Overwatch 2 – Beginners Guide

This is a simple guide for players who are starting out in Overwatch 2 and looking for help.


Сrеdit gоеs to VØJ !

Tired of toxic players criticizing you for not playing how they want? Well, here’s a guide for BEGINNERS on how you can have a positive experience within the game and minimize problems with other players.

The first thing you must understand is that Overwatch 2 is a Competitive game and that DEPENDS on teamwork, that is, the focus is on competition between teams, so if you are a player who doesn’t care about winning, I recommend you uninstall the game, because even in casual modes, victory is the focus of both teams, and the best team wins, it’s that simple.

“If you don’t care about winning, why are you playing a game where that’s the main goal?”

Team Formation

Once you understand the type of game you are playing, you need to understand how it works and its characters. Teams in Overwatch 2 are made up of 5 players on each side, with characters with 3 different roles, Tank, Damage and Support.

To simplify the functioning of each type of character, I created this image with the standard formation in Role Selection Mode, and how they should work on the map, and I will also provide a description, to facilitate understanding.



The player who has a Tank type character has the following objectives: Protect the team, attract the attention of the enemy team, separate the enemy team to help the team and provide useful information, such as enemies that are hidden and traps on the ground (of course if you can, break the traps).

If you like being on the front line, this class fits you very well, however, it is important to know how to choose the character you will use for each situation, for example, if the opponents are very close to each other, a character like Winston can be useful to separate them, as it can cause area damage when jumping, taking a lot of life from nearby Damage class characters, forcing their Supports to heal them (sometimes wasting important skills like Moira healing orb which could be used in critical moments), can also deal damage to multiple targets simultaneously, protect the team and himself using a shield (as Winston cannot heal himself, it needs to avoid massive damage by moving constantly and always have support nearby), however, if the enemy team is relatively dispersed, with each player in one place, Doomfist can be a great choice, as the character has a lot of mobility and it will be easy to further isolate players who are far away and eliminate them, that’s how you should analyze the game to always make the best choice.


The player who has a Damage type character aims to cause damage, as the name suggests, however, the main target of this type of character must be the enemy team Support, in this way, by preventing the enemy from receiving healing, it becomes easier to eliminate their Tank and Damage, so, if you like this class, always try to find a character that is effective against the enemy Support, so that you can eliminate them easily, for example, if the team enemy has Ana and Mercy as Supports, having the Sombra and Soldier76 as Damage on the team can be good options, since Ana is normally far from the team and doesn’t have much mobility, so the Sombra can get closer, prevent her from heal, do a lot of damage and run away quickly (of course, if the player is good with Ana, he can immobilize you, so be careful), Mercy normally flies behind a player, healing and increasing the damage of allies and reviving the dead, which is why Soldier76 would be a good option, as he can shoot from far, can heal himself, It weapon has a good fire rate and can eliminate te Mercy quite easily (if you have a good accuracy).


Support main objective is to keep the team alive, but it must also provide game information and cause damage to opponents whenever possible, so if you are not good at combat, but can help the team, this class could be ideal for you, however, you need to know what type of Support to use to help your team in the best way, for example, if the enemy team is causing a lot of damage and easily eliminating your team, perhaps the Damage players aren’t focusing on the enemy Support, which means that they can heal their allies, making it more difficult to eliminate them, so warning players who are as Damage that they need to focus on enemy Supports will help a lot, or, perhaps using an appropriate Support for that situation also help, if the problem is the lack of healing in the team.


Now that you understand a little about how the classes work in the game, you need to understand how the characters you use work.

To do this, I always recommend entering the training map to test the characters, by pressing the F1 key (normally Fn+1 if your keyboard doesn’t have this key), you can see how it works in game, so you can create strategies to use, in addition, there are Hero Mastery mode, for you to master certain characters.


It is also possible to create individual settings for each character in the game, to have better comfort when playing, to do this you must to access the game Options, go to the Controls tab, and by clicking on the Change Hero option, you can adjust sensitivity, binds, crosshair and other things just for that character.

In addition to the Controls, you can also customize the interface colors, to have a more comfortable visual adjustment, especially if you have any visual difficulties, to do this, go to the Accessibility tab, then Color Blindness, then you can use the most interesting preset to you, or create a fully customized version by clicking Customize UI Colors.


Each map has its particularities and it is important to analyze their structure to decide which character to use, for example, maps that have the capture point close to the void, almost always have Lucio on one of the teams, or, in both, simply because he can push enemies into the void, minimizing the effort to eliminate the opponent.

Maps without many obstacles almost always have a sniper like Ashe, Ana or Widowmaker, or an archer like Hanzo, because the field of vision is wide and they can keep a good distance from opponents, minimizing the risk of dying. Is this the type of observation you need to make, use a flying character (Phara) on a closed map, or using a walking mortar (Junkrat) on an open map, where his bombs will have more difficulty reaching an enemy?

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 13505 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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