Age of Empires Mobile – Hero Guide: King David

King David Guide

  • Military Specialty: Warrior and Might.
  • Unit Type: Archers and Swordsmen.

How to Obtain:

Giant’s Roar Event obtained for free by participating in a grouping against a Barbarian Giant giving up to 2 medals per grouping of the Giant’s Bronze Spear and against Second in Command giving up to 1 medal per grouping of the Black Banner. Daily limit of 20 King David medals helping allied groups.

How to obtain the Giant’s Bronze Spear and Black Banner: It is possible to obtain the Giant’s Treasure.

Giant’s Treasure:

It is a chest obtained during the Giant’s Roar Event, each Common Barbarian defeated will give you 1 Giant’s Treasure; with a 3.9035% chance of getting Black Banner and a 0.3444% chance of getting Giant’s Bronze Spear.


  • Commander Skill: >Defensive Shot< Deals Power damage to the target and increases power damage taken for 6s. Rage Cost: 200.
  • Innate Skill: >Graces and Blessings< Deals Might damage to the target. If the target is in a ROUTS state, increases the power damage suffered by them for 6s. Type: Active.


Increased Power and Buff for his Innate Ability, which makes him a consistent sub commander.

Follow the list and its specializations in customizable skills:

Your signet rings and your talent tree:

Siege and Tactician Formation Tips

  • For siege Josephine, Hammurabi and David are very good choices, as swordsmen.
  • Solomon I for tactical attack, Yi Sun-shin and Theodora are also good for damage.
  • In siege, if double attack skills and might damage are on, the damage given increases accordingly. Also, might damage is given after David drops his might armor after dealing damage.
  • in tactician archer, Suleyman the 1st causes great damage even with active skills in this formation. it is also nice to increase the damage with burning skills. in tactician, I think the damage is not satisfactory without doing very important skills.
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3753 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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