Metal Slug: Awakening – 3v3 Mecha Clash Guide

Guide to 3v3 Mecha Clash Guide

By Xpectation

Best Characters

Lyla with gatlyn gun, she can spray bullets everywhere, high dps overall, really good to kill mechs and at boss fights.

Nadia is really good at stealing the boss, she can also sustain your team with her heals aswell as boost her teams dmg by 35% in her fat aura state.

Marco his ultimate dmg is very high, aswell as his burst dmg with his grenades. Running a 3 Marco comp is seen quite a lot. (Gets countered by Trevors, but is the counter to 3 Lyla comp)

Haran is very annoying with all of his freezes especially when he has snowball on top. Very good disabler.

Gru with shotgun is a very good all in character which also disrupts the enemy team, gives your team extra PEN with his ultimate and also knocks enemies. Very annoying especially when combined with with other all in champs like Trevor, or when combined with other stunlock characters like Haran and Nadia.

Trevor with shotgun is a high damage all in kind of champion. You want him to play with another agressive character. For example Gru goes in first and dmg and knock enemies, then Trevor jumps in to secure the kills and to reset his air slashes. Don’t recommend using Trevor when you don’t have another all in character like Gru in your team. Look below for the rest of the guide!

Best Team Compositions

  • 3 Lyla’s with gatlynn gun and just spray bullets everywhere (Go for longer ranged fights and charge up your gatlynn guns and puffers before fighting!).
  • 3 Marco comp to counter 3 Lyla comps with their high burst damage (Take close ranged fights).
  • Gru + Haran + Nadia is the ultimate stunlock team, you just keep stunning the enemy, you can’t die if the enemy can’t move. This is also the best comp to try and steal the big boss.
  • Gru + Trevor + Nadia/Haran/Lyla/Marco Gru dives in and Trevor aswell, then the Lyla shoots from afar, or the Nadia/Haran stunlock the enemies so the other 2 can jump in.
  • Or more agressive is go with Marco, since he also has big burst, so you can just burst everyone.
  • Mixed comps, you can also mix 2 Lyla with 1 Marco, 2 Marco with 1 Lyla, or go 1 lyla, 1 Marco and 1 Nadia. 2 Lyla + 1 Scarlet also works wonders to steal boss. The comps are flexible, but I suggest you take on of these comps and don’t use the characters that I didn’t mention above.
  • Tarma/Eva/Eri/Fio aren’t really good in this mode.


  • The execution of the gameplan is different per teamcomp, however there are general guidelines that are the same for all the comps.
  • Look at the minimap, you have to look at it often, so you can see where the enemy is going!
  • Stick together with your teammates, you have the highest chance of winning the fights if you are fighting with 3 instead of with 2 or alone.
  • when you are low HP, go recover HP passively by not using your gun, after a few seconds you will regain HP or just run to base if you are close for faster HP regeneration.

Focus on the parts not on kills! Whoever has the most parts at a certain time will spawn a mecha, so going for parts over kills is what you must do! Kills don’t matter, base HP is what matters, so stop chasing the kills and go collect the parts. Sometimes I leave my enemy on very low HP and not kill them on purpose. The reason for this is, if we are all full hp, and the enemy is low HP, they either gotta go fight us with low HP to contest parts, or they have to walk all the way back to base to regain their HP. Either way you get the parts and they don’t.

Whenever the mecha is about to spawn, you should go kill the box in the middle of the map, it will speed up the mecha, so you want it to speed up your mecha or to deny the enemy to speed up theirs. Sometimes dying in enemy base to get more base dmg is worth it if you were already low HP to begin with. This way you will respawn with full HP and will be ready for the next fight.

You want to contest the top parts instead of the bottom parts. The reason is at top 3 bots can spawn, in bot only 2 sides spawn parts, so if you go on top and also take the 1 middle part that spawns under the box from time to time, you will always have more parts than your enemy! Only go for bottom parts if you just won a big fight and it’s free to take it.

When the big boss spawns, ignore it, just go top with your teammates, you will get bots spawn there and you can get free parts if enemy team is splitting. However if you see on the minimap that all 3 enemies are going to the boss (especially if its 3 Lyla with gatlyn guns) then you better get there fast! If you are on voice chat with your teammates, you can have 1 person stand near the big boss to check the big boss HP and he can call out how much % HP it still has.

You can use your ultimate once at the beginning, after that save your ultimate for important boss fights. Don’t waste your ults for fights that don’t matter or for some extra dps on base if it won’t die cuz of it. If your ultimates are all on cooldown when the big boss spawns, you better go top and hope that the enemy doesn’t rush the boss. If you know that the enemy doesn’t have their ults, and you all do, go rush the big boss and punish their mistake.

Save your snowballs for important fights to get parts or to get/steal the big boss or to slow down the enemy mecha.

Play to your team compositions strengths! If you go triple Lyla, you want to spray bullets from further away and charge up your puffers and gatlyn guns before you fight. If you go triple Marco you want to be in their face so you can burst them with grenades. If you go Trevor and Gru comp you also want to play aggressive. If you go stunlock team, you want to set up your stuns first.

Same at the bossfights. If you have Nadia, Gru and Haran for example, you wait for the boss to get really low, then have Nadia charge in with ult to stun everyone and possibly stealing all the parts, on top of that use Haran ult to freeze them, and Gru can use his ult and fists to stunnextra and deal dmg. So basically save your ults until the boss is really low or just died to make certain you get the parts (Try to kill Nadia or make sure she has no ult because she is the best character to steal big boss parts!).

I hope this helps y’all, good luck on the grind!

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 4311 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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