Max DPS Build Guide for 1.0+
Version 1.0 seems to be all about tanks having the best dps in the game and Battlemage reigns.
Cooldown is the name of the game.
Using a combination of Abyssal Cuffs, Thunderbolt, Fated Aggression, Flurry Cloak, Combo, and Cooldown Reductions your Mage has all the tools to turn Arcane Torrent into a machine gun.
Abyssal Cuffs are a sleeper, they’re the best Unique in the game right now when paired with Fated Aggression. Thunderbolt Arcane Torrent Battlemage just so happens to be the best application of this power dynamic.
It’s just a big ole loop of cooldown reductions, firing on all cylinders.
That said, there’s only one pair of Abyssal Cuffs so we have to make the most out of the rest of the team, too.
The rest of my dps are nearly as strong as they might get, I haven’t tested everything on them, yet, Consuming Staff and Purpose stacking might be the way forward for them too, but there’s always room for improvement, these are just the best numbers I’ve been able to get so far~
A Sub 5s Maxed Dummy and a consistent sub 7.
Click to enlarge…

Note: One thing I thought about but didn’t do, and if anyone wants to try it for themselves, go for it, was using a horned mace and frost strike instead, since it’s a 2.6s weapon, the slowest one handed weapon that could possibly work, but losing thunderbolt and chain lightning seems really bad but it could be worth testing since this build loves slow weapons and adaptive damage. Also, you want magic damage on the shield not cold damage that was an oops, but you do want the barrier and cold res!
Only question I have is with the builds unique items. There are 8 possible upgrades and only four points for each of the items. Where did you disburse the points in each unique?
totally missed it, I see it