Diablo 4 – Tips and Tricks for Console

Tips & Tricks for Console Gamers

You can play cross platform in Diablo 4, meaning you can play with PC, Xbox, and Playstation players.

To enable this setting you can do it from the Character select screen under settings.

  • Game Menu → Options → Connect → Cross-Network Play and Cross-Network Communications

I recommend enabling “Advanced Tooltip Compare” and “Advanced Tooltip Information”

Both of these options allow you to easily see the minimum and maximum stats on items to know if you have low or high rolled stats.

To enable these settings you can go to:

  • Game Menu → Options → Gameplay → In the middle of the screen both options should be there

I recommend also not combining your Interact & Basic Skill

When you are trying to pick up loot, it’s easier to change this setting to ensure that you aren’t accidentally aggro-ing more enemies and just provides a smoother gameplay.

To enable this setting you can go to:

  • Game Menu → Options → Controls → Scroll to the Gameplay category → Unclick the “Combine Interact & Basic Skill” option → Scroll to “Interact” and set a keybind for the option (I have found that Down on the D-Pad works best for me).
  • Some keybinds will not work for this option such as Left on D-Pad.

I recommend enabling Lock Target on the controller

This is helpful when using skills because it targets the enemies to ensure they are actually being hit. Before I had this enabled, I would sometimes miss enemies and waste my resources.

To enable this setting you can go to:

  • Game Menu → Options → Controls → Scroll to the Gameplay category → Set a keybind for “Lock Target” (I personally use R3/Right Analog Click)

I would also turn on the settings to “Use Right Stick To Cycle Locked Target” (This setting allows you to cycle the targets by moving the right stick around) and also “Persist Target Lock” (This setting basically keeps target lock on at all times through the game).

If you die you will have to use the keybind for Lock Target again to turn on the target locking. You can also use the keybind if you ever wanted to not lock targets again.

I’ve noticed that the game doesn’t automatically enable “Local Chat” and “Trade Chat” channels in the game.

To turn both of these channels on you go to:

  • Game Menu → Options → Connect → Scroll to the Chat Setting category → Enable “Join Local Chat Channel” as well as “Join Trade Chat Channel”

The game currently doesn’t allow Mouse and Keyboard integration in the game, BUT you can use a Keyboard to type in game.

To do this, you need to:

  • Open the Action Wheel → Open Chat → Press the keybind to type → That opens up the interface on the console to type → Type using keyboard → Press “Enter” or R2 to send the typed text from console interface to the game → Press the send keybind on the controller

I know it is a bit tedious at the moment. We can only hope it improves!

When you are dead, there is a workaround to type to your group or in local.

The way I figured this out is you can:

  • Go to your Social Tab → Click on any one of your friends in game → Press the “Whisper” option which will open the chat interface → From there you can choose what channel you would like to chat in and then send.
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 13352 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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