King David Guide
- Military Specialty: Warrior and Might.
- Unit Type: Archers and Swordsmen.
How to Obtain:
Giant’s Roar Event obtained for free by participating in a grouping against a Barbarian Giant giving up to 2 medals per grouping of the Giant’s Bronze Spear and against Second in Command giving up to 1 medal per grouping of the Black Banner. Daily limit of 20 King David medals helping allied groups.
How to obtain the Giant’s Bronze Spear and Black Banner: It is possible to obtain the Giant’s Treasure.
Giant’s Treasure:
It is a chest obtained during the Giant’s Roar Event, each Common Barbarian defeated will give you 1 Giant’s Treasure; with a 3.9035% chance of getting Black Banner and a 0.3444% chance of getting Giant’s Bronze Spear.
- Commander Skill: >Defensive Shot< Deals Power damage to the target and increases power damage taken for 6s. Rage Cost: 200.
- Innate Skill: >Graces and Blessings< Deals Might damage to the target. If the target is in a ROUTS state, increases the power damage suffered by them for 6s. Type: Active.
Increased Power and Buff for his Innate Ability, which makes him a consistent sub commander.
Follow the list and its specializations in customizable skills:

Your signet rings and your talent tree:

Siege and Tactician Formation Tips
- For siege Josephine, Hammurabi and David are very good choices, as swordsmen.
- Solomon I for tactical attack, Yi Sun-shin and Theodora are also good for damage.
- In siege, if double attack skills and might damage are on, the damage given increases accordingly. Also, might damage is given after David drops his might armor after dealing damage.
- in tactician archer, Suleyman the 1st causes great damage even with active skills in this formation. it is also nice to increase the damage with burning skills. in tactician, I think the damage is not satisfactory without doing very important skills.
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