A walk through for the 5 mods Beautiful Glitch made for Monster Prom.
Rivals / Lovers of Aether (Forsburn)
Buy Poetry Competition Tickets ($2)
- Event 1: Charming / Fun
- Event 2: Smart / Bold
- Event 3: Creative / Smart
Go to prom alone.
Social Monsters / Internet Famous! (Slimeantha & Vanity)
Buy How to be a Social Media Sensation ($5)
- Event 1: Creative / Bold
- Event 2: Bold / Fun
- Event 3: Fun / Bold
Go to prom alone.
The Look-See
I believe this is simply a mod that allows you to use the Look-See as a character for CREATING mods as I hadn’t been able to find a way to trigger any events and from what I interpreted from Beautiful Glitch’s comment on the mod.
However, you can use this mod as a quick way to get the achievement ‘Mod-alicious!’ (Create your own custom character in the Modtool!) by following the below steps:
- Modtool -> Create Mods -> Create New Mod -> Codename (it doesn’t matter what’s put here) -> Character Editor -> Import -> Look-See. If it doesn’t trigger go back until you can click/select Look-See and you can see the Sprite, Outfit (Casual), and Mood (Default).
You don’t necessarily need to post this mod to get the achievement. I’d personally recommend against doing so if possible just to avoid confusing others and taking up space on the workshop. You can delete the mod by just going back until you see the Codename you gave this throw away mod and there should be a little garbage button to the right of it.
Tickets to Heaven (Raphael)
Buy Tickets to Heaven ($5)
- Event 1: Charm / Bold
- Event 2: Creative / Smart
- Event 3: Money / Fun
Go to prom alone
Flask Fellowship (Mina)
Buy Bottled Emperors Soul ($5)
- Event 1: Smart / Creative
- Event 2: Smart / Fun
- Event 3: Bold / Creative
Go to prom alone
Extra Notes
I used the Second Term DLC and I hadn’t test it on just the base game.
I went to prom alone every time except for once on Tickets to Heaven (gone with Polly). I’m unsure if this means the mods override every other ending or if since Polly was in the ending it was able to continue on.
Tickets to Heaven and Flask Fellowship’s descriptions talk about having 4/3 characters; but it’s actually just the new character + 3/2 new sprites for the character’s involved (Polly, Vera, & Damien / Polly & Damien). Just thought this should be mentioned.
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