Peglin – Quick Guide to Egglin Event

Overanalysis on Egglin

By Concentrication (and die).

Egglin is a good event. You see them, you get a relic. You see them with an egg, you get a better relic. This event is always good. You can’t handle the elite, you just take the common relic. You can handle the elite, you get the normal elite rewards. And then of course if you have the egg, you get the cake! But maybe you don’t always take the cake?

The free relic is the second option. It’s a guaranteed common relic, and there’s no downside to it! Or at least that’s what it looks like at first. The downside to it is opportunity cost. If you take the free relic, sure it’s free, you don’t take any damage, but you’re also not really getting stronger. Imagine if you’re not strong enough to beat the boss and you get this event. What are the chances that one random common relic will save you? Even if it showed 2 relics, it wouldn’t be an always take. The quality and the quantity compared to the elite is what makes this option so bad.

The other option is fighting the tall knight elite. This gives normal elite rewards. If you choose this option, it’s exactly like if you entered an elite and got the tall knight fight. There’s no difference. At all. So this is the better option between this and the free common relic. (unless you’re roundrel) This is basically comparing 1 chest to 1 elite. The 2 chests vs 1 elite comparison I did a while ago does actually apply to this as well, as sometimes you get this event and you have no elites or other chests on the current path, so you have to decide if you have every common/rare relic you need, if you can take the elite, if you’re fine against the boss if you take the common relic, etc. Just something to consider the next time you get this event.

This option is still better most of the time, but maybe you have everything you need and you see this event, maybe you don’t risk the fight? Or maybe you take the fight to see if your deck is strong enough? Strength checking is always good.

And then you have the cake. The -egg, +cake interaction. The cake is really good. It’s run winning. You get this after ingot, gg. You get this before ingot, still probably gg. +50 max hp is insane for this game. You go from 85 to 135, which makes the cake 1.6x max hp, provided you have no other max hp gaining. This lets you tank more, greed more, live more vs ballista, it’s just insane overall. The thing is though, it’s pretty inconsistent. You have to get the egg in the forest, not use it for healing, then get this event in castle. That doesn’t happen very often.

Also, it doesn’t help at all vs wall. So maybe you take the elite over the cake sometimes. Very rarely, but if you know you’re dead against wall, having more max hp doesn’t help you. On the other hand, rare relics can help give more damage, which lets you beat wall. I’m not saying you should pass up the cake if you get the chance, but the cake can’t be useful if you die even with the max hp.

I hope this was helpful to you!

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 7932 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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