Age of Empires Mobile – Guide for Gathering Resources Effectively

How to Get Resources Efficiently (10 Million a Day)

First, you need 4 legendary heroes and 8 epic heroes with gathering skills (these heroes can be obtained by free-to-play players).

Heroes Lineup:

  • David, Baldassi, Nino
  • Darius, Leo, Thanius
  • Yi Sun Shin, Leon, Yuan Xia
  • Cleopatra, Narses, Karso

You need to upgrade all heroes to level 25 (if necessary, up to level 36) and choose gathering speed and gathering resources yield talents. This strategy can reduce gathering time to 10 hours for level 6 resources.

However, if you want to be even faster, increase the gathering skill of each hero. If necessary, buy the gathering skill for epic heroes for 1750 coins (you need up to level 56 to unlock this skill) which I don’t recommend this because it requires too many resources.

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Basics of Resource Collection

How to Collect from Wild Resource Points in the World?

  • Troops can march to resource points and build workshops to gather resources. Troops must stay at the resource point while gathering.
  • The higher the resource point level, the more resources you can gather.
  • Other governors can attack your workshops. If your workshops are destroyed, you will lose some of the gathered resources.
  • During some events, rich resource points will be updated at regular intervals. Rich resource points provide higher gathering speed and resource capacity, but there will be a gathering limit if multiple governors gather at the same time.

How to Collect Resources Produced in the Citadel?

  • First, build resource buildings like lumber camps, farms, quarries, and gold mines.
  • Resource buildings produce the corresponding resources every hour. To collect the resources, tap on the resource icon above a building, or tap on the building and tap “Collect”.
  • Upgrade resource buildings to increase their hourly production and get more resources!

Alliance Gathering Center

You can find the alliance gathering centers at the territory tab of the alliance territory interface. There are 4 types of resource gathering center.

How to Unlock:

Unlock and build gathering centers by researching the corresponding alliance technologies.

How to Upgrade:

Upgrade gathering centers through alliance technologies. After upgrading, newly built alliance gathering centers will have greater capacity.


Gathering centers must be built within the alliance territory and cannot be built on non-territory land.


After an official builds the gathering center, alliance members can assign troops to reinforce the construction.

How to Gather:

You can simply assign troops to enter the building to start gathering, just like what you do to other resource points. The gathering quantity is determined by the building’s gathering speed and any relevant buffs. Gathered resources are stored in the troop’s load. When the troop returns to the citadel, the resources will be sent to the warehouse. Gathering centers will be destroyed automatically when expired or all the resources are gathered.

Thank you for your time and I trust you found this little guide useful.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3641 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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