Marauders – How to Fix the Binocular Like FOV

Currently the game doesn’t have an FOV slider in the settings, and the default FOV is rather awful, feeling like you are looking through binoculars. So here’s how to change it!

Guide to Fix the Binocular Like FOV

All credit goes to Krosis!


Finding your config file

Open the windows explorer and type %appdata% in the address bar, and go back to the folder ‘Local’ instead of ‘Roaming’.

The config file will be in the following folder inside your local appdata:

  • \AppData\Local\RaidGame\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor

The file we’re looking for is called: GameUserSettings.ini

Editing your config file

Once you opened the config file you want to add this line to the bottom:


You can change 95 to whichever FOV you prefer, however I’d recommend to stay within reasonable limits. I tested 95 and that seems to work perfectly for me.

Enjoy playing the game without feeling like you’re looking through a pair of binoculars!

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 7719 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.


  1. For Linux via Proton the GameUserSettings.ini is located in ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/1789480/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/AppData/Local/RaidGame/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/

  2. The Ultrawide fix is nice to have a DIY solution until devs get to it, but the whole point of the game is to have a gas mask vision and FOV changes are basically cheats in such a CQC game.

    • I disagree. FOV is just a matter of preference, as some people simply prefer a narrower 60 FOV, while others prefer a more zoomed out 90-95 FOV. Also to many people (including me) a very narrow FOV can be rather nauseating. And if having a higher FOV was cheating, why does every single competitve FPS game allow you to change it even up to 110 in most cases.

      On top of that, on ultrawide screens the natural FOV tends to be more zoomed in due to the wider screen. So while a 90 FOV on a 16:9 monitor can be perfectly fine, it can result in an FOV that feels like 60 for people on a 21:9 monitor. If the game had an FOV slider (like every other game) this could be adjusted.

    • While I do also prefer a minimum of 110 thesedays, and find games like Overwatch that cap annoyingly at just a bit lower very hard to get used to, I can understand that in the case of Marauders the forced FOV does play a part in the immersion and design of maps/encounters when it keeps it claustrophobic.

      For Ultrawide I do hope that there’s a normalization for it to be an actual painless way to play games, though I understand how hard it is to balance the experience for one.

      • I feel ya, I also tend to max out my FOV to 110 in any game that allows it. And anything under 95 is just almost unbearable to me.

        Forced FOV like with the gas mask overlay is fine, but I don’t think adding a forced narrow global FOV adds anything apart from pain. When you look up or down in a game it shouldn’t feel like your character’s body is growing or shrinking in height. Which is what is currently happening with the default FOV in marauders.

    • Nah it’s just editing an ini file. Not like you are hacking the game code or anything. Besides, it’s just FOV which is a basic feature that should have been in the game. This is a temporary solution until they add it to the game properly.

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