Guide to Korben Mercenary
By Daa
- End of turn: Deal damage to enemy commander proportionate to the health of a random ally in his column (self excluded, doesn’t trigger if he is the only one in column).
- Start of turn: Heal all allies in his column (self included).
- End of turn: Summon two health nodes (increase max health at the start of each turn).
About this merc
- Korben is a menace who appears in bot accounts starting in about league 6.
- Korben’s heal procs before poison does, so for poison to kill him, it has to do more damage than his current HP + his heal amount. The same applies to any mercenaries directly behind him, but not in front.
Playing with
- At lower leagues, Korben is great board control, able to keep the lane alive and slowly put pressure on the commander. His nodes can also generate some good value.
- At higher leagues, Korben’s first skill becomes ridiculous; play him with high health mercs like Morana, Regina, Lucretia, Bea, Ginny, Blanche, etc. His nodes become less relevant.
- Korben has decent attack and health stats and can be used to clear a dangerous merc or tank in a pinch. Otherwise, play him safely behind a blocker.
Playing against
- Korben+high HP merc is a huge threat if one of them is on board; next turn the other half of the combo can appear and blast your face off. Prioritize eliminating the combo half.
- Poison is not as effective against Korben because of the heal trigger order mentioned above; try other sources of removal such as Bloom or Lola. You can also try and block the lane with Blanche, Asha, Ariane, etc., but those are only temporary solutions.
- Honorable mention to Beck who can turn a melee into a 2/2, which can cripple his commander damage.
- His commander damage is difficult to out-heal but not impossible; Regina and Skye are both good options.
A high threat merc that scales really strongly. B tier in lower leagues, up to high A tier at higher leagues.
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