Age of Magic – Complete Guide to Tomb of Horrors

Tomb of Horrors Guide

By Reinkaos.

Tomb of Horrors (ToH) is a single player PvE mode of “Age of Magic” which becomes available for players who reach level 40.

ToH Rules / Mechanics

ToH enemy power scales with your top 5 heroes total power.

Because of this it’s advised not to have a big gap between your top 5 heroes and rest of your hero pool in terms of power (Unless you have a strong meta team with high sustain like Guardians of Order, which almost all the time can clear all ToH nodes without much struggle)

You can’t resurrect heroes between missions. After completing a node your remaining heroes (from last fight) receive a minor healing.

Unlike mid&late game where a wide range of heroes and strong/meta teams are available, options are much less in the early game. To be able to clear ToH nodes with a limited hero pool (which most of the time has low synergy with each other), it’s highly recommended to run healers/revivers.

You can only see the next enemy team in ToH.

In other words, you will only see your next enemy after successfully completing a node, so it’s always better to be safe than sorry, and prepare your team for next fight (see hints section).

Your skill cooldowns do not reset, they are carried to next battles.

Whether you successfully complete a node or quit and reenter, your skill cooldowns do not reset (like in raids). So it is always better to think ahead and prepare for upcoming battles by trying to have your skills ready or at shorter cooldowns, and staying at a safer health status (see hints section).

Enemy skill cooldowns are reset if you quit a battle, including passive abilities and effects:

Some examples:

  • If you quit the battle after triggering enemy Azariel’s passive, when you reenter it resets and triggers again when an enemy hero other than Azariel receives fatal damage.
  • Siegfried/Ramfort starts with taunt.
  • Roxanne cannot be debuffed for 2 turns (if placed in leader spot) etc.

Effects/buffs/debuffs originated from active skills disappear after you quit the battle (for both teams):

For example one of the oldest and most famous tricks in ToH is reviving by Xaart’s skill and quitting battle before 2 turns (of the revived hero). When you reenter the battle the hero(s) revived by Xaart won’t die because of that effect anymore.

Or quitting the battle after enemy tank uses taunt skill: when you reenter the battle you can attack others freely until his turn comes and he reuses his taunt.

Heroes of both teams preserve their initiatives.

If you quit the battle and reenter, the hero who has the turn (the highest initiative) before quitting acts first, who has the lowest initiative plays last (unless there are other effects affecting initiatives).

Your heroes starts next node with their last initiative status when last node is completed.

Benched heroes start the fight with their last initiative status before being benched.

Useful Hints

As mentioned before, your heroes’ cooldowns don’t reset between nodes in ToH. If you have a limited hero pool (which is mostly the case in the early game), you may want your skills ready, or at least have shorter cooldowns for upcoming node. One of the ways to ensure this, is stalling the fight after being sure of the win and there is no danger of losing (key) heroes. Although stalling is mostly done by using basic attacks, sometimes you can further stall the fight by letting enemy healer heal/revive, using your short cooldown non-damage skills instead of hitting enemy etc.

You can get rid of even the most powerful effects which are provided by active skills like damage reductions, miss debuffs, heal blocking debuffs, counter attacks, polymorphs, taunts, etc. by simply quitting the battle and reentering.

There are also effects like shields provided to her team by Belladonna’s passive after you revive a hero, or immortality provided by Da’Ghan’s death, which you can easily get rid of by quitting the battle and reentering.

Another mechanic you need to be aware of is Ever’s passive. Her passive, reviving herself and 2 random allies after dying, has no cooldown but works once per battle, So if you quit the node while she is alive, her passive triggers again if she is killed. Only difference is this effect is retroactive only for enemy (for example you kill everyone but only Ever survives, when you reenter the node and kill Ever, she will bring back 2 random allies, on the other hand there is no chance to revive your heroes which are dead when you quit or complete the node).


You can earn these rewards after completing all 12 nodes of ToH mode:

  • 1500 Diamonds (ToH shop currency)
  • 88-112 xp
  • 835.2-924.8k silver
  • 86 healkits (M4:5, M6:10, M8:10, M10:15, M11:20, M12:26)

Mission 10 and 11:

  • Random Basic Hero Shards

Mission 12:

  • Random Basic Hero Shards
  • 1 Shard of The Hero of The Patch
  • 10 Golds
  • 50 Arcane Coins

Rewards from Daily Quests:

  • Completing 1 Mission: 80xp and 5k silver.
  • Completing 5 missions: 500 Armory Token VI and 20k silver.
  • Completing 10 missions: 30 golden potion and 50 healkits.

ToH Clan Quest:

You can have a maximum of 2 sets of ToH at once, which also means that you can complete 2 sets of ToH in one personal reset.

This can be used to maximise ToH clan quest by completing 3 sets of ToH (36 missions) between Monday CQR (Clan Quest Reset) and Tuesday CQR time. In order to complete this you need to have 2 sets of ToH ready at Monday CQR, you need to complete at least one set before your personal reset and complete rest after your personal reset and before Tuesday CQR.

While this is a good mechanic to maximise clan quest, it has one downside. If one player completes more than 24 nodes while the rest of clan members finishing 24, that one member lowers others’ ToH clan quest reward. So it’s always better to communicate and act according to clan’s approach.

After introduction of daily quest rewards regarding ToH, it’s almost always better to complete 10 missions daily, 50 extra healkits can be very vital to sustain raids which are the most important clan activity in the current state of the game.

Hint: Entering a fight counts for daily quest regardless of the outcome. Even if you can’t complete any nodes, or simply enter and quit, it does not prevent you from completing daily quests.

Rush Mode

Missions in ToH can also be completed by rush mode. In rush mode the outcome is calculated and displayed directly without entering the fight.

Although it saves a considerable amount of time, for new players battle mode and manual play is strictly advised, to avoid the risk of losing key heroes or even entire teams, and also manual gameplay serves as a big opportunity to increase knowledge about heroes, skills, interactions and other game mechanics.

Thanks for reading the guide, I hope it was helpful to you!

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 7932 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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