Hello and welcome to my guide for leveling the Running skill while being afk in Core Keeper.
How to Grind the Running Skill while AFK (Does Not Function with Hardcore Characters)
Track Preperations
- Acess to “Azeos Wilderness” for: Scarlet Workbench -> Automation Table -> Conveyor Belts
First you have to go to the hive biome and get some “Hive Spike Trap” if you don’t have any stashed.
The amount differs on how much hp you have, 1 trap for 33 hp. For example if you have 600 hp (without equipment) you need at least 19 traps (rounded up).
Next you need to have at least 3 “Conveyor Belts” and a “Bed” for your spawn point.
Place the bed and the conveyor belts like I did in the picture below or you can place it the other way around if you are planning to run from right to left (mirrored).
If you respawn, you will be between 2 tiles and therefore the conveyor belts will push you onto the track.

Now if you haven’t already dug a horizontal long line for fast traveling to the end of the east/west now is the time to do so! (Also works with shorter lines but the longer the track the better). This does not function with a vertical line, the reason is we can’t rotate the bed. It has to be a one line track without any obstacles!

Make sure to close the track to not let enemies interact with you or push you out of the track.

If you reach your desired track length place the hive spike tracks on the end in line like the picture below, make sure there are enough to kill you when you pass them.

Start Running
Now that the track is prepared, go to the bed and rest there to set this bed to your current respawn location.

Remove all your clothes (helm, chest, pants and rings/necklace if there is any armor stat on it).
Stash all your inventory into a chest, to not drop it when you die.

Now press the key D/A or the arrow buttons to move in the directions towards the hive spike traps (in my case the button D from west to east).
To automate this process you either have to use a keyboard with macro functions or you can jam a coin or something else that consistently presses the button down.
You will run until you reach the the hive spike traps. If you set up everything correctly and die, you will respawn, automatically start running again and repeat the process as long as the button is pressed down.
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