Guide to Full Moon Cycle
By Valkyrie
For people looking for how to obtain the Moon Pendant Fragment. The Fragment can be obtained from the prayer alter within the Training Room, but only appears during a full moon. The moons position can be observed from the main lobby screen in the background.
I’ve been following the moon’s cycle over the last couple of days after seeing a lot of conflicting information. Now I can’t be certain of this schedule as not enough time has passed, but I managed to get my fragment this morning and the moon has changed as expected throughout the day.
From what I can tell, the full moon will happen once day, with the exception of the 5th day of the cycle. The moon rotates through 5 phases, and each phase lasts 6hrs. Below are what I believe to be the next full moon phases over the next few days.
- 23/07 – 07:00-13:00 hrs GMT
- 24/07 – 13:00-19:00 hrs GMT
- 25/07 – 19:00-01:00 hrs GMT
- 26/07 – No full moon today
- 27/07 – 01:00-07:00 hrs GMT
The cycle would repeat from there.
Would be great if you can confirm this over the coming days, and if incorrect I can update. I’m also unsure about different timezones, whether everything is in sync. If someone outside a GMT timezone can also confirm, that would be great.
Hope this helps!
Just saw it change at 13-00 hrs as well. I feel pretty confident in these timings!