Core Keeper – Building Tips & Tricks

Building Tips for New Players

Here are all of the current paintable items in the game!

Click to enlarge…

All of the ground/bridge types so that you can see what the bases look like:


You can paint “lit tiles” and then use Paintable flooring over top of them. So you can create a variety of paterns using paint or alternating locations of the lit tiles. The effect has been muted some what since the lighting patch hit, but the patterns on the lit tiles still comes through ever so slightly.

This is what using glass flooring with the same top coats as prev picture above looks like. The white paint is almost not there on the glass flooring.

Checkerboard pattern lit tiles descending from top to bottome in unpainted, white paint, and black. Left side paintable tile covered with white paint, right side in black.

Prev image to show effect with char having no added “glow” items on.

With so many paint brush options available now, you may find some combinations that create some really interesting effects.

Using lit floor covered with Stone Tiles and all the colors except white, black, brown, and grey makes for a nice gradient! I haven’t tried it in other directions yet but I think it’d look nice in any orientation.


You add some moss and BOOM, there you go. A little potted plant.

The moss from the stone biome also works really well with these pedestals in snowy areas.

You can also use the Easter Pedestals to create vases, and this is the set I like the most! makes it really look like the sapling is growing!

Also, the same Wood Pedestals, but painted blue this time. They look like little bushes with a tiny stem.

We’ve also had discussions about the usage of pedestals inside of pedestals to create the illusion of a nice little pillar.

Not all of them work and it doesn’t work with painted ones, but I still enjoy a lot of them!

Loose Flooring

Now on the topic of Loose Flooring!

This is something you can currently craft in the Tin Workbench. You just need Clay Walls to craft these, and they are incredibly valuable for a very rich environment in the game. These are all the possible colors currently.

Default, Black, White, Grey, Red, Orange, Brown, Yellow, Green, Blue, Cyan, Purple and Pink













I personally love using Black, Grey, White, Green and Purple as little pebbles, mushrooms and grass growing from Turf and Grass grounds.

(In this image, darker ground is hoed Grass Ground)

Orange, Red and Black all look great in lava/forge settings if you’d like to put them in your base.

White and Grey painted Loose Flooring are awesome to create pathways, as seen here:


General tip to use lava in combination with glass bridges (painted) for a bright lightsource that looks cool! Made a picture with all different colors, in order:

  • Black, Red, Green, Brown
  • Grey, Orange, Blue, Purple
  • White, Yellow, Cyan, Pink

General Tips

  • Basic torches don’t light up a lot and they can make your framerate dip if you use too many of them.
  • Glow Tulips are nice and pretty. Harvested ones will glow if you stick them on a pedestal. In fact, anything with a +Glow stat on it will glow on a pedestal.
  • Light bulbs mean dabbling in circuitry, but they can be painted to give off different colored light and have a massive glow radius. You don’t need to do anything complicated to get them to look cool, and you can place walls and rugs over wires if you want to stick a light switch across the room from one.

Not everything has to be perfectly symmetrical or exactly the same. if things are slightly different it draws interest and keeps you more engaged in the design. Don’t be afraid to make your rooms wonky shapes! That being said, symmetry and etc is still very nice, it’s just cool when things are imperfect in a controlled way.

The coral and gem jellyfish placements

The jellyfish and coral (and stalagmites, too) all show up far below where they’re placed, which looks like it’s a tile or two below where it actually is. There’s also the fact that some of the Jellyfish and Coral are very subtle and hard to see, and which sprite it used is based on location.

So you may want to try sticking them in different spots and digging them up when you can’t see anything.


Tips for building the perfect outhouse for your base:

  • Place a pedestal with Fiber in a strategic place for ease of access
  • Keep lush trees away from it lest you want them to grow moldy

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3754 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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