly 10 to 15 times more total damage when faced with 5 enemies.
… oh and one last thing, Goblin Camps are the worst. Little loot, huge damage. Keep an Oblivion in your pockets to destroy them.
General Tips
Certain monsters have an increased chance to have certain magic modifiers on their loot. By example, Mosquitos have roughly 30% chance to drop Vampirism items while Skeletons and Vampires have roughly 20% (low sample size).
The player town and its upgrades require both common resources and rare resources. The common resources are abundant. The five special orbs can only be dropped, completely randomly, from the boss… one at a time… a long long time…
Killing the boss award you from a choice of one out of 3 perks or 1 resource pack. This choice will be added to your random list of perk available in your future level ups and maps and if you don’t like the 3 perks you can pick the resource pack instead. After killing the boss 3 times you only get a resource pack, no more perks will be added to your list of perks. Changing the perks currently mean starting a new game.
Maps are made up of 34 tiles including the Camp.
Experience gain is calculated as base monster xp + 3 per extra monster. Quests don’t impact XP.
Example: Killing the first slime (4 base xp) in a 3 slime battle award 10xp, the second slime 7xp and the third 4xp. Monsters XP are usually equal to the monster’s Item Tier X 4.
Loots have minimum and percentage, the former overriding the later so a monster with 30% loot and 1 minimum will drop 1 item. Presumably but not convincingly the 30% would mean the item has a 30% chance to be an actual item and 70% chance to be a card. If it’s an item, it rolls 100 to see which quality it is based on its tier category (see annex and ini -> item_chance). (Item type seem to be weighted; the Fighter might have a lower chance to find rings) If it’s a card, the card is chosen by weights (annex -> cards).
Based on my interpretations the ini files and doing some tests of my own.
Loot Level is a percentage and involve randomness within a range + is rounded down (or floored). Example: Loot Level +2 has seen loot drop up to ~25% higher than the current level while loot -1 has been seen ~33% under the current level. The particular details are more obvious at loop 100+ This is a vague estimation
Combine Vampire Mansions with Battlefields, the treasure chest won’t fight back so you can safely fight the Vampire alone.
Another informal combo is the Swamp and a Vampire Mansion, because vampires drain health with each hit, the swamp and Vampire mansion effects combine so that any enemies on that tile damage themselves each time they hit you.
To summon Dark Slimes (a rare enemy) you seemingly need to delete an enemy spawning tile while their enemies are on map.
In the Demo you might reach the point where you can skip on one card out of Rocks/Mountain, Meadows or Suburbs… but they all have pretty big diminishing return/efficiency issues. Mountains scale linearly from your starting HP, Meadows are best when Blooming and near Chronos while Suburbs run out of the best perks. I recommend using them all at once, at their best, to compound their benefits. Particularly if going for short games! Turns out that since cards all draw from the same “pool of drop” you very might well want to toss away one of those “nether” cards from your deck, particularly since each of them take a huge part of the card pool. By example, Suburbs drop more than *any* other card in the demo.
About card polls: “Each card has a number assigned to it (weight in the ini), that number of cards is added to the deck, then deck gets shuffled and some percent (25, I think) is cut from the deck.” In other words, every card added to your deck have their drop chance weighted against each other. Removing Rocks, by example, will make Cocoon, Oblivion, etc… more likely to drop.
By purposefully keeping your damage low (perhaps with higher than average Vampirism) you can drag out fights to pass time and make more monsters spawns. Not something I would generally recommend but it’s worth keeping in mind.
If you use an app that maximize your windows (such as Borderless Gaming) you can have the game keep going when you alt-tab.
Combat Information
Prioritization (auto-target) of enemies is random but some enemies such as Chests are targeted last.
Monster scale their stats linearly + a small % bonus noted on the expedition screen; 10hp… 20.2 hp… 30.5hp…
Defense is completely ignored by Magic Damage. Defense Calculation: 1 Def = 1 Less Damage but with some minor diminishing return or minimum damage threshold.
Enemy Damage Minimum is roughly equal to 1 of their level’s worth of damage.
Def reduce Damage All the same way.
Ran a test with 41 Damage All: 38 def creature (Lvl 19 Blood Clot) got hit for ~5 damage, a 0 Def Creature (Lvl 19 Flesh Golem) took ~40 damage and a Lvl 19 Spider with 7.6 defense took ~33 damage.
Most enemies have 5 strength or less; aiming to keep Defense equal to 5 X Loop is achievable and will reduce most damage except that of slow hitting monsters.
Damage All and Counter-Attack can both be evaded by the enemies.
Bony attribute is a form of %damage resistance to Damage All, 0.7 mean (roughly) 70% DR. That’s Skeletons.
Swarms type monsters take twice Damage All damage. That’s Fields of blades and Ghost of Ghosts
Stamina goes down faster than used but is regenerated by getting hit. At high attack level and evasion will eventually go into a recovery mode for a few seconds once used up. “Right now it’s -50% evasion and the attack speed is cut to base.” during recovery.
- STAMINA_BASE = 100; base stamina
- STAMINA_PERSEC = 15; stamina regenerated per second
- STAMINA_ATTACK = 25; how much stamina taken off per attack
- STAMINA_EVADE = 10; how much stamina taken off for dodging
- STAMINA_NOEVADE = 10; how much stamina is added for getting in the face
- ATTSPD_BASE = 1 (?)
Attack Speed has been timed at 1.50 between attacks, 1.25 with beacons.
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