MIR4 – Attack of the Living Wraiths (Bosses Guide)

Attack of the Living Wraiths is a weekly content that proceeds on every Thursday, 22:00 ~ 23:00. You can claim valuable rewards by hunting Named>Semi-boss>Boss monsters in order that appear on the 4th floor of each valley.

Attack of the Living Wraiths


  • Content Area: Bicheon Valley 4th floor / Snake Valley 4th floor / Redmoon Valley 4th floor
  • Time Period: Every Thursday, 22:00~23:00 (1 hour)

Monsters do not appear after 23:00, and those that appeared before 23:00 remain.


  • Only Named monsters will appear at assigned places of each valley’s 4th floor.
  • There is a chance of semi-boss monsters appearing once named monsters are defeated.
  • There is a chance of boss monsters appearing once semi-boss monsters are defeated.
  • Named monsters will re-spawn periodically during the time period of the content.

Click to enlarge…

Assigned spawn places for every valley’s 4th floor are the same.

Named monster gets spawned for every 3 minutes, maxiumum of 12 at each places, and 60 in total.

Treasure Chest does not drop by defeating Named monster.

Treasure Chest drops only by defeating Semi-boss or Boss monster.

  • Number of Treasure Chest drops by defeating Semi-boss: 5
  • Number of Treasure Chest drops by defeating Boss: 15

Monsters / Bosses

Monsters of the Attack of the Living Wraiths that appear at each valley are as follows.

Bicheon Valley 4th Floor

  • Named Monster: Fiend Demoniac Gun Maryeong.
  • Semi-boss: Living Wraith Gunwol Ravenspirit.
  • Boss: Phantomgeist Death Guardian.

Snake Valley 4th Floor

  • Named Monster: Fiend Demoniac Lee Gwiryeong.
  • Semi-boss: Living Wraith Taeo Ravenspirit.
  • Boss: Phantomgeist Void Guardian.

Redmoon Valley 4th Floor

  • Named Monster: Fiend Demoniac Lee Gwiryeong.
  • Semi-boss: Living Wraith Ichae Ravenspirit.
  • Boss: Phantomgeist Drake Guardian.

Rewards / Drops

Rewards that you can claim for a certain chance by killing Named, Semi-boss, Boss monsters of each valley’s 4th floor are as follows.

Rewards that you can get for a certain chance by defeating Named Monster:

Bicheon Valley 4th floorSnake Valley 4th floorRedmoon Valley 4th floor
[R] Tier 1 Equipment[R] Tier 1 Equipment[R] Tier 2 Equipment
[R] Mystic Enhancement Stone[R] Mystic Enhancement Stone[R] Mystic Enhancement Stone
[R] Magic Stone[R] Magic Stone[R] Magic Stone
[R] Spirit Treasure[R] Spirit Treasure[R] Spirit Treasure
Combat Buff CofferCombat Buff CofferCombat Buff Coffer
Ancient Dragon’s Spirit TokenAncient Dragon’s Spirit TokenAncient Dragon’s Spirit Token
Ancient Dragon Skill TokenAncient Dragon Skill TokenAncient Dragon Skill Token
[R] Noirsoul Herb[R] Noirsoul Herb[R] Noirsoul Herb
[R] Snow Panax[R] Snow Panax[R] Snow Panax
[R] Oil[R] Oil[R] Oil
[R]/[E] Purified Water[R]/[E] Purified Water[R]/[E] Purified Water
[R]/[E] Virtue Pill[R]/[E] Virtue Pill[R]/[E] Virtue Pill
[R]/[E] Blue Dragon Statue[R]/[E] Blue Dragon Statue[R]/[E] Blue Dragon Statue
[R] Equipment Resources (Evil Minded Orb / Quintessence / Illuminating Fragment / Exorcism Bauble / Anima Stone)[R] Equipment Resources (Evil Minded Orb / Quintessence / Illuminating Fragment / Exorcism Bauble / Anima Stone)[R] Equipment Resources (Evil Minded Orb / Quintessence / Illuminating Fragment / Exorcism Bauble / Anima Stone)

Rewards that you can get for a certain chance by defeating Semi-boss Monster:

Bicheon Valley 4th floorSnake Valley 4th floorRedmoon Valley 4th floor
[E] Dragon Scale/Leather/Horn[E] Dragon Scale/Leather/Horn[E] Dragon Scale/Leather/Horn
[R] Tier 1 Equipment[R] Tier 1 Equipment[R] Tier 2 Equipment
[R]/[E]/[L] Mystic Enhancement Stone[R]/[E]/[L] Mystic Enhancement Stone[R]/[E]/[L] Mystic Enhancement Stone
[E]/[L] Enhancement Stone[E]/[L] Enhancement Stone[E]/[L] Enhancement Stone
[R]/[E] Magic Stone[R]/[E] Magic Stone[R] Magic Stone
[R]/[E] Spirit Treasure[R]/[E] Spirit Treasure[R] Spirit Treasure
Combat Buff CofferCombat Buff CofferCombat Buff Coffer
Ancient Dragon’s Spirit TokenAncient Dragon’s Spirit TokenAncient Dragon’s Spirit Token
Ancient Dragon Skill TokenAncient Dragon Skill TokenAncient Dragon Skill Token
[R] Noirsoul Herb[R] Noirsoul Herb[R] Noirsoul Herb
[R] Snow Panax[R] Snow Panax[R] Snow Panax
[R] Oil[R] Oil[R] Oil
[R]/[E] Blue Dragon Statue[R]/[E] Blue Dragon Statue[R]/[E] Blue Dragon Statue
[R] Equipment Resources (Evil Minded Orb / Quintessence / Illuminating Fragment / Exorcism Bauble / Anima Stone)[R] Equipment Resources (Evil Minded Orb / Quintessence / Illuminating Fragment / Exorcism Bauble / Anima Stone)[R] Equipment Resources (Evil Minded Orb / Quintessence / Illuminating Fragment / Exorcism Bauble / Anima Stone)

Rewards that you can get for a certain chance by defeating Boss Monster

Bicheon Valley 4th floorSnake Valley 4th floorRedmoon Valley 4th floor
[E] Dragon Scale/Leather/Horn[E] Dragon Scale/Leather/Horn[E] Dragon Scale/Leather/Horn
[R] Tier 1 Equipment[R] Tier 1 Equipment[R] Tier 2 Equipment
[R]/[E]/[L] Mystic Enhancement Stone[R]/[E]/[L] Mystic Enhancement Stone[R]/[E]/[L] Mystic Enhancement Stone
[E]/[L] Enhancement Stone[E]/[L] Enhancement Stone[E]/[L] Enhancement Stone
[R]/[E] Magic Stone[R]/[E] Magic Stone[R] Magic Stone
[R]/[E] Spirit Treasure[R]/[E] Spirit Treasure[R] Spirit Treasure
Combat Buff CofferCombat Buff CofferCombat Buff Coffer
Ancient Dragon’s Spirit TokenAncient Dragon’s Spirit TokenAncient Dragon’s Spirit Token
Ancient Dragon Skill TokenAncient Dragon Skill TokenAncient Dragon Skill Token
[R] Noirsoul Herb[R] Noirsoul Herb[R] Noirsoul Herb
[R] Snow Panax[R] Snow Panax[R] Snow Panax
[R] Oil[R] Oil[R] Oil
[R]/[E] Blue Dragon Statue[R]/[E] Blue Dragon Statue[R]/[E] Blue Dragon Statue
[R] Equipment Resources (Evil Minded Orb / Quintessence / Illuminating Fragment / Exorcism Bauble / Anima Stone)[R] Equipment Resources (Evil Minded Orb / Quintessence / Illuminating Fragment / Exorcism Bauble / Anima Stone)[R] Equipment Resources (Evil Minded Orb / Quintessence / Illuminating Fragment / Exorcism Bauble / Anima Stone)
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3757 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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