Age of Empires Mobile – Ultimate Hero Skills Guide

Hello, in this guide we will talk about the skills of the heroes. But first, let’s take a look at how turns work in this game.

Guide to Hero Skills

By kaity

During a turn:

  1. The troops perform a “normal attack”.
  2. Generate “rage”.
  3. Special skills depending on the hero attacking during the turn.

To explain point 3: A line-up can consist of 3 different heroes, let’s say A, B and C.

  • In the first turn, A will perform the 3 points typed above.
  • Then hero B will do so as well.
  • After that Hero C.
  • Then it’s again hero A and so on.

In a line-up, the first hero aka hero A is called “commander”.

While the second and third heroes B and C are considered second-in-command and third-in-command respectively.

This matters a lot in the future.

Now let’s return to our topic the hero skills

  • As an example this is the hero, Josephine, each hero has 4 skills.
  • Which means when you put three heroes in a team you get 12 skills!

Well no I lied.

The first skill is called the “commander skill” or I like to call it ultimate or ult.

Does the word “commander” ring a bill?

Yeah commander skills only work on the commander aka hero A in our previous example.

Commander skills are a little bit special they require rage, as stated previously each turn generates rage, and the base generation is 10 rage per turn (a turn lasts a second btw).

Each commander skill needs a specific amount of “rage” for the hero to be able to cast the skill.

In the skill above the hero will be able to deal might damage to the enemy (see the previous episodes for more details). To one enemy, known as “the target”.

Some skills may have the effect of hitting multiple enemies in front of the enemy as in this skill, with a maximum number of enemies hit by the skill, up to 5 (the highest number yet).

Finally, some skills have what is known as “initial rage”, notice how at the end of the skill description?

Some heroes will start with an additional amount of rage once they enter the battle.

We will talk about the rest of the skills below.

The second skill is called “Signature skill” because the 3rd and 4th skills are called “customizable skills”.

The signature and customizable skills work the same in terms of the mechanics.

The most important difference is that the signature skill is fixed, while the customizable are 6 skills where you choose two of them see the 3rd part of the image below.

Click to enlarge…

Anyway to understand how the Signature and customizable skills work we need to understand their types (see the first part of the image above).

1st: Active skills, as said above the heroes alternate turns among each other, active skills of a hero are only triggered during said hero turn, active skills have a chance to trigger (see the blue circles in the image below), “silence” prevents active skills from being triggered for a specific amount of time.

2nd: The secondary strike skills, which work the same as the active skills they have a chance and are triggered only during the hero’s turn, but they are dependent on the hero hitting their normal attacks, double attacks (mean to perform additional normal attack in one turn) will increase trigger the skills more, “Disarm” prevents heroes from performing normal attacks thus they can’t trigger this type of skill.

Turn-based skills: The hero triggers it on the first turn of the hero, then they are triggered every X turns.

Passive skills: Work in all turns once the conditions are met.

It’s important to know what each skill type is, some skills buff specific types of skills see the red circles of the image above to know the type of the skill.

Note: please remember that commander skills can be triggered at any turn as long as enough rage has been accumulated.

Fun fact: If you have the multiplier of a commander or signature skills, at level 1, divide it by 0.298 and you get the multiplier at level 40.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2274 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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