Borderlands 3 – Zane Endgame Builds


Notes on Skills

  • Deja Vu – If multiple crits kill an enemy simultaneously, the skill rolls a chance to refund a pellet for each crit. This skill also benefits from kill skill bonuses.
  • Eraser – On a crit, Eraser erases (hehe) the initial projectile and spawns a new one with increased damage. This newly spawned projectile gets certain on-hit effects reapplied to it, such as Crit, Splash Damage and Radius, Elemental, V1, V2, and debuffs.
    • New projectile also benefits from Splash Radius again. Very recommended to have Radius increases on COM and AoE roll on Artifacts.
    • The card says “…dealing increased damage for every enemy pierced” but in practice it can pierce only one enemy because Eraser projectiles can’t proc Eraser again so there’s no point in lining up more than two enemies.
  • Playing Dirty – The card is misleading. The way this skill works, on kill you have a percentage chance for the Playing Dirty effect to proc, which makes all five of your next shots to shoot an additional projectile. You can proc Playing Dirty again before these five shots run out to reset the count back to five. With extra points from a Class Mod you can reach over 100% chance for this effect to happen, but it does not provide any extra bonus.
  • Our Man Flynt – The bonus damage provided when aiming down sights is V2 and it only applies to your gun’s bullets(and also bullets like the ones shot by Hunter-Seeker grenades). The effect where you apply the status effect of your weapon automatically on a crit when aiming down sights is not limited to guns, and can be applied by effects such as MNTIS or Digiclone’s damage.
    • This status effect’s base damage is based off of the initial critical hit that procced Our Man Flynt. This then gets the entire status effect damage formula. Making this a double dipping skill!
  • Violent Momentum – This skill has a cap of Gun Damage provided once you reach 500% extra movement speed. This cap is 640% Gun Damage at 5/5 but the skill scales with kill skill bonuses up to 896% on standard non-VM com setups.
  • Distributed Denial – This previous Capstone does not work well with many shield effects as well as not working with several Legendary Shields, specifically ones added post launch. A few effects it does work with:
    • Spawns Booster shields when taking damage, in plentiful amounts.
    • “When full” effects happen for a few seconds when Barrier is spawned/activated
    • “On Empty” effects happen for a few seconds when Barrier’s duration ends.
      • Novas spawn at Barrier’s base. When picked up, the Base is put underneath the ground, and as such Novas will not hit enemies unless you are airborne.
      • This issue also applies to shields legendary shields such as the Impaler and the Void Rift.
    • Amp shields apply the amp damage for exactly one (yes, one) shot and then do not amp any other shots. It does not stack with other Amp effects.
    • Reflect parts work as intended, but Legendary reflect effects (such as Rico and Beskar) do not work.
  • MNTIS ASA – Spamming your MNTIS cannon can give additional stacks of Supersonic Man and Borrowed Time, providing their respective bonuses above two stacks. This effect is based on how many charges are on cooldown/recharging as you’ll lose stacks as you regain MNTIS charges. Synchronicity does have a hard cap of two, however. MNTIS does not count as “Action Skill Active” in any other case.
  • Futility Belt – This otherwise worthless skill has the effect of providing shield steal (similar to Moze’s Legendary Bloodletter com) when Zane has one stack of kill skills. This requires Salvation as well to function. This has no practical purpose.
  • Art of War – This skill stacks gun damage upon activating an Action Skill or Action Skill Ability for the next shot. An Action Skill Ability counts as:
    • Picking up and putting down Barrier
    • Swapping with Digiclone
    • Making SNTNL Target an enemy other than the one it is currently targeting.
      • There’s no cooldown between targeting two or more different enemies, allowing you to gain stacks very quickly.
      • You do not gain a stack if SNTNL chooses a new target by itself.
  • Sheer Will – Recently tested by CZ47, the Cooldown Rate from critting does not apply to MNTIS. Zane’s other action skills are unaffected.
    • Other shield effects have this same issue, such as the Loop of 4N631, All-In, and Plus Ultra.
  • 150% MNTIS Damage Anoint – This anoint actually gives twice the value of which the card says, meaning you’ll actually gain 300% V2 from this anoint. Wow!
  • Executor Class Mod – On top of all of its other kill skill bonuses, Executor also gives 20% increased Cryo Damage. This does get boosted by further kill skill bonuses and is additive with other elemental bonuses.
    • Furthermore, recent discovery has taught us that the Executor class mod can only naturally roll 2 points in Violent Violence max. The Seein’ Dead class mod does not have this same issue.

Hustler Deep Dive

Hustler is a DLC4 (Psycho Krieg and the Fantastic Fustercluck) Class Mod that drops from Locomobius. This class mod is mainly used to abuse Zane’s purple tree skill, Eraser (See “Notes On Skills” for more info), however it can be used to proc several of Zane’s other skills, such as:

  • Brain Freeze
  • Deja Vu 
  • Domino Effect
  • Sheer Will
  • Eraser
  • Our Man Flynt (status applying effect)

As with FL4K’s Megavore Skill, Hustler can cause certain bonus elements to crit on your weapons.

  • When using guns, any bonus element can be made to crit via Hustler, including Revolter, Conductor, N2M, URAD, ASE 50. The bonus elements can crit even when the actual bullet may not.
  • With Shield Effects, Action Skills, Melee, and Grenades, only ASE 50 bonus elements are able to crit via Hustler.
    • Unfortunately, as ASE 50 does not get mayhem scaled if applied to a source that receives it (such as Action Skills, Melee, and Shield Effects), this is mostly impractical.

Eraser Weapons List

A good number of weapons have cool interactions with eraser projectiles. Using a hustler allows us to get more projectiles to crit that otherwise would not have, which can lead to more Eraser projectiles being spawned. A few weapon recommendations are listed below.

Able to easily clear endgame content:

  • Yellowcake
  • Globetrottr
  • Creamer
  • Shocker
  • Major Kong

Able to clear endgame content with a bit more investment:

  • Jericho
  • Recursion
  • Critical Thug
  • Shrieking Devil
  • Nukem
  • Freeman
  • Anarchy
  • Red Eye Rocket Pod
  • Gargoyle
  • Rebound

Helps “unviable” guns to be able to be useful in endgame content:

  • Tunguska
  • Scoville
  • Zooka (COV Non-Unique Launcher)
  • Chomper
  • Sawbar
  • Echo

Zane’s FFYL Issues

For most of BL3’s life cycle, Zane has been generally thought of as being weak in FFYL. While this may have been true (and may still be true if you’re relying on strictly VM), Zane has options available in order to get out of FFYL for different types of build setups. If FFYL is a concern for you, try implementing one of these into your own setup.

Seein’ Dead Class Mod

  • This is the easiest/laziest way to get out of FFYL that most people are used to using. This class mod allows us to regain the kill skills we lost when going into FFYL, which result in a large portion of our damage, specifically skills like Violent Speed, Violent Violence, and Violent Momentum. How Violent.
  • Does not synergize well with Salvation and URAD guns as you’ll heal above the URAD Threshold. 


  • Digiclone can deal enough damage to easily kill most trash mobs, thus removing the Zane player’s “FFYL” status debuff
  • Digiclone also gives access to the Old-U skill which can be used as a last resort when kills are not available.

URAD Meta Guns

  • Having a URAD gun in one of your weapon slots is a safe move if one is personally afraid of FFYL. Since you count as having 0 HP in FFYL, URAD will be active almost all of the time.
  • Specifically, a URAD Face-puncher combined with Cold Bore swapping is an amazing way to get out of FFYL thanks to the two insane bonus elements. Combine this with the Ground Breaker Guardian Rank and you stack up for an easy Second Wind.
    • You can combine this strat with a cryo gun and ADS (thanks to another Guardian Rank Skill) while having a point invested in the “Our Man Flynt” capstone. This will instantly freeze the enemy and allow for x3 damage from the Face-puncher. 
    • This also works with Brain Freeze crits for freezing enemies.
  • Other good Meta guns include:
    • Plaguebearer/Backburner/Kickcharger (Great with Cold Bore)
    • Free Radical
    • Plasma Coil
    • Ember’s Purge (Puddle deals great damage)
  • Additionally, a Guardian Angel with the URAD Anoint can give the SNTNL Drone enough of a damage boost to help kill off other trash mobs, especially ones at a distance that are hard to hit with your own guns. Recommended on setups that already use SNTNL.

Our Man Flynt Capstone

  • This Capstone deserves its own spot because each point invested provides an extra 25% V2 while you’re aiming down sights.
  • You can also use a Cryo Gun to instantly freeze an enemy if you crit them, allowing to further hit crit spots as well as deal more damage to them if you’re using an Ice Breaker prefix artifact.

Artifact Choice

  • The Pearl of Ineffable Knowledge is a useful FFYL artifact for your guns’ damage when keeping in mind we may not be benefitting much from Violent Momentum. This artifact gives 90% Gun Damage when fully stacked on top of the stacks themselves providing 16% multiplicative damage to your guns.
  • Company Man can also provide some nice boosts to your damage in FFYL, such as providing manufacturer specific Gun Damage, Crit, or Fire Rate. Also has access to good passive rolls such as AoE Damage and Elemental Damage. More specific in usage than Pearl but still a great option. 

Mayhem Modifiers

  • Despite the general dislike for Mayhem Modifiers, some of the modifiers that spawn extra “enemies” can provide extra sources for easy Second Winds.
  • When using Barrier, effects like Laser Fare and Freeze Tag will not actually hurt you while your Barrier is active, turning these modifiers into free Second Winds if needed.
  • Otherwise, modifiers like Healy Avenger and Drone Ranger are typically more preferred for mayhem modifiers for not being too-intrusive to normal gameplay, while also providing free Second Winds. Additionally, Buddy Systems are great when they’re not getting stuck in the wall somewhere.
  • Speed Demon is one of the best Easy Modifiers for Zane’s damage (thanks to Violent Momentum) but it can also benefit FFYL as the speed boost is not lost when entering FFYL. It is less effective as you are technically crouching, but still a speed boost.

Part of Zane’s design also makes him one of the best characters at staying out of FFYL. While these are typically already accounted for in most setups in this document, we figured it’s helpful for newer players to state the strengths.

Barrier and its Augments

  • This defensive Action Skill works wonderfully at giving the Zane Player another safety-barrier against enemy bullets.
  • Works less well against certain attacks, such as Guardians, Lasers, and Splash weapons.
  • Barrier goes down when you enter FFYL; this doesn’t seem useful for overall usage, but this can be utilized to proc certain shield-break effects like Novas or Depleted effects when combined with Distributed Denial.


  • Generally considered to be the best skill for Zane’s survivability, being arguably more useful than his own Barrier.
  • In almost every setup, we only put 1 point into Salvation because of the large amounts of damage we can output compared to the miniscule amount of HP we have (roughly 39k HP). Additional points are generally considered wasteful.
  • This game has a mechanic known as “Health Gate” which prevents attacks from one-shotting your character if they are above 50% of their red Health bar.. With Salvation you are able to re-heal any damage you take that puts you below this threshold as long as you are shooting.
  • Digiclone and its guns can also heal you while Salvation is active.


  • With Digiclone’s Which One’s Real Augment, you can draw enemy aggro away from you and into the much more dispensable Digiclone. Combined with the fact that Digiclone can heal you while Salvation is active makes it a strong option for your survivability.

Duct Tape Mod

  • This skill provides the Zane player immunity to their own Splash damage and Grenades at only a single-point invested. There are a few exceptions.
    • Status Effects from Elemental Damage and Bonus Elements
      • This can be further ignored via Cryo Damage, which does not apply a status effect except for applying cryo to your Zane, and can be further utilized by the Antifreeze Class Mod to give you the COM’s speed boost.
      • The Red Suit Shield gives you full immunity to Radiation Damage, including the Status Effect Damage.
    • Fish Slap Grenade counts as Melee Damage and not Splash Damage and as such does not get blocked by Duct Tape Mod investment.

Player Skill

  • Just get good.
  • Utilize cover. Understand important targets (such as Snipers or certain Badasses) and take them out first. Kill enemies faster so that they do not get a chance to even hurt you. 
  • Avoid combinations such as ASS Break/Fill Stop Gap/Super Soldier as these gimmicks merely get you used to ignoring these gameplay mechanics instead of the player (that’s you!) becoming better at the game.

Double Barrel Builds


Overview: Digiclone Superiority and Weapon Versatility

This premier build is one of Zane’s highest damaging builds focusing around his Digiclone Action Skill. Primary focus on Splash weapons because Digiclone gets your splash bonuses (including ASE 125% Splash). 

This is the recommended beginner Zane build to help farm for gear and clear endgame content. From there, you can decide to transition to a different build from this doc.


Digiclone: Which One’s Real and Doppelbanger for aggro relief and the ability to end Digiclone early if needed. 

MNTIS: No Way Out allows us to apply a debuff to enemies for a short period of time, increasing Digiclone’s damage against them.


Any gun that deals Splash Damage can be a menace when in Digiclone hands. In order for it to receive the ASE Splash bonus, you must be holding the anointed gun in your hand, not Digiclone. In most cases you will want ASE Splash on the gun unless it cannot roll the anoint, in which you’ll be fine with N2M 100%. Additionally, for fun, you can use the 30% Ammo Regen while Digiclone is Active anoint as well, which works great with high mag size guns. A few personal recommendations for guns:

Able to easily clear endgame content:

  • Sandhawk (splash but cannot roll splash anoints)
  • Free Radical
  • Unkempt Harold
  • NoPewPew (Cartels)
  • Plasma Coil
  • Anarchy (Digiclone’s kills will stack your Anarchy too, it stacks it’s own)
  • Hive
  • Plaguebearer
  • Backburner

Able to clear endgame content with some investment:

  • O.P.Q. (Cartels)
  • Grease Trap (Cartels)
    • Digiclone spawns with the FireStarter firing mode. You’ll need to douse enemies with the Grease firing mode. When Digiclone shoots these enemies, it’ll proc the effect and deal insane damage.
  • Beacon
  • Trevenator
  • Hellwalker (not splash)
  • Ember’s Purge
  • Blood Starved Beast (splash but cannot roll splash anoint)
  • Lightshow (not splash)
  • Breath of the Dying
  • Servos Execute (rolls splash anoint, throw at enemy to debuff them)


Shield choice depends on personal playstyle.

Re-Volter with Ass Break/Fill

  • On Shield Break, gives 200% bonus shock and some fire rate for 15 seconds
  • When given to Digiclone, it gains the shock-enraged effect when its shield depletes.

Transformer or Red Suit with ASE 50% Elemental

  • Safest option when given to Digiclone as you do not have to worry about it killing itself with its own Splash weapons.
  • Transformer also provides nice survivability during Maliwan Takedown

Old God with ASE 50% Elemental

  • Overall solid damage option for Digiclone and you (the Zane) yourself. Try to have an ASE 50% that matches the element on the shield or one with Radiation for Radsplosions!

Version 0.m or One Shotter Shield with ASE 50% Elemental

  • 0.m is a riskier version of an amp shield, more focused on single-pellet weapons. However, on shield break it spawns a circle (air drops from the sky, can be blocked) which buffs both you and Digiclone when you both stand in the circles. Can also use the ASS Break/Fill anoint.
  • One Shotter is more favorable for multi-pellet weapons for amp damage.

Frozen Heart or Frozen Snowshoe with ASS Break/Fill

  • Instafreezing enemies, generally safer option.
  • Frozen Heart offers more damage from the nova when using the ASS Break/Fill anoint.
  • Frozen Snowshoe does not deal any damage when used with the ASS Break/Fill anoint, but it also doesn’t blow up nearby barrels instantly.


Grenade slot is mostly anointment fodder for ASE 50% Elemental, but thanks to Duct Tape Mod we can still benefit from the grenade itself. On Grenade Thrown 25% is also a fine option for an anointment. Digiclone does not benefit from either anoint.

Mesmer (DLC 6)

  • Dominance effect for better uptime on Trick of the Light.

Recurring Hex

  • Good for applying status effects and proccing Seeing Dead’s legendary effect.

It’s Piss

  • Nice debuff, for when you want even MORE Damage.

Fish Slap (Cartel Item)

  • Free Groundbreaker procs.
  • Unfortunately does not get blocked by Duct Tape Mod’s self-splash immunity.

Class Mod:

Ideal passive rolls: Action Skill Damage, Splash Damage, Weapon Type Damage, Generic or Manufacturer Crit, Magazine Size

Seeing Dead, Prioritize points in Donnybrook

  • Best in slot for Digiclone damage thanks to the points in Donnybrook. Also provides some downright respectable Health Regen.
  • Please Note: This is at the top of the list because it best fits the theme of a “Clone build” but this class mod barely helps at all for Zane’s damage. Making the other options 1000% better if you want to do damage yourself. Clone is plenty strong enough to not need the extra Donnybrook points.

Executor, any skill points are great

  • Gives up to 105% crit damage with kill skill bonuses. Also boosts cryo damage so its nice when using cryo guns. 

Antifreeze, prioritize points in Violent Momentum

  • Amazing for run and gun playstyle to get the most out of Violent Momentum

Spy, prioritize getting a point in Our Man Flynt

  • Mainly used for the skill points. Our Man Flynt gives v2 damage for guns which is not normally available on this build. Then getting points into Headsman Hand and Commitment are really nice


Ideal passive rolls: Area of Effect Damage, Weapon Type Damage, Elemental Damage, Magazine Size

AoE Damage in the second or third slot also gives Splash Radius and is preferred for many setups. Digiclone does not benefit from Splash Radius increases.

Icebreaker/Snowdrift Victory Rush

  • Icebreaker for mobbing, works very well with Frozen Heart/Snowshoe ASS effects.
  • Snowdrift for bossing and general movement, lots of damage from Violent momentum.

Toboggan (DLC 5 Artifact)

  • Alternative artifact for Zane damage while bossing. Can still roll splash damage for clone.
  • Sliding gives a 100% amp to all pellets (similar to a One Shotter shield) of your next shot, very easily re-appliable.

Double Launcher Zane

Overview: Launcher/Splash Spam with your best pal Digiclone

This build utilizes rocket launchers and strong single shot splash weapons to deal massive amounts of damage and easy mob clearing and boss killing. This build utilizes the combination of Cold Bore and Playing Dirty and all the tools we gained in the Director’s Cut. Digiclone is our action skill of choice as we can also give it a Launcher for it to help wreck enemy faces.

Recommended to play on Mayhem 10 for the Speed Demon easy modifier.


The main anoint we will be focusing on is 125% Splash since the damage also applies to Digiclone, but as always 150/90 is a fun alternative for mobbing. A few recommended weapon choices include: (Italicized guns are also good in Digiclone’s hands)

Able to easily clear endgame content:

  • Kickcharger
  • Plaguebearer
  • Hive
  • Yellowcake
  • Plumage
  • Major Kong

Able to clear endgame content with some investment

  • The Freeman
  • Nukem 
  • Mongol
  • Backburner (Be careful about friendly fire)
  • Rocket Pod
  • R.Y.N.A.H.
  • Lob (Next 2 Mags 100% preferred)
  • Anarchy
  • Scourge (Lower mayhem)

Class Mods: 

Ideal Passives: Weapon Type Damage, Splash Damage, Splash Radius, Magazine Size

Antifreeze, Prioritize points in Violent Momentum

  • High peak damage, especially when combined with a Slide-speed artifact.

Executor, Prioritize points in Playing Dirty

  • Spicier option that gives increased Critical Damage to boost damage from accurate weapons like the Kickcharger
  • Better uptime on having Playing Dirty active
  • Boosts Cold Bore’s damage

Infiltrator, Prioritize points in Violent Momentum

  • Alternative to Antifreeze if you have a shield on-break or while-empty effect that you wish to utilize without the ASS Break/Fill anoint, such as Novas or Fleet parts.
  • Worse survivability and cooldown due to not having a shield (and thus not having topped off)


Passives: Weapon type damage, Elemental damage, AOE Damage, Mag Size, Movespeed

AoE Damage in the second or third slot also gives Splash Radius and is preferred for many setups.


  • Gives 100% amp damage to all pellets after sliding, very easy to re-apply the amp shot.
  • Best in slot artifact for this build.

Snowdrift Victory Rush

  • Slide fast to abuse Violent Momentum.
  • Good substitute for Toboggan
  • Victory Rush is useful when Badass spawns are common

Cutpurse Launch Pad/Victory Rush

  • Good for ammo upkeep when you need it, as Launcher SDU’s give less to be desired.
  • Vic Rush can be usable when paired with Stinger or Fish Slap to apply Cutpurse.


Revolter with ASS Break/Fill

  • 200% shock bonus element for all your launchers.
  • Also gives fire rate, but that is not utilized for this build.

Infernal Wish with ASE 50% Elemental

  • Desired to have Amp rolls, damage stacks multiplicatively with Toboggan amp.
  • Give another projectile while your shield is not depleted.
    • Stacks with Playing Dirty for two extra projectiles (very spicy)

Big Boom Blaster with ASE 50% Elemental

  • Gives Grenade and Launcher ammo, thus allowing to run a non-cutpurse artifact
  • Also rolls with Amp parts.

Stinger Shield with ASS Break/Fill

  • Cutpurse delivery system while also proccing the Groundbreaker Guardian Rank Skill.
  • Used with cutpurse to have good ammo upkeep (only needed for ammo hungry launchers)

One Shotter Shield with ASE 50% Elemental

  • Gives 100% Amp Damage to all pellets, preferred over Version 0.m shield for our focus on Playing Dirty.
    • Stacks multiplicatively with Toboggan Amp


  • Absorb parts allow us to regain Launcher ammo by shooting the ground at our feet while using a weapon like the Plumage or Ruby’s Wrath.
  • Anoint doesn’t matter much, but be careful about what element you’re using, since most other ASE 50 elements (outside of cryo) may cause you to deal self damage.


Its Piss with ASE 50% Elemental

  • Used to Debuff enemies via Fractal Frags.
  • Preferred a low level one so Digiclone does not explodify itself.

Fish Slap with ASE 50% Elemental

  • Cartel drop
  • Alternate Groundbreaker/Cutpurse delivery system.
  • Preferred to have more points in Duct Tape Mod for more potential grenade procs.

Recurring Hex with ASE 50% Elemental

  • Spreading Status Effects (primarily Radiation)

Eraser+Hustler Zane

Overview: Full-Focus on abusing Eraser synergies with Hustler, also Terror!

A fun build around the interaction between DLC 4’s Hustler COM and DLC 5’s Eraser skill from the Professional Tree. Digiclone is the preferred action skill for aggro relief, damage, survivability, and the ability to help stack Hustler procs for more consistent uptime on this build’s main interaction. This build also focuses around the fact that Eraser projectiles “double dip” certain damage bonuses as well.


Digiclone: Which One’s Real for aggro relief, allowing for better uptime on Trick of the Light and overall better survivability. Doppelbanger to end Digiclone early to reset its duration between mobbing encounters.

MNTIS: No Way Out to provide a debuff for both you and Digiclone’s damage. Proliferation for more MNTIS charges and higher damage. If you don’t care for MNTIS damage, you can use Colder Shoulder instead.


Typically you’ll want to use 125% Splash ASE since most of the guns we’ll be using are splash guns. For all of these guns you’ll want the X2 parts which give twice the usual amount of projectiles, as well as any parts which boost Splash Radius. The better guns for this synergy are listed below, but feel free to check out our Eraser Weapons List for more options!

  • Yellowcake (X2 version preferred)
  • Globetrottr (X6 Version preferred)
  • Creamer (X2 Version preferred)
  • Shocker
  • Major Kong

As this build also uses Zane’s Double Barrel Capstone, you’re welcome to give Digiclone any of these listed guns (although careful as it may kill itself with Splash guns), or any of the guns listed in the Clonemaster setup. I personally recommend the Sandhawk for all purpose usage.

Class Mods:

Ideal Passive Rolls: Splash Radius (100% Required), Weapon Type Damage, Splash Damage, Action Skill Cooldown Rate, Mag Size

Hustler, Prioritize points in Brain Freeze and Adrenaline

  • Class Mod that this entire build is focused around.
  • Splash Radius recommended for larger area of effect, meaning more enemies get hit during mobbing and allows for more projectiles to get spawned.
  • Digiclone can stack Hustler’s effect without consuming the crit proc, allowing for much better uptime on your “crits.”


For all of these shields you will want the “ASE Apply Terror for 18 seconds” anoint from the Bloody Harvest event. This will synergize well with the Terror anoint on our Grenade. Additionally, ASE 50% Elemental works as well, but has less potential for double-dipping.

Infernal Wish

  • Preferred Amp parts for more damage
  • Extra Projectile means more projectiles to proc Hustler and more chances for Eraser projectiles to spawn.
  • May cause Digiclone to kill itself from the Wish’s stacking status effect, so be mindful with the gun you give Clone to use.

One Shotter Shield

  • Triple Amp-part non-unique purple shield
  • More Amp damage, but without an extra projectile.

Red Suit/Transformer

  • Preferred Amp parts for Red-Suit for damage. Transformer is parts locked to be absorb only, but that’s great for ammo sustain.
    • Absorb parts allow us to regain Launcher ammo by shooting the ground at our feet while using a weapon like the Plumage or Ruby’s Wrath.
  • Red Suit’s radiation immunity works wonderfully when paired with the Yellowcake COV Launcher, as the further-increasing Splash Radius may eventually kill you when using other shields.

Old God

  • Absorb parts recommended for ammo sustain, otherwise Vagabond is nice for more Violent Momentum for the initial Damage.
  • Offers a nice elemental damage bonus, of which will double-dip for newly-spawned Eraser Projectiles.


These grenades will be thrown by our Digiclone via the Fractal Frag’s skill. Lower leveled one’s recommended since we’re not using them for damage and higher leveled ones may cause Digiclone to blow itself up.

For these grenades you’ll want the “Terror Damage and Fire Rate” anoint from the Bloody Harvest event. When our shield anoint applies Terror to us, this will give us a sizable V1 boost, which works tremendously for our newly-spawned Eraser projectiles.

Additionally, ASE 50% Elemental works as well, but has less potential for double-dipping.

It’s Piss

  • Debuff effect for that double-dips the debuff on newly-spawned projectiles.


  • Nice aggro relief for Guardian Crystals and for better uptime on Trick of the Light.

Recurring Hex

  • Spreads status effect for harmageddon and Radsplosions


Ideal Passive Rolls: Area-of-Effect (100% Required in Second or Third slot since it also gives Splash Radius), Weapon Type Damage, Elemental Damage, Magazine Size, Movement Speed

Toboggan (DLC 5 Artifact)

  • Alternative artifact for Zane damage while bossing. Can still roll splash damage for clone.
  • Sliding gives a 100% amp to all pellets (similar to a One Shotter shield) of your next shot, very easily re-appliable.

Flesh Melter/Elemental Projector/Snowdrift Victory Rush

  • Snowdrift offers great mobility and great damage on the initial shot.
  • Flesh Melter works great with mobbing sections when paired with the few options that can come in Corrosive elements.
  • Elemental Projector works wonderfully with Yellowcake (and Red Suit) since the radius increases mean you’ll almost always be irradiated for the extra bonus damage.
  • Vic Rush gives extra V1 for our Eraser projectiles to double dip.

3-Tree SAK

“Swiss Army Knife”

Overview: General-Purpose Setup for all Action Skills (without Purple Tree)

(Barrier/SNTNL for people who do not wish to rely on Digiclone Capstone)

SAK Zane’s Back, alright! Your classic Pre-DLC 5 build returns with the same old taste you know and love! Thanks to the ASA anoint fix, we can confidently bring this build back. This build prides itself on versatility with its action skills, gear, and anointment choice. 

Recommended to play on Mayhem 10 for the Speed Demon easy modifier.


Digiclone – Which One’s Real for aggro relief. Doppelbanger to proc ASE’s during bossing or just to blow up Digiclone in-between fights.

SNTNL – Static field helps us keep our shield topped off, works really well with Amp shields. Boomsday offers a nice chunk of damage, especially when combined with Splash and Action skill damage boosts. Alternatively, Bad Dose is a “debuff.”

Barrer – All-rounder gives us full protection and helps us keep our shields full more often. Shock Deterrent field is fantastic crowd control and is able to stagger even the Guardians during GTD’s crystal phases.


With the fix of ASA anoints, we now have a few options for anoints on this setup. SNTNL cryo for a nice bonus element, Barrier Crit for better accuracy and crit damage, 150/90 for one-shot single-pellet weapons. You can also opt-into the 30% Digiclone Ammo Regen anoint for high-mag size weapons. For bossing you can use ASE’s (like N2M or Splash) by Doppelbanging Digiclone. A few recommended guns are:

Able to easily clear endgame content:

  • Clairvoyance
  • Skullmasher
  • Crit
  • Hail
  • Sandhawk
  • Lightshow
  • Plaguebearer
  • Backburner
  • Unkempt Harold
  • NoPewPew (Cartel Event Drop)
  • Kyb’s Worth
  • Flipper
  • O.P.Q System

Able to clear endgame content with some investment

  • Soulrender
  • Kaos
  • Hellwalker
  • Prompt Critical
  • Trevenator
  • Blood-Starved Beast
  • Gargoyle
  • Hornet
  • Rebound
  • Breath of the Dying
  • Beacon

Alternatively, you can use Earl’s Reroll Machine while offline to have a chance to roll Airborne and Sliding Damage anoints on your guns. These are strong and fun alternatives for the anoints you may be used to, although they are a bit awkward to get.


For your anointment options, you can run either ASE 50% Elemental to give yourself a bit of damage when your action skills go down (either naturally or via Doppelbanging your Clone), or 15% SNTNL Movespeed to gain more damage from Violent Momentum.

Transformer or Red Suit

  • Safest option when given to Digiclone as you do not have to worry about it killing itself with its own Splash weapons.
  • Transformer also provides nice survivability during Maliwan Takedown

Old God

  • Overall solid damage option for Digiclone and you (the Zane) yourself. Try to have an ASE 50% that matches the element on the shield or one with Radiation for Radsplosions!

Version 0.m or One Shotter Shield

  • 0.m is a riskier version of an amp shield, more focused on single-pellet weapons. However, on shield break it spawns a circle (air drops from the sky, can be blocked) which buffs both you and Digiclone when you both stand in the circles. Can also use the ASS Break/Fill anoint.
  • One Shotter is more favorable for multi-pellet weapons for amp damage.

Plus Ultra

  • Really good CDR and survivability via its own shield effect.
  • 2x HP for both you and Digiclone

Band of Sitorak

  • Optimal for CCC Skill Tree
  • Lowest capacity, not a huge issue with Barrier
  • Insane recharge rate, practically full shield thanks to Survivor (Blue Tree) Guardian rank skills such as Shield Reboot
  • Favorable parts of Fleet rolls for extra movement speed when shield is empty (FFYL, Maliwan Bridge) or when Barrier ends (thanks to Distributed Denial)
    • Nova parts can work well too

Class Mod:

Ideal Passive Rolls – Generic or Manufacturer Crit Damage, Splash Damage, Weapon Type Damage, Weapon Charge Speed, Magazine Size, Action Skill Damage

Seeing Dead, Top rolls generally don’t matter, all are useful.

  • Best uptime on Action Skill duration and kill skills.
  • Points in Donnybrook boost Digiclone’s damage even further.
  • Gives Kill Skills in FFYL.
  • Able to move points out of Good Misfortune into other skills (1/3 is more than fine enough for uptime)

Executor, All skill rolls are generally useful to have.

  • Another solid option better suited for guns due to Playing Dirty. Also provides very high Crit Damage for your guns.
  • Offers increased cryo damage for your cryo guns and SNTNL cryo anoint

Antifreeze, Prioritize points in Violent Momentum

  • Allows us to benefit from those assholes in Maliwan Takedown who use cryo guns.
  • Offers incentives and rewards you for being able to maintain high speed. 


Grenade slot is mostly anointment fodder, but thanks to Duct Tape Mod we can still benefit from the grenade itself. On Grenade Thrown 25% is also a great option for an anointment and procs when a grenade is spawned via Duct Tape Mod (or Fractal Frags if you desire a bit more chaos in your life). Digiclone does not benefit from said anointment.

Recurring Hex

  • Good for applying status effects and proccing Seeing Dead’s legendary effect.

It’s Piss

  • Nice debuff, for when you want even MORE Damage.

Fish Slap

  • Cartel Item
  • Free Groundbreaker procs.
  • Unfortunately does not get blocked by Duct Tape Mod’s self-splash immunity.


Ideal passive stats: Area of Effect Damage, Elemental Damage, Weapon Type Damage, Magazine Size, Movement Speed, Action Skill CDR

AoE Damage in the second or third slot also gives Splash Radius and is preferred for many setups.

Icebreaker/Snowdrift Victory Rush/Splattergun

  • Icebreaker for mobbing
  • Snowdrift for out of combat movement or for bossing via Violent Momentum.
  • Victory Rush is the best prefix for mobbing sections where badass enemies are prevalent.
  • Splattergun for bossing when you really like to use shotguns.

Pearl of Ineffable Knowledge

  • Conditionally useful against bosses that cannot be frozen nor spawn badasses for Victory Rush.
  • Benefits multiple weapon types and incentivizes weapon swapping.

Zane Gun Builds

Cryo/Crit Commander

“Our Man Crit”

Overview: Stacking Crit Bonuses for huge damage.

Alternate Skill Tree (below) to utilize Calm, Cool, Collected

Attention all Critical Cryo Zanes! High Crit damage allows both your Gun and your MNTIS Cannon to deal big damage. Benefits greatly from aiming down sights thanks to Our Man Flynt, allowing for slower paced gameplay from the comfort of your All-Rounder Barrier.

Now Available in Calm, Cool, Collected flavor!


Barrier – All Rounder allows us to not take as much residual damage, allowing for easier time lining up shots for Eraser. 

MNTIS – No Way Out for the damage debuff. Proliferation for MNTIS Damage and increased number of charges. Alternatively, you can also swap out Proliferation for Colder Shoulder for the instant freeze when you aim down sights and shoot, thanks to the capstone Our Man Flynt. Additionally, you can forgo No Way Out for Brain Drain which allows much better MNTIS spamming as long as you can aim/hit/kill enemies with crits.


The weapons we’ll be focusing on have high crit bonuses or access to Manufacturer Crit, such as DAHL, Jakobs, Hyperion, and Atlas. Typically you’ll want Cryo guns for mobbing and then you can element match for bossing. For your anointment, N2M 100% will oftentimes be your safest bet, but you can also use the 125% Barrier Crit anoint. Guns with Eraser synergy are also extremely fun. A few suggestions include:

Able to handle endgame content

  • Clairvoyance
  • Skullmasher
  • Rowan’s Call
  • Bekah
  • Queens/Kings Call
  • Crit
  • Hail
  • O.P.Q. (Cartel event drop)
  • Multi-Tap
  • Kaoson

Can clear endgame content with some investment

  • Redistributor
  • Unforgiven (best card crit damage)
  • Hellwalker
  • Blood-Starved Beast
  • Stalker (Bloody Harvest event drop)
  • Smog
  • Fearmonger (Bloody Harvest event drop)
  • Conference Call (eraser abuse)
  • Replay
  • Butcher

Launchers such as the Plaguebearer, Backburner, and Kickcharger can be wonderful backup or main weapons against enemies without easy-to-hit crit spots.

Class Mods:

Ideal Passive Rolls: Action Skill Damage, General Crit and Manufacturer Crit, Weapon Type Damage, Splash Radius

Spy, +1 point in Our Man Flynt, otherwise prioritize Headman’s Hand

  • High Crit Damage for guns and MNTIS and extra V2 damage for your guns from aiming down sights from Our Man Flynt.
  • Less worry about keeping skill skills active due to longer duration.
  • Commitment can be desired if you want more Cooldown Rate

Executor, Balance points as to not over-spec for Playing Dirty (7/5 points)

  • Another solid option better suited for guns due to Playing Dirty. Also provides very high Crit Damage for your guns and MNTIS.
  • Boosts cryo damage for your cryo guns and cryo anointments.

Seeing Dead, Balance points as to not over-spec for Playing Dirty. (7/5 points)

  • Nice option if you desire to abuse synergy with Playing Dirty for much better uptime on the x2 pellet effect.
  • Good FFYL damage.

Hustler, Prioritize points in Adrenaline and Brain Freeze

  • Eraser abuse, great with multi-pellet weapons.
  • Great against enemies with hard-to-hit or no crit spots.
  • Hustler crits do not receive any other crit bonus, such as Headman’s Hand or Barrier Crit anoint.
  • See Deep Dive for more information


Shield choice depends on personal playstyle.

Frozen Heart or Frozen Snowshoe with ASS Break/Fill

  • Recommended Splash Radius on Class Mod
  • Instafreezes enemies, generally a safe option. More damage when using an Icebreaker artifact. Also allows for lining up Eraser shots more easily.
  • Frozen Heart offers more damage (and as such more healing) from the nova when using the ASS Break/Fill anoint.
  • Frozen Snowshoe does not deal nearly as much damage when used with the ASS Break/Fill anoint, but it also doesn’t blow up nearby barrels instantly. Also the healing is much worse.

Revolter with Ass Break/Fill (DLC 6 Shield)

  • On Shield Break, gives 200% bonus shock and some fire rate for 15 seconds
  • This applies to everything: guns, melee, grenades, action skills.

Super Soldier with ASE 50% Elemental (Fallen Hero’s Vault Card Shield)

  • On shield full gain fire rate, movespeed, and ammo regen
  • Works well with the CCC alt spec as you want to have your shield full for CCC so the bonuses will be up most of the time

Wish with ASE 50% Elemental

  • Fantastic for single-pellet projectile weapons such as certain Snipers and also Launchers.
  • Not recommended on the CCC setup due to inconsistency.

Void Rift with ASS Break/Fill

  • Cryo Nova that deals massive damage alongside a singularity effect.
  • You can move a point into Distributed Denial if you so please.

Shock/Cryo/Corrosive Old God with ASE 50% Elemental

  • Good elemental damage for your MNTIS cannon and any other elemental guns you happen to be using.

Transformer with ASE 50% Elemental

  • Overall solid defensive shield, useful for Maliwan Takedown.


It’s Piss grenade with ASE 50% Elemental

Mesmer with ASE 50% Elemental

Recurring Hex with ASE 50% Elemental


Ideal passive stats: Elemental Damage, Weapon Type Damage, Magazine Size, Movement Speed, Area of Effect Damage

AoE Damage in the second or third slot also gives Splash Radius and is preferred for many setups.

Icebreaker Victory Rush

  • Icebreaker for more damage against frozen enemies.
  • Victory Rush is the best prefix for Zane’s damage, very good uptime for mobbing.

Pearl of Ineffable Knowledge

  • Conditionally useful against bosses that cannot be frozen nor spawn badasses for Victory Rush.
  • Benefits multiple weapon types and incentivizes weapon swapping.

Company Man

  • Provides extra crit damage, magazine size, and fire rate in an artifact slot.
  • Recommended companies: Hyperion, DAHL, Jakobs, Atlas

Violet Momentum

Overview: we wanna make some supersonic men outta you!

Don’t stop us now, we’re having such a good time! Load up on Movement speed buffs and zoom about with this Violent-Momentum focused Zane build. Use MNTIS to keep your ASE’s and kill skills up while you focus on maintaining high speed and shooting guns.

Recommended to play on Mayhem 10 for the Speed Demon easy modifier.


SNTNL – Static Field for keeping your shield topped off, great with amp shields. Boomsday for a nice chunk of damage. Alternatively, Bad Dose applies a radiation DoT for Harmageddon and Radsplosions as well as a very minute buff.

MNTIS – No Way Out to apply debuffs to enemies and Proliferation for more MNTIS charges, meaning more debuffs on those nasty Badasses.


This build focuses on weapons with either high damage-per-shot weapons or spray-and-pray fully automatic guns, depending on personal preference. For your anointment, use N2M 100% or 125% Splash ASE. A few gun recommendations are below:

Able to easily clear endgame content:

  • Free Radical
  • Plasma Coil
  • Crit 
  • Unkempt Harold
  • Anarchy
  • NoPewPew (Cartels)
  • Plaguebearer
  • Needle Gun (Cartels)

Able to clear endgame content with some investment:

  • Lightshow
  • Conference Call
  • Kaos
  • Hellwalker
  • Backburner
  • Prompt Critical
  • Dark Army (snowdrift slide when swapping to the gun if you want the spawned drones to deal a LOT of damage, for extra spiciness, have Playing Dirty active too)

Alternatively, you can use Earl’s Reroll Machine while offline to have a chance to roll Airborne and Sliding Damage anoints on your guns. These are strong and fun alternatives for the anoints you may be used to, although they are a bit awkward to get.

Class Mods:

Ideal Passive Rolls – Generic or Manufacturer Crit Damage, Splash Damage, Weapon Type Damage, Weapon Charge Speed, Magazine Size.

Antifreeze, Prioritize points in Violent Momentum

  • Allows us to benefit from those assholes in Maliwan Takedown who use cryo guns.

Infiltrator, Prioritize points in Violent Momentum

  • Another Violent Momentum com in “Broken-shield” flavor
  • Allows us to use ASE 50% on nova shields and still benefit from shield break effects.
  • Slightly worse survivability due to not having a shield. Certain shields such as the Frozen Heart can help make up for this.
  • Noticeably worse cooldown due to not having Topped Off for a majority of the time. Recommended to have CDR on artifact.

Seeing Dead, Prioritize points in Violent Violence and Playing Dirty

  • More consistent overall damage
  • Allows kill skills just by shooting enemies, meaning you can save your MNTIS for ASE’s and debuffing with No Way Out augment.
  • Gives Kill Skills in FFYL


Revolter with Ass Break/Fill (DLC 6 Shield)

  • On Shield Break, gives 200% bonus shock and some fire rate for 15 seconds
  • This applies to everything: guns, melee, grenades, action skills.

Frozen Heart/Frozen Snowshoe with ASS Break/Fill

  • Recommended to have Splash Radius on class mod
  • Insta-freeze enemies and get healed by frozen heart
  • Easy access to Ice breaker effect

Old God with ASE 50% Elemental

  • Boost Elemental damage of your choice. Ideally have your ASE 50% match your Old God’s element.
  • Good shield parts include Vagabond and Absorb.


Thanks to Duct Tape Mod and Drone Delivery, we do get “some” usage out of grenades in this build. In most cases, you’ll focus on whatever grenade you want that has ASE 50% Elemental on it, but a few options include:

Its Piss

  • Debuff. That’s the description.

Recurring Hex

  • Applies debuffs such as radiation or freezing enemies.
  • Tons of hits to proc Seeing Dead’s legendary effect.

Fish Slap

  • Cartel Item
  • Free Groundbreaker procs.
  • Unfortunately does not get blocked by Duct Tape Mod’s self-splash immunity.


Ideal passive stats: Area of Effect Damage, Elemental Damage, Weapon Type Damage, Magazine Size, Movement Speed, Action Skill CDR

AoE Damage in the second or third slot also gives Splash Radius and is preferred for many setups.

Toboggan (DLC 5 Artifact)

  • Sliding gives a 100% amp to all pellets (similar to a One Shotter shield) of your next shot, very easily re-appliable. Best damage for bossing.

Icebreaker/Snowdrift Victory Rush/Splattergun

  • Icebreaker for mobbing, better freezing and damage against them frozen enemies.
  • Snowdrift for out of combat movement or for bossing via Violent Momentum.
  • Victory Rush is the best prefix for mobbing sections where badass enemies are prevalent.
  • Splattergun for bossing when you really like to use shotguns

Tediore Prime

Overview: Maximizing the Damage of Tediore Reloads.

This build utilizes Tediore guns for their grenade reloads. Zane does wonderfully with Tediores thanks to his insane amounts of Gun Damage, along with having access to almost 100% uptime on the ASA 150% Grenade Damage and ASE 125% Splash Damage anoints. While Tediore reloads were nerfed, some choice Tediores still remain viable in this current endgame meta. 

Recommended to play on Mayhem 10 for the Speed Demon or More than Okay Boomer easy modifiers. For a Very Hard Modifier, Not the Face is recommended since Tediore chucks are unlikely to crit naturally.


Digiclone – Which One’s Real and Doppelbanger for aggro relief and the ability to end Digiclone’s duration early if needed. Digiclone cannot proc Cutpurse artifact by any means. It can, however, proc Salvation for us (which is HUGE for survivability).

MNTIS – Proliferation for more uptime on ASE’s and/or Re-Volter. No Way Out for the spicy debuff and the ability to handle hard-to-hit flying enemies, such as Guardian Seras and Maliwan Jetpacks. If you’re using Infiltrator and you don’t wish to murder your cooldown even further, you can use Colder Shoulder or no augment.


Focusing primarily on Tediore reloads, the anoint we will be focusing on is 125% Splash ASE for the best consistent damage and it is easy to re-apply between weapon swaps as needed. Desired parts: X1 Pellet for pistols and SMG’s, max pellets for Shotguns.

Can easily clear endgame content:

  • Needle Gun (Cartel Event gun, hits like a TRUCK)
  • Anarchy (reliant on stacks but also hits like a TRUCK)
  • Homing Mirv Sureshot (Non-Unique Pistol) (good mobbing)
  • Homing Mirv Keenfire (Non-Unique SMG) (good mobbing)

Can clear endgame content with a bit of investment:

  • Bangarang (Nice Single Target)
  • Homing Mirv Everblast (Non-Unique Shotgun) (good mobbing)
  • Handsome Jackhammer (Great consistent damage in a single area, does funny hitbox stuff to some bosses) (Can’t roll Splash ASE, I prefer the 50% airborne damage anoint)
  • Brightside (Bit weaker, but nice Radius for mobbing; Drones help proc Salvation)
  • Exceptional Dark Army ++ (Drones help proc Salvation and can deal damage)
  • Smart Gun XXL (Solid Single Target damage against armored targets)
  • PAT Mk. III (Single Target Damage, turrets can deal damage if you miss)
  • Face-Puncher (great Cutpurse option if you’re using Shotguns, procs Groundbreaker at a distance)(30% Digiclone Ammo Regen Anoint preferred)

Class Mods:

Passive stats to look out for: Grenade Damage, Splash Damage, Magazine Size, Splash Radius, Action Skill Cooldown Rate

Antifreeze, Prioritize points in Violent Momentum

  • Best option when combined with your speed boosts and Speed Demon. Tons of fun and a blast to use if you desire to zoom around. Tediore reloads are calculated on impact so you only need to be moving fast when the reload hits an enemy/surface.
  • Great combo is to use Cryo guns or bonus elements with this COM. You won’t hurt yourself because of Duct Tape Mod (because Cryo doesn’t apply a damaging status effect) and then you’ll also get the speed boost from the COM itself.

Infiltrator, Prioritize points in Violent Momentum

  • Ability to run ASE 50% on a shield and still have the ASS Break-Fill effect for more overall damage.
  • Able to benefit from shield parts such as Fleet (more movement speed) and Adrenaline (more reload speed).
  • Slightly worse survivability due to not having a shield, but better FFYL damage.
  • Noticeably worse cooldown due to not having Topped Off active, would recommend swapping out Mag Size for CDR on COM or the 50% ASE CDR anoint on shield.


Passive stats to look out for: Grenade Damage, Splash Damage, Magazine Size, Elemental Damage, Movement speed, Action Skill Cooldown Rate.

AoE Damage in the second or third slot also gives Splash Radius and is preferred for many setups.

Cutpurse Victory Rush/Static Charge/Launch Pad

  • Cutpurse is essential to fuel the ammo we’re spending to reload our Tediores.
  • Cutpurse can be proc’d in many unique ways.
    • Fish Slap (if it’s spawned by Duct Tape Mod)
    • Stinger Shield Nova
    • Launch Pad slam rockets
    • Ground slam itself
    • Face-Puncher (limited to Shotgun ammo)
  • Victory Rush provides the best damage in situations where Badass enemies spawn plenty, such as Maliwan Takedown or COV Mobbing.
  • Static Charge is quite useful in Guardian Takedown, especially the Crystal phases. While not dealing a lot of damage, constantly stacks Groundbreaker (for your next Stinger Nova, Fish Slap, or Ground Slam). Spicy when combined with ASE 50% anoint on shield.
    • Also as a funny tidbit, Digiclone procs this Artifact upon its Stinger Shield being depleted or when it decides to melee an enemy.
    • Also useful for bosses that do not spawn Badass enemies.
  • Launch Pad is a great backup option that can often completely fill your reserves if all of the rockets hit.


Anointment depends on the shield and the playstyle and/or relative amount of safety you desire.

Revolter with Ass Break/Fill 

  • On Shield Break, gives 200% bonus shock and 50% fire rate for 15 seconds
  • This does apply to your Tediore reloads. (The Fire Rate also applies to thrown Bangarangs so that’s fun).
  • Preferred parts are Vagabond if you’re using Antifreeze or Fleet if you’re using Infiltrator.
  • Extremely good damage option overall. Need to rely on Cutpurse Launch Pad or Fish Slap for ammo regen, but this is not too much of an issue.

Stinger with ASS Break-Fill 

  • A very solid option for many Groundbreaker and Cutpurse procs, leading to hella damage and ammo uptime as long as you can spam MNTIS charges and hit multiple enemies.
  • Able to be used with ASE 50% using an Infiltrator COM for extra damage.

Triple Adrenaline Anshin shield with ASE 50% Elemental or Cooldown Rate

  • Pairs nicely with the Infiltrator class mod to give a huge boost in reload speed, especially for Shotguns which have a comparatively slow base reload speed, but can still be useful if you wanted to chuck SMG’s or Pistols faster.
  • ASE 50% in Cryo or Rad if you want extra damage.
  • ASE 50% Cooldown Rate is helpful since we tend to pair this with Infiltrator meaning we won’t have Topped Off. If we don’t need the extra damage, this anoint does nicely for us.

Red Suit with ASE 50% Radiation

  • Safest option when combined with Radiation Tediores. Even with Duct Tape Mod, you’re not immune to status effects without a shield like Red Suit.
  • None of the parts are particularly useful, but Power Charge can be nice to have.

Old God with ASE 50% Elemental

  • Typically in Corrosive or Shock Flavors for endgame content, with ASE 50% matching the shield’s element. Alternatively ASE 50% Radiation for radsplosions!
    • Cryo with ASE 50% Cryo is also a very safe option due to the lack of self damage and a fun synergy with Antifreeze’s Legendary effect.
  • Preferred parts are Vagabond.


The prime anointment for our grenades will be the ASA 150% Grenade Damage anoint which synergizes well with how much Zane can keep his Action Skill(s) active.

It’s Piss

  • Spicy debuff.
  • Great combination with Digiclone’s Fractal Frags skill if you move a point to spec into the skill.


  • Recurring or Mirv-Tacular prefix is preferred
  • Radiation element for spreading status effects for Radsplosions.
    • Synergizes well with Splash Radius on COM for even larger chains of Radsplosions to assist in mobbing.

Mesmer (DLC 6 Drop)

  • Provides great Aggro Relief, makes GTD Crystals somewhat effortless

Fish Slap (Cartel Drop)

  • Procs Cutpurse and Groundbreaker via Duct Tape Mod
  • Does not count as splash for the purposes of Duct Tape Mod’s self-damage immunity. Be careful or use a Radiation/Shock one with their respective shields.
  • Recommended to remove a point from Fractal Frags to avoid Digiclone killing itself.

Infinite Digi-Mags

Overview: Use ammo hungry weapons with Zane’s Digiclone ammo regen anoint

The point of this build is to weapons that usually take too much ammo to use regular with Zane’s “while Digi-clone is active, regenerate 30% ammo” anointment. With the likes of Zane’s regular class mods to using terror ammo regen as well to go more shoot and less think.

Note: Digi Clone ammo regen anoint breaks when you enter ffyl. to fix this you need to swap guns and the regen will activate again. If you use guns that you can’t swap then use infiltrator + terror ammo regen to keep regen active while in ffyl. Blow up clone with Old U and then replace clone when ready.


MNTIS – No way out gives great debuff. more damage = good. Proliferation for more times to be able to activate kill skills.

Digi Clone – Schadenfreude to regain shield when clone is damage. Doppelbanger if you need to blow up clone. Which One’s Real is not taken because it could cause clone to die faster from the aggro draw.


30% Ammo regen is the only anoint you use for this build. The double pellet version of weapons usually either require better watch of ammo and/or using infiltrator with terror ammo regen.

Easily Clear Content

  • Sandhawk
  • Free Radical (x1 or x2)
  • Lightshow
  • Monarch (x4 or x8)
  • Boogeyman (x1 or x2)
  • Soulrender
  • Crit (x1 or x2)
  • Anarchy
  • Lucky 7

Clear Content with some investment

  • Needlegun
  • Torrent (x1 or x2)
  • Tankman’s Shield
  • Sleeping Giant (x1 or x2)
  • Super Shredifier (x2)
  • Flipper
  • Lyuda
  • Trevonator
  • Stalker
  • Replay
  • Tizzy (Will still overheat but helps with the ammo problem, take points in cool hand instead of cold bore/playing dirty for better reload)


Revolter with Action Skill Start

  • 200% shock bonus element helps make up for the loss of a damage anoint on our guns.
  • Have to watch your ammo with some weapons with the fire rate increase
  • Terror ammo regen anoint is used when paired with infiltrator so your shield can break still
  • Absorb, Vagabond, Fleet, and Recharge rate are all good parts

Super Soldier with ASE 50% or Terror Ammo Regen

  • Gives more ammo regen
  • Absorb or Recharge rate is best for the parts


Grenade is mainly used by clone, when clone has to be replaced in the middle of combat the grenades throw can be good for different things

Anointments for all nades are either ASE 50% Radiation (for radsplosions) or ASE Generate Terror (if using terror ammo regen on shield)

  • Its Piss
  • Recurring Hex 
  • Mesmer

Class Mods: 

Ideal Passives: Weapon Type, Mag Size, Splash Radius (for hollowpoints and splash guns), Manufacturer Crit, Generic Crit, Splash Damage

Infiltrator w/ 5 in Violent Momentum

  • Used to have terror ammo regen and break your revolter shield. Best used with ammo hungry weapons like the sandhawk and x2/x8 weapons

Executor w/ Points in Playing Dirty and Good Misfortune

  • Avoid points in violent violence because it can cause faster ammo use but its not the end of the world if you have it
  • High crit damage and cryo bonus.

Spy w/ Our Man Flynt and Headsman Hand

  • Very consistent damage
  • Having the point in our man flynt can help with freezing enemies if you wanna use ice breaker. Our man flynt is also just a good damage boost

Anti Freeze w/ 5 in Violent Momentum 

  • Amazing damage if you wanna move fast and shoot
  • Better than infiltrator if you wanna keep topped off and not use terror ammo regen

Seein’ Dead, any skill rolls work

  • Best for clone uptime. Take 2 points from Good Misfortune into Violent Violence, 1 point will be enough.
  • Points in Donnybrook with give clone more health regen to help it live longer


Ideal Passives: Weapon Type, Magazine Size, Area Of Effect Damage (2nd or 3rd passive for radius), Elemental Damage, AS Cooldown Rate, Movement Speed

Company Man w/ Mag size and Crit Damage on top rolls

  • Best choice if you wanna have best ammo regen uptime because of the magsize top roll. But need to stick to a specific manufacturer for it
  • I like using weapon damage as the 3rd stat on top roll for ffyl damage 
  • Can’t roll weapon type damage but can roll all other ones listed above

Ice Breaker Victory Rush/Splatter Gun

  • Great with cryo guns and great damage boost
  • Atom Balm is also a fun option for radsplosions
  • Snowdrift for bossing 

CBA Zane

Overview: Using Cold Bore and Amp Damage for really strong 1 shot hits. Also lots of crit damage.

Use weapons with high base and crit damage and slow fire rate to hit highest damage possible. We use a lot of sources of amp damage with cold bore’s insane 200% bonus element that applies to single and multi-pellet guns. We also stack a lot of crit damage with our class mod choice and barrier crit anoint. Since we also aren’t shooting all the time, salvation can’t be the only thing keeping us alive. So we use the green trees’ utility skills to stay alive. MNTIS also is able to do good damage which is great.

Playstyle: Swap away from weapon and back for cold bore. Slide for toboggan. Have amp shield full. ADS for Our Man Flynt. Shoot the crit spot. Move while doing so for VM if you want to but not necessary. You can also ADS and shoot mntis at the crit to auto freeze enemies making it easier to shoot them.


Barrier – All Rounder allows us to not take as much damage keeping up our amp shields. Deterrence Field stuns enemies trying to walk into us. This allows for even more survivability. This allows us to take our time to aim for the crit spot and also line up shots for eraser.

MNTIS – Proliferation is the main augment wanted as it gives us 5 charges for better mantis spam and also more damage. Colder Shoulder is what I like to use as it makes MNTIS cryo and gives more efficiency but you can also choose Brain Drain instead for getting charges back faster. 


The weapons you want to use are ones with high base damage and/or card crit damage. Weapons that have access to manufacturer crit are also a big plus. If the gun can roll cryo then that’s the element you want if using executor. Or just element match for bosses. The anointments you want is barrier crit 125%, ASE Splash 125%, and N2M 100% Element Type.

Galaxy Brain modifier helps make some of these guns more viable/easier to use

Easily Clear Content:

  • Skullmasher
  • Sandhawk (semi auto mode)
  • Unforgiven (Super high card crit also boosts MNTIS)
  • Kickcharger
  • Recursion
  • ASMD
  • Bird of Prey
  • Kings/Queens Call
  • X25 Stagecoach
  • Hellwalker
  • Love Drill
  • Moonfire
  • Wedding Invitation

Clear Content with some Investment:

  • One Pump Chump (my personal fav and inspo for build)
  • Guardian Angel (Good shooting damage and boosts MNTIS)
  • Masterwork Crossbow
  • Monocle
  • Robins Call
  • Tiggs Boom
  • The Duc
  • The Shoddy (yes it can work its just really janky and it’s funny listing it)

Class Mods:

Ideal Passive Rolls General Crit and Manufacturer Crit, Weapon Type Damage, Splash Radius, Action Skill Damage, Splash Damage

Executor, Balance points as to not over-spec for Playing Dirty (7/5 points)

  • All around amazing stats in general. Very high crit damage and increased accuracy for easier crit hits.
  • Boosts cryo damage for your cryo guns and cold bore.

Spy, +1 point in Our Man Flynt, otherwise prioritize Headman’s Hand

  • High Crit Damage for guns and MNTIS and extra V2 damage for your guns from aiming down sights from Our Man Flynt.
  • Less worry about keeping skill skills active due to longer duration.
  • Commitment can be desired if you want more Cooldown Rate

Radical, Prioritize Cold Bore points

  • Purple non unique class mod.
  • Get even more cold bore damage. You lose a passive which makes it not as ideal but still a very viable class mod to use.

Hustler, Prioritize points in Adrenaline and Brain Freeze

  • Eraser abuse, great with multi-pellet weapons.
  • Great against enemies with hard-to-hit or no crit spots.
  • Hustler crits do not receive any other crit bonus, such as Headman’s Hand or Barrier Crit anoint.
  • See Deep Dive for more information

Antifreeze, Prioritize points in Violent Momentum

  • Can be used for bosses with no crit spot. Or if you just want to slide and shoot at the same time.


Wish with ASE 50% Element (ideally radiation somewhere) or ASE Apply Terror (if matching with grenade anoint)

  • Fantastic for single-pellet projectile weapons.
  • Focus on amp parts. 

1 Shotter Shield with ASE 50% Element or ASE Apply Terror

  • Triple Amp parted purple shield
  • Used for multi-pellet weapons

Revolter with Ass Break/Fill (DLC 6 Shield)

  • On Shield Break, gives 200% bonus shock and some fire rate for 15 seconds
  • This applies to everything: guns, melee, grenades, action skills.

Frozen Heart/Frozen Snowshoe with Ass Break/Fill

  • Auto freezes enemies keeping them in place to crit,
  • Also helps with ice breaker boost the artifact is used as an alternative.
  • Enemies also can’t shoot you while they are frozen.

Shock/Cryo/Corrosive Old God with ASE 50% Elemental or ASE Apply Terror

  • Good elemental damage for your MNTIS cannon and any other elemental guns you happen to be using.


As we don’t take duct tape mod, there isn’t an exact grenade you have to use. You can move points from the purple tree to get it but as we don’t use many weapons which splash damage, it doesn’t really matter.

All you need is a grenade with an ASE 50% Element (ideally radiation somewhere) or Terror Damage & Fire Rate.

Terror is really nice here as we aren’t shooting fast to build CCCombo and ideally not using victory rush so we don’t have v1 in our build. This gives us an easy 35% v1 damage that we didn’t have before. All you give up is radsplosions which can easily be made up by hollowpoint doing insane damage.

Grenades you can use are:
It’s Piss

  • Gives a debuff


  • Make the enemies hit not aggro you for a bit.


Ideal passive stats: Elemental Damage, Weapon Type Damage, Area of Effect Damage, Magazine Size, Movement Speed, Action Skill Cooldown

AoE Damage in the second or third slot also gives Splash Radius and is preferred for many setups.


  • This amp applies to all pellets of weapons.
  • All amp is multiplicative with each other so this is just a 100% pure mult to our damage.
  • Anything else is just an alternative if you have or find it.
  • Weapon type, Magazine Size, and Elemental Damage all only roll as a primary on toboggan so they can’t be found rolled together.

Icebreaker Victory Rush

  • Icebreaker for more damage against frozen enemies.
  • Victory Rush is the best prefix for Zane’s damage, very good uptime for mobbing.

Company Man

  • Provides extra crit damage, magazine size, and regular gun damage (useful if you decide to just stand still)
  • Obviously match company man to whatever manufacturer you are using

Alchemical Agent (DoT Zane)

Overview: You get a DoT! And you get a DoT! Everybody gets a dot!

This build is focused on Zane’s purple skill tree capstone, Our Man Flynt. When you aim down sights and hit a crit, it applies a status effect to the enemy based on the initial hit which then also gets the status effect formula. This status effect is based on the element of your gun. Bonus Elements can not proc OMF status effects. MNTIS also can proc Our Man Flynt DoTs. This is a double dip which is very strong. We then combine the Ele Crit Nova anointment to double dip the DoT which ends up being a triple dip. Add eraser for a potential quadruple dip. With splash guns you aim from above, crit hit and apply a status effect, form an eraser projectile then that projectile hits the ground and potentially crits again via hustler which activates the ele crit nova anointment.


Barrier – The only augment you can get that helps is All Rounder which will protect you from all sides. 

MNTIS – Colder Shoulder is used for the bonus cryo efficiency for Brain Freeze but also when ADSing and hit a crit with MNTIS the enemy hit will automatically freeze. Proliferation is used to get the extra MNTIS charges. No Way Out is incredibly good as it grants a debuff which will double dip. Just be careful with it as you could pull in enemies and shoot yourself in the face and go into FFYL. Replacing Colder Shoulder with No Way Out also allows for a shock status effect to be applied via OMF when MNTIS crits. 


This build focuses on multi projectile and high base damage weapons to apply dots and activate ele crit anointment quick and easy. You want to use the 500% Elemental Crit Nova anointment as it double dips your status effect. The Nova damage is based on the dot already there and not the hit that activates the anointment. Main for mobbing you want to look for radiation weapons for radsplosions and then element match for bossing.

Able to easily clear endgame content:

  • Harold
  • Plasma Coil
  • Beacon
  • Recursion
  • King’s/Queen’s Call
  • Rowan’s Call
  • Free Radical
  • Boom Sickle
  • Plaguebearer
  • Backburner
  • Kickcharger

Able to clear endgame content with some investment:

  • Guardian Angel (Shooting it) 
  • Redistributor
  • Moonfire
  • Wedding Invitation
  • Lucians Call
  • Slow Hand

Class Mods:

Ideal Passive Rolls – Splash Damage Radius, Weapon Type Damage, Splash Damage, Crit Damage, Manufacturer Crit Damage

Hustler, any skills work but Brain Freeze is very useful

  • Allows us to crit enemies and apply status effects without hitting crit spots. You will not benefit from critical damage. This is great for enemies you can’t crit or hard to crit enemies.
  • Splash Radius is NOT REQUIRED for the build to work like Hustler Eraser build (yay!) but it still is very helpful to have in general.

Executor, any skills are helpful

  • Grants status effect damage which is hard to get. Will be a pure damage mult to DoTs as we can’t use the status effect anointment. 


Old God with ASE Apply Terror

  • Grants elemental damage which will apply to all double dips. The best shield option for this reason
  • Vagabond, Recharge, Absorb parts all good

One Shotter with ASE Apply Terror

  • The 100% amp damage is really good for the initial hit as its a pure mult but it will not double dip making it a weaker option.
  • Meant for slow firing and/or single shot guns. 


Grenades are mainly used for the anointment but because of Duct Tape Mod we can occasionally throw out grenades from time to time. Terror Damage and Fire Rate anointment is used for the v1 damage which will double dip.

Its Piss

  • Grants a debuff that will double dip in everything


  • Doesn’t give damage but nice aggro relief.


Ideal passive stats: Area of Effect Damage, Elemental Damage, Weapon Type Damage, Magazine Size, Movement Speed, Action Skill CDR

AoE Damage in the second or third slot also gives Splash Radius and is preferred for many setups.

Icebreaker Victory Rush

  • The global V2 damage from Ice Breaker and V1 from Victory rush will double dip with everything. 
  • Easy freezing from hitting crits with Brain Freeze. Can’t use cryo guns because then you can’t apply a DoT via OMF. 

Toboggan (DLC 5 Artifact)

  • Sliding gives a 100% amp to all pellets (similar to a One Shotter shield) of your next shot. Like One Shotter this is a pure mult to your damage. All Amp damage is multiplicative with each other. But it also doesn’t double dip and only applies to your initial hit
  • Used for slow firing/single shot weapons.

Haunted Hands Zane

Overview: Spooky Face-Puncher Gameplay (The Huge Damage is the scary part)

A fully-invested Face-Puncher build focusing on Terror anoints, freezing enemies, and the interaction between the Brawler Ward and Zane’s Infiltrator Class Mod. Heavy Green Tree investment allows us to have better survivability between Refreshment and health regen from Rise to the Occasion.

Make sure you disable Shield Reboot and Emergency Response in your Guardian Rank trees. These will make it harder for you to keep your shield empty.

This build is recommended to be played on Mayhem 10 due to Speed Demon for Violent Momentum damage. For a Very Hard Modifier, Not the Face is recommended since Face-Puncher is unable to crit naturally.


MNTIS – Colder Shoulder gives increased cryo freeze rate to all of your cryo damage, including anoints and bonus elements. None of the other MNTIS augments we have access to are much of use to us.

Barrier – All-rounder provides a bubble of safety and Shock-Deterrence Field helps provide defense against enemy melee attacks and lets you stagger enemies by running into them.


Face-Puncher with Terror Cryo anoint

  • Main gun that this build is focused around due to it benefitting from Zane’s Gun Damage as well as applying Melee Effects at a distance.
  • Preferred X7 parts for damage per pellet and ammo efficiency.
  • Terror Cryo applies to all of our damage, including Static Charge chains, which can easily freeze enemies.

Face-Puncher with URAD (100% Radiation under 50% HP) anoint

  • Nice backup option for FFYL or if Terror is not active.

Blade Fury with Terror Cryo anoint

  • New Vault Card 3 item
  • 50% melee bonus element, similar to Amara’s Kensei Class Mod
  • Kinda just busted, and works with a lot of melee artifacts and effects.
  • I never updated this for the gun after we tested things and honestly this gun scares me.

Class Mod:

Ideal Passives: Melee Damage, Hyperion Reload Speed, Mag Size

Infiltrator, Prioritize points in Violent Momentum

  • Allows us to keep our shield empty for the purposes of always being able to benefit from the Roid Damage parts on our shields.
  • Violent Momentum allows us to get more damage out of the fast speeds we will already be moving.


Brawler Ward with 25% Apply Terror on Melee anoint

  • Largest Roid Damage shield in the game (300%)
  • Synergizes with the Infiltrator Class Mod as we’re able to keep our shield empty for the Roid Bonus.
  • Provides Health Regen which is important since we can’t use Salvation with the Face-Puncher. Also provides Gun Damage which is less important.


Ideal Passives: Cryo Damage, Cryo Efficiency, Melee Damage

Ice Breaker Static Charge

  • Ice Breaker allows us to freeze enemies even quicker and then gives us spicy bonus damage against said frozen enemies. Between this and melee’s innate bonus against frozen enemies, it’s uncommon for enemies to survive long once they’re frozen.
  • Static Charge provides a consistent 100% bonus shock element on your Face-Puncher shots. You can slide to increase this damage for your next shot.
    • Creates shock chains between nearby enemies. Since these benefit from the Terror Cryo anoint, the chains can also freeze enemies.

Knife Drain Static Charge

  • Backup if you’re having survivability issues.

Cutpurse Static Charge

  • Backup if you’re running out of ammo.


This build does not utilize any of Zane’s grenade skills. Use any grenade with the “While Terrified, gain increased Damage and Fire Rate” anoint.

Piss Easy

Overview: Solo MNTIS Dakka Action

An unconventional, yet very effective Zane build focused on manually throwing debuff grenades at enemies. Using only one action skill (MNTIS) and an inventory full of Monarchs, Zane’s able to bipod and dakka his way through all endgame content. 


MNTIS – No Way Out to debuff enemies and Proliferation for more MNTIS charges. 

This build does not use a second action skill so that we can manually throw grenades.


Weapons with high fire rate and multiple projectiles are king for this setup. For anointments, you’ll want N2M 100% matching the main element on your gun. Typically, Cryo for mobbing and Shock/Corrosive for Bossing. A few gun recommendations include:

  • Monarch (best DPS when used in Bipod Mode)
  • Free Radical
  • Crit
  • Anarchy (invest in splash rolls on COM and Artifact)
  • Lightshow
  • Torrent (DLC 5 gun)
  • Flipper


Revolter with Terror Ammo Regen.

  • Great bonus element and insane fire rate boost..
  • Fleet parts are ideal since your shield is usually down but it doesn’t really matter.
  • Terror Ammo Regen keeps you firing for longer without needing to stop to reload.
  • Use the alchemist gun to break your revolter 


It’s Piss with ASE Apply Terror

  • Debuff, multiplicative with the debuff that MNTIS’s No Way Out Augment provides.
  • Anointment is our current way of applying Terror for the sake of Ammo Regen.
  • Alternative: Terror Damage and Fire Rate for more V1 Damage, but relies on using a Terror Apply Melee Facepuncher.

Mesmer with ASE Apply Terror

  • Gives amazing aggro relief
  • See above for terror anoint reasons.

Class Mod:

Ideal Passive Rolls: Weapon Type Damage, Crit, Magazine Size

Spy, +1 Our Man Flynt, other skill point distribution is fine.

  • More Damage from Aiming down sights with Our Man Flynt. Commitment and Headman’s Hand are both great skills to have more of.

Executor, Skills Do Not Matter, Avoid Good Misfortune

  • Nice Crit Damage bonus
  • Tighter spread for our guns
  • Better Cryo Damage and efficiency

Seeing Dead, Skills Do Not Matter

  • Less Upkeep on activating MNTIS for kill skills, allowing to focus on using MNTIS primarily for debuffing.
  • Good FFYL Damage..


Ideal Passive Rolls: Weapon Type, Movement Speed, Magazine Size

Company Man (DLC 6 Artifact)

  • Rolls very good Manufacturer-specific bonuses we haven’t been able to get on an artifact before
  • Manufacturer Crit, Damage, Magazine size preferred

Icebreaker Victory Rush

  • Better Freezing against enemies, more damage against those frozen enemies.
  • Victory Rush is good damage for mobbing.

Pearl of Ineffable Knowledge

  • Conditionally useful against bosses that cannot be frozen nor spawn badasses for Victory Rush.
  • Benefits multiple weapon types and incentivizes weapon swapping.

3-Tree ASE 

“Zane and Abel”

Overview: Fratricide with Benefits, Easy Access to ASE’s without Purple Tree

This build offers Zane easier access to “Action Skill End” anoints (without MNTIS) through a unique interaction. Focusing on Fractal Frags to make Digiclone throw a grenade and kill itself as well as using Calm, Cool, Collected (CCC) to reset Digiclone’s cooldown for solid uptime on said ASE anoints. Don’t worry Digiclone’s fine with this endless cycle of torment. Recommended to play on Mayhem 10 for the Speed Demon easy modifier.


Barrier – All Rounder to protect from chip damage that can prevent CCC from activating. Shock Deterrent field can stagger enemies when you run into them, as well as being one of the few things that can interrupt Guardian Takedown Guardians. Alternatively, Charged Relay is another option for faster movement speed while Barrier is grounded.

Digiclone – Which One’s Real for aggro draw, incentivizing enemies to rush down your Digiclone, potentially killing it for ASE’s. Doppelbanger for the nova on Digiclone’s death along with the option to kill Digiclone yourself if he refuses to throw grenades correctly. Alternatively, you can use Binary System for the extra Nova upon repositioning Digiclone.


Splash guns and/or guns with high fire rates that you can aim with while moving at incredible high speed are going to be your go-to’s for this build since a lot of our damage is based on Violent Momentum, critting, and ASE uptime. Typically you’ll aim for 125% Splash ASE but N2M 100% is also an option for those guns that can’t roll Splash anoints. A few guns we recommend are:

Able to easily clear endgame content:

  • Unkempt Harold
  • NoPewPew (Cartels)
  • Needle Gun (Cartels)
  • Blood Starved Beast
  • Lightshow
  • Plaguebearer
  • Kyb’s Worth
  • Rowan’s Call
  • Crit
  • Hail
  • Flipper
  • O.P.Q. System

Able to clear endgame content with some investment:

  • Prompt Critical
  • Hellwalker
  • Trevenator
  • Backburner (also deals friendly fire damage hehe)
  • Gargoyle
  • Hornet
  • Rebound
  • Breath of the Dying
  • Beacon


The main purpose of grenades in this build is to, aside from giving us the ASE 50% Elemental anoint, is for Digiclone to throw them and kill itself in the splash radius. 

Burning Summit 

  • Consistently kills Digiclone via Fractal Frags
  • You merely need to sacrifice 20 enemies to the Obvious Death Trap from the Sellout Quest. This includes yourself, pets, and enemies. You can only get one per save file but you do get two different grenades for doing this.

A few other grenades good grenades include:

  • Tina’s Hippity Hopper, Surge, Core Buster, Porcelain Pipe Bomb, Fungus Among Us

Class Mod:

Ideal passive rolls: Splash Damage, Generic or Manufacturer Crit, Weapon Type Damage, Weapon Charge Speed

Seeing Dead, Top Rolls don’t matter, but prioritize points in Violent Violence 

  • Best in slot for Kill Skill Uptime and FFYL Damage
  • Provides solid uptime on Playing Dirty’s double-shot effect, really useful for high automatic fire single-pellet weapons.
  • Fun synergy with Fractal Frags (which is a Kill Skill) for more chances for Digiclone to throw more grenades, thus more chances for it to blow itself up. Less needed if using Burning Summit with proper Digiclone positioning.

Executor, All skills are generally useful to have.

  • Very good crit damage amongst many other useful bonuses.
  • Increases cryo damage and efficiency, great for helping to proc CCC.

Antifreeze, Prioritize points in Violent Momentum

  • More damage from moving quickly, useful against cryo enemies.


For this build, we focus on a few shields to have good uptime on Calm, Cool, Collected

Band of Sitorak with ASE 50% Elemental

  • Lowest capacity, not a huge issue with Barrier
  • Insane recharge rate, practically full shield thanks to Survivor (Blue Tree) Guardian rank skills such as Shield Reboot
  • Favorable parts of Fleet rolls for extra movement speed when shield is empty (FFYL, Maliwan Bridge) or when Barrier ends (thanks to Distributed Denial)
    • Nova parts can work well too

Frozen Heart with ASE 50% Elemental

  • Worse “Topped Off” uptime but ability to instantly recharge Digiclone’s cooldown through CCC
    • Digiclone will throw a grenade, killing itself and proccing the Frozen Heart nova, which will reset Digiclone’s cooldown if your health and shields are full
  • Nova provides great damage through you and Digiclone, helping chunk enemy HP bars.
  • Good synergy with icebreaker artifacts.

Other low capacity, high recharge rate shields include Red Suit and Big Boom Blaster


Ideal passive stats: Area of Effect Damage, Elemental Damage, Weapon Type Damage, Magazine Size, Movement Speed

AoE Damage in the second or third slot also gives Splash Radius and is preferred for many setups.

Snowdrift/Ice Breaker Victory Rush

  • Snowdrift for repositioning and damage for bossing via Violent Momentum.
  • Ice Breaker for mobbing is also a good option, allowing you to freeze enemies faster.
  • Victory Rush is the best suffix for Zane’s damage.

Pearl of Ineffable Knowledge

  • Conditionally useful against bosses that cannot be frozen nor spawn badasses for Victory Rush.
  • Benefits multiple weapon types and incentivizes weapon swapping.

Non-Gun Builds

Remote Ranger


Overview: Commanding your SNTNL and Digiclone to Dominate the Endgame without you needing to shoot much.

A non-traditional Zane setup that uses Guardian Angel to focus around SNTNL and Digiclone being used as a makeshift grenade, thanks to the Doppelbanger augment’s nova. Multiple access to Bonus Elements, such as Terror Cryo, Conductor, and the occasional Re-Volter, all of which apply to both SNTNL and Digiclone’s Doppelbanger Nova. Also benefits from SNTNL and Doppelbanger Nova building up Groundbreaker for us to unleash with our favorite Slam artifacts.


SNTNL: Boomsday is our main damage augment and allows SNTNL to benefit from Splash Damage and chunk enemies. The second augment is situational. Winter’s Drone provides better damage against Armor bars, but makes your damage worse against shield bars and Wotan.. Bad Dose applies radiation status effects to enemies while SNTNL murders them, allowing for funky radsplosion chains. As a last resort, Almighty Ordinance can be a great damage augment for a one-time use of massive damage, as well as refilling SNTNL’s duration if it gets a kill.

Digiclone: Doppelbanger is our main damage augment and allows Digiclone to output a massive Nova upon it dying by any means. This Nova counts as Zane’s damage and receives GA bonus (based on our distance from the enemy being exploded on) as well as our many bonus elements. The second augment is often Schaudenfraude to help keep our shields full for Topped-Off uptime, but Binary System can be a fun option for swapping away from enemies.


This build utilizes a specific subset of weapons for different purposes for all-around versatility and usage.

Guardian Angel (GA) with Terror Cryo

  • This is the main gun we’ll be holding in 95% of the content.
  • Gives bonus damage (V2) based on our distance from the enemy.
  • Applies to both SNTNL and Digiclone’s Doppelbanger Nova as well as our Slam artifacts.
  • If Digiclone holds the gun and throws grenades, then these grenades will get the bonus Damage based on their distance from the enemies.
    • If you choose to give Digiclone a Nova shield, then the GA will boost this damage as well.

Alchemist with 150/90

  • Used to break our shield (usually a low-leveled Re-Volter) to free up the anoint slot for terror anoints.

Ember’s Purge with URAD

  • Last Resort for FFYL if Old-U and SNTNL are not available. Works well against Grounded enemies.
  • Fantastic against Hemovorous and Vermivorous’ final flesh phases because they are both grounded and typically stationary.

Plasma Coil with URAD/Terror Crit

  • Great gun to give Digiclone if you need it to deal damage to shield bars while being alive, such as Guardian Takedown Crystals.
  • Anoint slot is user preference
    • URAD works better for FFYL damage if the enemy can’t be killed by Ember’s Purge (either it is flying or immune to fire damage).
    • Terror Crit works better for Zane usage if crit-spots are available, such as protecting your Digiclone from Diadems during Guardian Takedown Crystals.
  • Free Radical can be used as a substitute.

Corrosive Sandhawk with Digiclone Ammo Regen

  • Anoint really doesn’t matter much here as we won’t be using it often.
  • Useful to give to Digiclone during the first two phases of Hemovorous’s Armor bars.


Burning Summit with Terror Damage and Fire Rate

  • Upon use with Fractal Frags, allows us to quickly kill Digiclone to proc its Doppelbanger Nova.
  • In order to get this to be more consistent, try positioning clone on equal level with enemies at a mid-range distance. Swapping can also be used to great effects, often putting you at a distance to benefit from GA’s bonus.

Recurring Hex with Terror Damage and Fire Rate

  • Used in situations where we value having Digiclone up instead of using the Doppelbanger nova, such as Guardian Takedown Crystals or Hemovorous.
  • Preferred element is Radiation so that we can spread Radiation status effects and free up SNTNL’s augment away from Bad Dose, potentially for Winter’s Drone or Almighty Ordinance.


Re-Volter with Terror Apply ASE

  • 200% bonus shock element on shield break that applies to all of our damage, including SNTNL, Doppelbanger’s Nova, and Slam artifacts.
  • Useful for Digiclone’s guns during content in which we prefer Digiclone to be active, such as Guardian Takedown Crystals and Hemovorous.
  • A lower-leveled one is preferred for usage with Alchemist to break the shield when enemies won’t.
    • With a max-level Alchemist, the max shield level you can have and still only use one-shot to break your shield ranges from 33 to 35, based on parts and guardian rank shield capacity.
      • This optimization allows us to have a solid balance between Survivability and Topped-Off uptime.
  • Preferred parts are Recharge Rate for Topped-Off uptime

Alternatively you can use any shield that has a Nova part, such as:

Band of Sitorak with Terror Apply ASE

  • Best Topped-Off uptime
  • Gives extra health.
  • Can also roll Safe-Space for some funny crowd-control nonsense.

Plus Ultra with Terror Apply ASE

  • Gives extra CDR and survivability through absorb parts and extra health.

Frozen Heart with Terror Apply ASE

  • Freezes enemies in a large radius
  • Helps survivability by freezing enemies but also healing you from the Nova.

Torch with Terror Apply ASE

  • Shoots out fireballs that really like to not hit enemies.

Recharge-Berner with Terror Apply ASE

  • Comes in more flavors than the Nova-Berner, such as Corrosive and Radiation
  • Gives Novas on shield fill and break

Nova-Berner with Terror Apply ASE

  • More damage in Fire element
  • Gives Novas on shield fill and break

Black Hole and Void Rift

  • Not recommended in most cases due to the Nova not spawning if Digiclone kills itself with the Burning Summit. They still spawn if Digiclone’s shield breaks naturally.
  • Since Digiclone does not benefit from Splash Radius, and will often ragdoll enemies out of its own range.

In situations where you wish to keep Digiclone alive, you can swap your shield anoint to “25% melee apply terror” anoint to cause your spark plug chains and slam itself to apply Terror.

Class Mods:

Ideal Passives: Splash Damage, Splash Radius, Action Skill Damage, Action Skill Cooldown Rate

Conductor, have at least one point in Good Misfortune, prioritize Borrowed Time

  • Provides a shock bonus element based on Action Skill Duration, applying to all of your damage, including SNTNL, Doppelbanger’s Nova, and Slam effects.
  • Digiclone itself does not benefit from Conductor’s shock bonus element.
  • Very favorable skill rolls, but we prioritize Borrowed Time due to the diminishing returns nature of Good Misfortune. Adrenaline is nice to have but not a priority.


Ideal Passives: Shock Damage, Cryo Damage, Area-Of-Effect Damage, Action Skill Cooldown Rate

AoE Damage in the second or third slot also gives Splash Radius and is preferred for many setups.

Spark Plug/Hot Drop Victory Rush

  • Both Slam artifacts do fantastic damage and allow us to better use our Slam as a way to deliver Groundbreaker in a larger radius.
  • Spark Plug crits often for proccing Sheer Will’s Cooldown effect
  • Hot Drop provides a new element for Harmageddon, and deals Splash Damage.
  • Victory Rush provides V1 to all of our damage, useful in Badass-heavy content.

Spark Plug Static Charge

  • For whatever reason, Static Charge boosts Spark Plug’s damage. This can be more favorable in locations that are void of Badasses.
  • Very rarely, SNTNL can “melee” an enemy and proc Static Charge and Groundbreaker. This seems to mainly happen against larger enemies, such as Wotan.

Grenathan (Nade Zane)

Overview: Dual-Action Grenade Spam from Zane and Digiclone

Note: Even with grenade regen from Pocketful of Grenades, this build is recommended to be played on Mayhem 10 for the “More than Okay Boomer” modifier for more damage grenade drops from enemies.


First playstyle involves using Terror Melee Apply anoint on your shield slot so that you can apply Terror while Digiclone remains active. With this, you can focus on both you and Digiclone throwing grenades at the same time for more damage in a larger area. CCC is useful for keeping Digiclone active without Good Misfortune.With the Terror Melee anoint, you can apply Terror through a Face-Puncher (both from your and through Digiclone’s hands). Alternatively you can put that anoint on the Face-Puncher to open up ASE 50% Radiation or Terror Health Regen on your shield anoint slot.Second playstyle includes using Terror Apply on ASE in your shield slot and using Digiclone’s Doppelbanger augment offensively. If you press the Grenade button while holding down the Action Skill button, you’re able to throw grenades priming the Doppelbanger explosion. CCC is useful for resetting Digiclone’s cooldown.May be helpful to move a point from Boom. Enhance into Supersonic Man as to not consume 3 grenades every time you spawn Digiclone, at the cost of losing a bit of Digiclone versatility, such as making it less effective at tanking during an activity such as Guardian Takedown Crystals.


Digiclone: Doppelbanger allows us to end Digiclone’s duration early and gives it a massive Nova whenever its duration does end, which gets the bonuses from our Guardian Angel and other bonus elements. Schadenfreude is helpful to keep our Shields full for Calm, Cool, and Collected procs. Alternatively, Which One’s Real can be useful to pull more aggro towards Digiclone, which can help keep your shield full by not taking as much damage.

This build does not use a second Action Skill in lieu of manually throwing grenades.


The preferred anoint for this setup is the Terror Damage and Fire Rate anoint since it pairs nicely with our other Terror anoints and Guardian Angel. ASA 150% Grenade Damage anoint can also be a great option. While its damage bonus is additive with Guardian Angel, it can still be noticeable in situations where enemies are too close to you at the cost of being less effective with your other sources of damage.

Cryo Lightspeed

  • One of the stronger mobbing options if you get the aim right. Try to aim at the ground in front of the enemy to get the split projectiles to hit properly; the homing projectiles will hit eventually.
  • Cryo is preferred during mobbing due to the likeliness to freeze enemies for Ice Breaker and Calm, Cool, and Collected. For bosses, you’d want to match for the boss’s main health bar(s).

Cryo Recurring or Mirv-Tacular Hex

  • One of the few grenade options that are able to naturally crit. Furthermore with the beams, this grenade ends up critting a lot, allowing us to benefit from Zane’s Crit bonuses from Headsman’s Hand, Executor Class Mod, or Manufacturer Crit bonus on Class Mod.
  • Very strong synergy with the Executor Class Mod, especially when in Cryo. The increased cryo efficiency helps the Hex freeze enemies even faster.
  • While Cryo is most preferred, Shock can be useful against Guardian Takedown enemies.
  • Not a strong bossing option.
  • Both prefixes are similar in effectiveness.

Cryo Mitosis Hunter-Seeker

  • Shoots bullets that are able to naturally crit to benefit from Zane’s crit bonuses.
  • The bullets will proc Salvation for us, helping our survivability.
  • Fun to use with the Executor Class Mod.

Roided Ghast Call

  • Good synergy with our Terror anoints, spawning even more skulls.
  • The skulls that the initial grenade spawns are able to naturally crit.
  • Roider prefix preferred over Vindicator due to better single-target damage, but Vindicator can still be good and useful.
  • Due to not having an anoint, certain parts of the build can feel weaker. Specifically, in a scenario in which you’d have to shoot a gun, such as in FFYL.
    • Terror applies a debuff in which makes your accuracy and handling much worse. Most terror anoints, such as the Terror Damage and Fire Rate anoint we usually have, will remove this debuff. However, Terror Cryo does not by itself. So in any situation where we need to shoot/aim a gun, we’re gonna suffer from Terror.
  • Strong bossing option against the armored raid bosses.

Fixative Longbow (Non-Unique Purple Hyperion Grenade)

  • Hyperion grenade with Three Sticky parts.
  • One of the best bossing grenades for single-target damage.
  • Able to double dip damage bonuses, including Guardian Angel.
    • Giving Digiclone a Guardian Angel and letting him throw this grenade will one-shot any boss without an immunity bar, including the True Trials bosses.
  • Match elements as you normally would. Corrosive, Shock, and Fire tend to be the most useful against Endgame bosses.


Guardian Angel with Terror Cryo anoint

  • Your favorite Vault-Card based stat stick returns for another build!
  • Used to boost the damage of our grenades based on our distance to the enemy, more damage from further away, which influences the grenades we use for this setup.
  • Will only boost Digiclone’s grenades when you spawn it in his hands via the Double Barrel Capstone. The damage of Digiclone’s grenades will be based on its distance from the enemies.
    • Depending on positioning, swapping places with Digiclone can be very beneficial to your damage. Since GA’s damage is based on distance, if you and Digiclone are far away when you swap places, the grenades that are currently active will gain increased damage from the GA.

Facepuncher with Apply Terror Melee anoint

  • Preferably x14 pellets, since more pellets means more chances to get a stack of terror.
  • If you’re using the Apply Terror Melee anoint on your shield, you can opt to replace the anoint on this with the 30% Digiclone Ammo Regen anoint.

Alchemist with 150/90 anoint

  • Used to break Re-Volter to free up an anoint slot and to allow us to have decent uptime on the bonus shock damage with a bit of player effort.
  • With a max level Alchemist, the max level your Re-Volter should be ranges from 30-35, depending on Guardian rank. This allows us a nice balance for survivability and easy breaking for Alchemist.

FFYL gun with Terror Cryo/URAD anoint

  • Check out the “FFYL Issues” section of the doc for a list of recommended strong weapons for FFYL.
  • If you’re using the Seein’ Dead class mod, opt in for Terror Cryo. Since Seein’ Dead’s legendary effect can proc the Salvation Kill Skill while in FFYL, you’re able to heal above the 50% Threshold, thus losing out on the extra damage.
  • If you’re not using the Seein’ Dead class mod, go for URAD.


Depending on your preferred setup/playstyle, you have the option of using either ASE Apply Terror or the Melee Apply Terror anoints. If you’re willing to use Melee Apply Terror on a Facepuncher, you can also use Terror Health Regen on your shield for some boosted survivability.


  • 200% bonus shock element for your grenades upon shield break.
  • As mentioned in the Alchemist section, I’d recommend going for a level 30-35 one so you’re able to destroy it in one quick shot.
  • Preferred parts are Recharge (for faster recharge for CCC), but Absorb works fine as well.

Old God

  • Flat elemental damage bonus. Recommended to grab one for each element you plan to use on grenades, such as Cryo, Shock, or Corrosive.
  • Preferred parts are Recharge (for faster recharge for CCC), but Absorb works fine as well.

Big Boom Blaster

  • Good shield for grenade/shield uptime if you do not wish to play on Mayhem 10 for the “More than Okay Boomer” modifier.
  • Preferred parts are Recharge (for faster recharge for CCC), but Absorb works fine as well.

Revengenader (Blue Unique Shield)

  • Not a great option by any means, but it throws out a grenade on shield break which can be fun. Unfortunately it is on a 10 second cooldown.
  • Preferred parts are Recharge (for faster recharge for CCC), but Absorb works fine as well.

Class Mods:

Ideal passives: Grenade Damage, Splash Damage, Action Skill Damage, Hyperion Crit, Splash Radius, Crit Damage, Grenade Radius

Seein’ Dead, Prioritize points in Donnybrook

  • Good synergy with the Kill Skill portion of Fractal Frags, allowing sequences of Digiclone spamming grenades.
  • The extra points in Donnybrook give us great health regen.
  • Easy way to keep kill skills up, especially for bossing. Important for one of our better sources of grenade regen (Pocketful of nades).
  • 10% Kill Skill power is noticeable since we aren’t going down to Death Follows Close.

Executor, Prioritize points in Good Misfortune

  • Best option for Cryo grenades due to the increased cryo damage and efficiency.
  • Hella crit damage for our grenades that can naturally crit such as Hex, Light Speed, Ghast Call, Hunter Seeker.
  • Suffers in scenarios where you’re unable to get Kill Skills for the legendary effect.

Conductor, 1 point in Good Misfortune and then prioritize Borrowed Time

  • Up to 50% Shock Bonus Element applied to all of our grenades.
  • Good synergy with CCC since we can refill Digiclone’s Duration to top off the bonus element’s damage.
  • Unfortunately it does not benefit Digiclone whatsoever.


Ideal Passives are Grenade Damage, AoE Damage, Cryo Damage, Other Elemental Damage, Action Skill CDR

AoE Damage in the second or third slot also gives Splash Radius and is preferred for many setups.

Good Prefixes:

  • Ice Breaker is great when paired with cryo grenades for the greater efficiency and increased damage it provides against frozen targets. Unfortunately, the damage is additive with the bonus that GA provides but it is still great to have for short/mid range.
  • Atom Balm is great when paired with radiation grenades for the stronger radsplosions for enhanced mobbing.

Good Legendary Suffixes:

  • Victory Rush is great for the increased damage and movement speed upon killing a Badass. Useful for content where Badasses are plentiful, such as Slaughtershaft and Maliwan Takedown. The damage it provides is additive with the damage that the Terror Damage and Fire Rate anoint provides.
  • Otto Idol offers great survivability since our build tends to teeter on the line of relying on shotty Salvation through Digiclone’s GA shots or Hunter-Seekers and our plentiful health regen sources.


Overview: Boosting Melee Damage for Stinger shield and Fish Slap

This melee damage-focused build uses Zane’s plentiful access to Cooldown Rate skills in order to spam MNTIS cannon to activate the Stinger shield with the Break/Fill anoint.

Note: This build specs a point into Salvation despite melee not procing salvation. You’d have to use a non-melee gun or swap to Digiclone if you wish to benefit from Salvation.


MNTIS – Main augment needed is Proliferation to get 5 charges of MNTIS. For your second augment, you can use No Way Out to debuff but at the cost of a slightly longer cooldown. You can also use Colder Shoulder to freeze enemies for the bonus melee damage.

This build does not use a second Action Skill so that we can manually throw Fish Slap grenades. You’re more than welcome to swap this out with Barrier if you feel you’re lacking survivability.


Psycho Stabber with 150/90 anoint

  • Hold to apply a x2 melee multiplier to our Stinger shield or Fish Slap grenade.

Guardian Angel with 100% Melee ASE

  • Preferred to have bladed part for more damage
  • Optional for Stinger shield, less damage on the Stinger nova but more damage on Static Charge chains.
  • Synergizes well with Unleash the Dragon status effects combined with Zane’s movement speed to quickly achieve the max damage from GA.

Face-Puncher with 25% Melee Apply Terror

  • Allows us to use an ASS Break/Fill Stinger with Terror Damage and Fire Rate anoint on grenade if you wish to use Terror anoints at all.

Class mods: 

Idea passives: Melee Damage, Splash Damage (and Radius if using Stinger Shield). You can also use Action Skill CDR for more Stinger novas.

Spy, Prioritize points in Commitment

  • Offers the most consistent CDR available for spamming Stinger Novas via MNTIS.
  • Can utilize one point in OMF paired with Cryo-augment MNTIS to ADS and instantly freeze enemies for easy access to melee’s x3 damage bonus against frozen enemies.

Infiltrator, Prioritize points in Violent Momentum (for Facepuncher) or Like a Ghost

  • Can be paired with ASS break/fill anoint on Stinger shields to give two Stinger novas on MNTIS activation. Your shield must have any amount of capacity in order for the two novas to activate.
  • Synergizes well with Brawler Ward’s roid damage buff for using with the Fishslap.
  • Worse CDR due to the loss of Topped Off

Executor, Points don’t matter

  • Synergizes well with Unleash the Dragon’s status effect as the COM’s legendary effect will boost this damage even further.
  • Also boosts cryo damage.


Stinger with ASS Break/Fill anoint

  • Shield Break novas deal Melee Damage and will proc every Melee effect
  • Can use ASE/Melee generator terror when paired with Infiltrator instead of needing a melee terror facepuncher.
    • Less novas but more consistent terror
    • Can be used with other class mods when focusing Fishslap for damage
  • Match elements to enemy health bars
    • Shock/Corrosive for Endgame Takedowns/Raids

Brawler Ward with ASE 100% Melee or ASE 50% CDR

  • Utilize with Fish Slap and Infiltrator for very good uptime on the shield’s 300% roid damage buff.

Frozen Heart/Snowshoe with ASS Break/Fill anoint

  • Utilize to instantly-freeze enemies for on-demand X3 melee bonus against frozen enemies from Fish Slap.

Revolter with ASS Break/Fill anoint

  • Gives 200% bonus shock to our Fish Slap grenades on top of insane amounts of fire rate


Ideal anoints are ASE 50% (preferably Radiation for the rad-explosions) or Terror Damage and Fire Rate.

Fish Slap (Cartel Drop)

  • Scales incredibly well and is viable as a non-Face-puncher ranged melee option.
  • Pangolin’s Bouncing trajectory allows for multiple hits in quick succession with proper aiming. (Aim at their feet)
  • Preferred to have Link parts for the best damage.


Ideal Passive Rolls: Melee Damage (able to roll twice), Splash Damage, Elemental Damage, Action Skill CDR.

AoE Damage in the second or third slot also gives Splash Radius and is preferred for many setups.

Elemental-Stone Static Charge

  • Best for mobbing due to the chains providing AoE damage
  • Synergises well with Guardian Angel
  • Can use knife drain prefix for better survivability at the cost of less damage

Unleash The Dragon

  • Amazing bossing artifact for bosses without too many immunity phases.
  • Synergizes well with 150/90 Anoint and Guardian Angel to increase the initial Melee Hit and the subsequent Status Effect damage.
  • Pair with Executor Class Mod to further increase the Status Effect Damage


Overview: Using DLC 6 gear to boost MNTIS, SNTNL, shield effects, and grenades

This build uses the Guardian Angel shotgun from DLC 6’s Vault Card to maximize the power of your MNTIS Cannon and SNTNL. Furthermore, this build also utilizes the URAD and/or Terror anoints to further boost the damage of these Action Skills, along with certain shield effects and even grenades!


MNTIS – Main augment needed is Proliferation to get 5 charges of MNTIS, which will also give you increased damage based on your current amount of charges. For your second augment, you can use Brain Drain to receive more charges upon critical kills or Colder Shoulder to help do damage against armor bars. No Way Out is not recommended as the pull-effect will cause your Guardian Angel to give less bonus damage.

Drone – Boomsday is our main damage augment and allows Drone to occasionally deal Splash Damage. For your second Augment, Static Field provides occasional Shield Regen (as we can’t rely on Salvation). Alternatively, Winter’s Drone can assist in freezing enemies (if it doesn’t outright kill them) and help handle armor bars.

  • For funny boss one-shots you can also try the Almighty Ordinance augment, but it is not recommended for normal use due to the one-and-done nature of the skill.


The main Anoint this build is geared for is the URAD Anoint or Terror Cryo. Alternatively, you can use 150% MNTIS Damage or 150/90 anoint for full HP setups.

Guardian Angel

  • Gives up to 500% V2 damage at 23.8 meters away from an enemy
    • This is about the distance from the Handsome Jack Statue in Sanctuary to the far wall.
    • This is the same damage type as 150/90 and 150% MNTIS Damage and as such the two damage values would be added together. For this reason, URAD/Terror Cryo is often more preferred.
  • Preferred parts are the 21% crit damage on the card.


  • Has the highest crit damage on the card at 432%, which is multiplicative with all of your other crit bonuses.
  • Offers comparable damage for primarily MNTIS as long as you’re able to hit crit spots.

Alchemist with 150/90

  • Used to break our shield (usually a low-leveled revolter) to free up the anoint slot for terror anoints.


  • Used with Melee Apply Terror to free anoint slot on shield or nade


The Shields listed are either boosted by the Guardian Angel/Unforgiven or directly boost your Action Skills’ damage.

For anointments you can use ASS Break/Fill for all of them but you can use ASE apply terror or Terror SNTNL life steal (use an alchemist or have enemies break your shield)

Revolter with ASS Break/Fill

  • 200% Shock Bonus element applying to all of your damage, including Action Skills and Grenades.
  • Properly scale with Action Skill Mayhem Scaling
  • Best shield for boosting MNTIS and SNTNL

Messy Breakup with ASS Break/Fill

  • 2 Reflect parts favorable as the reflected bullets will receive Guardian Angel’s damage bonus.
    • Otherwise, 2 Absorb parts offer nice survivability.
  • Great DPS for bossing once the drones are spawned.

Frozen Heart with ASS Break/Fill

  • Preferred Splash Radius roll on COM for larger Nova radius, which can also lead to more damage from the Guardian Angel’s passive.
  • Instantly freeze enemies as well as dealing solid damage with the Nova itself.
  • Great for mobbing thanks to the innate Aggro Relief from enemies being too frozen to attack you.

Void Rift with ASS Break/Fill

  • Great damage from both the Novas and Homing Spikes.
  • Nova unfortunately has an issue where it pulls in enemies, resulting in less of a damage bonus from Guardian Angel’s passive

Class mods: 

Ideal Passive Rolls: Action Skill Damage, Generic and Manufacturer Crit, Action Skill CDR, Splash Radius (for Novas and Hollow Point specifically), Splash Damage

Executor, Skill rolls don’t matter, but Points in Good Misfortune are great for Drone Uptime

  • Because the COM’s Legendary Effect is a kill skill and gets bonuses, the COM gives in total 105% Crit Damage and 28% increased Cryo damage.
  • Best Damage COM for your MNTIS if you can hit crit spots.

Spy, Prioritize points in Commitment

  • Offers the most consistent source of CDR
  • Alternate Skill Distribution:
    • One Point in Our Man Flynt allows us to freeze enemies on a crit via the Colder Shoulder Augment. Otherwise it can apply a pretty sizable Shock DoT boosted further by the Guardian Angel.
    • Points in Headman’s Hand are great for damage, but unfortunately using an Executor COM with 5/5 Headman’s Hand will offer much higher crit damage.

Conductor, Any skill rolls will do well

  • Provides a shock bonus element based on Action Skill Duration, applying to all of your damage, including SNTNL, MNTIS, Shield Effects, and Spark Plug.
  • Very favorable skill rolls, but we prioritize Borrowed Time due to the diminishing returns nature of Good Misfortune. Adrenaline is nice to have but not a priority.

Seein’ Dead, Skill points don’t matter, focus on the stat passives.

  • Best option for Drone Uptime (thanks to Good Misfortune synergizing well with the constant procs of the COM’s effect) if you desire to focus more on SNTNL.

Techspert, +1 in Really Expensive Jacket, otherwise Prioritize Ready for Action

  • Second-best option for Drone Uptime, resetting both Duration and Cooldown 
  • Offers solid defensive skills in Status Effect removal and Shield-Recharge Rate
  • This class mod effect has very big diminishing returns but can be used if you have good rolls


Thanks to Drone Delivery we can occasionally benefit from grenades on this setup. Additionally, thanks to Duct Tape Mod we also have the choice to shoot our stat-stick of choice for a chance to throw out a grenade.

Main Anoints: ASE 50 Rad, OGT,  ASE Generate Terror, Terror Damage & Fire rate

Vindicator/Roided Ghast Call

  • Bloody Harvest grenade, cannot be anointed
  • Amazing damage and does not require much aiming

It’s Piss 

  • Debuff grenade

Recurring Hex

  • Great grenade at applying status effects but can be made to deal enough damage to handle most trash mobs.
  • Rad will be the best element for applying radsplosions (Cryo if going URAD)
  • Atlas-Homing tracking allows us to not require much aiming.


Ideal Passives: Area of Effect Damage, Action Skill CDR, Elemental Damage

AoE Damage in the second or third slot also gives Splash Radius and is preferred for many setups.

Atom Balm Deathless/Vic Rush

  • Enhances our Radsplosions to be bigger and stronger which can help out our mobbing tremendously.

Spark Plug Deathless/Vic Rush

  • Fun, yet effective artifact choice in which you can quickly slam and then use Zane’s movement speed buffs to increase its damage via Guardian Angel.

Ice Breaker Deathless/Vic Rush

  • Increased cryo efficiency and v2 damage to frozen enemies. 

Company Man

  • Preferred Stats: Crit (Can roll 30% and 50%)
  • Full HP Alternative to using a Deathless Artifact
  • If using Guardian Angel, use Hyperion-brand. If using Unforgiven, use Jakobs-brand.

3 Tree Non-Gun

Overview: Clear content with ease with an action skill oriented build that does not require any dlc but does have some Season Pass 1 options. Including slams and grenades!

A 3 Tree Non Gun setup using some interesting tech that has not been experimented with much before. Guardian Angel was never needed to do Non gun stuff on Zane and this just proves it! Includes non dlc and season pass 1 options!


SNTNL: Boomsday is our main damage augment and allows SNTNL to benefit from Splash Damage and chunk enemies. Winter’s Drone is used to help freeze enemies and benefit from cryo boosts from Executor class mod. Static Field is really good at refilling your shield for CCC when SNTNL attacks enemies with shield bars. 

Digiclone: Doppebanger is used to blow up Clone to reposition it to wherever needed. Schadenfreude is really nice for keeping your shields up for CCC. You can also use Which One’s Real for more aggro draw but Clone can usually draw enough aggro from attacking enemies.


This build utilizes a specific subset of weapons for different purposes for all-around versatility and usage.

Radiation Zheitsev’s Eruption with Terror Cryo

  • The reload projectiles will debuff enemies which boosts yours and SNTNLs damage.
  • Can use drone’s ping command, melee, quick swap, or emote cancel to keep the projectiles going without reloading.
  • Radiation is used to get radsplosions for better mobbing.

Unforgiven with Terror Cryo

  • Used to benefit crits from Spark Plug and grenades
  • 432% card crit is the best version. Card crit is a pure mult to regular crit damage.
  • Can swap to after getting the debuff from Zheitsev’s Eruption.

Face Puncher with Digiclone Ammo Regen

  • Ranged way to apply terror. 
  • X7 or X14 will work. 

Ember’s Purge with URAD or Terror Cryo

  • Last Resort for FFYL if Old-U and SNTNL are not available. Works well against Grounded enemies.

Sandhawk with Digiclone Ammo Regen

  • Given to Clone as the go to weapon
  • Anoint really doesn’t matter much here as we won’t be using it often but allows you to shoot it from time to time without losing all your sniper ammo.
  • Corrosive is my main element I like to use but Ideally you want to match elements. Cryo is great for freezing enemies.



  • Great damage grenade that will spawn homing projectiles.

Recurring/Mirv Tacular Hex

  • Can easily hit crit spots which means it benefits a lot from Executor crit damage

Fish Slap

  • Benefits from melee damage instead of grenade damage. Can use a static charge artifact with this. Link and Roid parts are preferred. 

It’s Piss

  • Used for debuffing enemies instead of damage


Red Suit with Melee Apply Terror 

  • Gives radiation immunity to go with the radiation Zheitsev’s Eruption. This is so you can benefit from radsplosions without accidentally downing yourself from the splash projectiles.
  • Can also roll with Nova parts for some nice extra damage if your shield breaks

Old God with Melee Apply Terror

  • Gives elemental damage. Vagabond parts are nice. Recharge parts are also good for keeping your shield up.

Class Mods:

Ideal Passives: Splash Damage, Splash Radius, Action Skill Damage, Action Skill Cooldown Rate, Crit Damage, Jakobs Crit Damage

Executor, prioritize points in good misfortune

  • Provides crit damage and cryo damage to boost SNTNL, Spark Plug, Grenades, and Terror Cryo.

Conductor, any skills rolls are good

  • Provides a shock bonus element based on Action Skill Duration, applying to all of your damage, including SNTNL,Grenades, and Slam effects.
  • Digiclone itself does not benefit from Conductor’s shock bonus element.


Ideal Passives: Shock Damage, Cryo Damage, Area-Of-Effect Damage, Action Skill Cooldown Rate

AoE Damage in the second or third slot also gives Splash Radius and is preferred for many setups.

Spark Plug/Hot Drop Victory Rush

  • Both Slam artifacts do fantastic damage and allow us to better use our Slam as a way to deliver Groundbreaker in a larger radius.
  • Spark Plug crits often for proccing Brain Freeze to freeze enemies for CCC
  • Hot Drop provides a new element for Harmageddon, and deals Splash Damage.
  • Victory Rush provides V1 to all of our damage, useful in Badass-heavy content.

Spark Plug Static Charge

  • For whatever reason, Static Charge boosts Spark Plug’s damage. This can be more favorable in locations that are void of Badasses.
  • Very rarely, SNTNL can “melee” an enemy and proc Static Charge and Groundbreaker. This seems to mainly happen against larger enemies, such as Wotan.
  • If using Fish Slap this can be helpful
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3757 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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