Best Mods for Sniper Rifle
The x10 scope is great, if you dont have a chip to get the thermal scope. Otherwise thermal scope 100%.
To answer questions about which mods are the best for snipers, here’s my suggestions:
- Stock: Heavy stock – that increases accuracy at +3 aim
- Underrail: Bipod – increases accuracy when prone(good with the free prone perk)
- Scope: Thermal scope – no grazed attacks, no accuracy penalties, see through smoke/fog, no line of sight penalties at +3 aim
- Magazine: Ergonomic Extended mag – increase bullet counts, aka, less reloading, without increasing AP cost(use regular extended if no Ergo version on weapon)
- Compensator: Suppressor – Silent attacks that dont alert the whole damn base
- Side Rail: Red Dot – Marked enemies automatically procs a critical hit and since your going for aim +3 anyways, might as well make it a crit hit to make sure that fool is dead in one head shot.
Here’s my PSG-1 with armor piercing rounds.

The “Marked” status is indeed applied AFTER the shot. Meaning if the target is dead, it never got marked to begin with. You can tell if a target is marked by a red crosshair under the HP bar, where you see the other buffs/debuffs (you can actually move the mouse cursor over those status effects for a breakdown on what they do). This is why red dot is the worst option for a sniper gun, considering sniper guns tend to kill in one shot anyway.
I have found this here: