MIR4 – Character Guide (Equipment, Magic Stone, Outfit, Ride)

You can manage your items and check the growth and activities of your character. Also, you can equip Magic Stones to help upgrade your character.

Character Settings Overview


  • Press the Equipment icon or tap Character > Equipment tab in the Menu.

View your character’s stats, profile, equipment, and items in the bag.

  1. Tap ‘Details’ to check the character’s full stats.
  2. You can change your character’s profile picture by tapping the profile picture.
  3. View the tiers and enhancement levels of your equipment, and lock/unlock, sell, or equip/remove them.
  4. Tap the Craft icon to open the Craft > Crafting window.
  5. Tap an unequipped equipment to compare options with the currently equipped equipment.
  6. Using Auto-equip equips your character with equipment that give the highest Power Score.
  7. Sort items in different ways.


Access the Info menu from Character – Equipment window, where you can view your character’s basic information.

  1. View your character’s Power Score and press the ‘+ Details’ button to check detailed stats.
  2. View your Title/Power Score/Alignment/Clan/Skill/Spirit information.
  3. Tapping the Craft button opens the Craft > Crafting Equipment window.

Magic Stone

Tap Character – Magic Stone in the Menu or click the Magic Stone tab at the top left of the Equipment window.

  1. View the information about the stats applied by equipping Magic Stones.
  2. Equip or remove Magic Stones.
  3. Tap the ‘Combine Magic Stones’ button to access Craft > Combine.


Tap Character – Outfit tab in the Menu.

  1. Check the accumulated stats applied by the outfit.
  2. You can tap the outfit to preview it.
  3. Tap the arrow button at the bottom of the outfit equipment list to reset the preview.
  4. Tap a purchased equipment to dye or equip/remove.


Tap Character – Ride tab in the Menu or click the Ride tab at the top left of the Outfit window.

  1. Check the stats increased by owning mounts.
  2. Check the stats that can be gained by purchasing a mount.
  3. Purchase a mount or ride/dismount.
Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2153 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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