Ratopia – Beginners Guide

Beginners Guide

Step One

You might have to do this a few times, But its important to generate and Spawn on a map that has a decent amount of Wheat right from the beginning.

So generate a map, take a few days Exploring, do not bother building, just make a few paths across the map from right to left, and see if their are at least 10 or more wheat resources near each other.

Food is a primary factor, so having a bunch of it will insure success, and less riots. Gathering it early will also insure u will have plenty Stored for the winter.

Step Two

There is NO RUSH, you control the pace of migration, Find a good location to place your CITY GATE but do not invite or accept any rats, Take your time and focus where you will spend your time, start to explore, Gather the primary resource around you.

Once you have initiated a vision of where you will build, Start by placing the research table, Also plan ahead, if u know u will be installing a Lift station to go up and Down, Make sure to leave 2 square tiles free on either side of your ladder, so in the future this path will be covered to an elevator.

Many players quickly accept all immigrating rats. DO NOT DO this pick wisely, and Send those that u do no want AWAY.

  • Make a path to where u will build, with a ladder leading down or up.
  • Place the City Gate
  • Place the Saw Mill x2
  • Allow 1 or 2 Rats to join you and assign 1 to the Saw Mill
  • Assign the second to gather food or mine wood
  • Build a Gathering Camp or 2 near the Wheat resources, Assign a worker.
  • Build a Research Desk, once build, Research Hunters Hunt first, Water Tank, Masonry, Butcher, circus, and training camp.
  • Allow a few more immigrates in, and build a hunters hunt (assign a worker) place it near the rabbits.
  • Install a Laboratory and place a smart rat working on it.
  • Some players like to install beds and toilets near where the rats work, to say travel time, at this time you should place a single or if u want to research bunk beds and 1 toilet on each level or area where the work stations are located. and assign the rats working at those stations to the closest beds.
  • Their is no rush a can continue to build out (DIG) your base design, going down and up and out line and installing dirt blocks where you will be placing beds, work stations, farms, and ladders and future lift areas.
  • You should try to only have about 10-15 rats around (2 at saw mill), 2 Gathering Camps, 1 Laboratory, 1 Hunters Camp, 1 Masonry, 1 Butcher, 1 Circus, 1 Training camp. With the remaining Rats helping to Mine, and Gather resources you have already mined out.

Tip: Place a (Toilet/Wash station), and a Joy (circus/arena/pot shop in the main path to a storage chest, this insures a chance for the rats to get their cleaniness and joy up.)

Step Three

  • Start to plan where u will be building future wheat, grass, and flower fields, A good place for these would be straight up above your main chest at least 4 levels up, This part is tricky because you will have to build an U shaped box, and above that U shaped Box a triangle covering that U box. Assigning a Worker, If their is water around within the Tanks Range assign a work to start collecting Water. See sample #=Dirt Block ==Ladder
  • Focus on Carving out Main paths to future Resources, So keep building a Main Ladder path down, and completely gather Out into Bags the singular, Wheat, flower, and grass, and trees resources, Bring them to your Chest, you will be replanting them closer to your base. also build a Logging Camp (near trees).
  • Find Mud, and research Silviculture Post, and than Small and Large Gardens. Once you have a decent amount of Mud, build a spot at your base near a Gathering Camp, with a Silvicuture post next to it and begin to plant a few rows of wheat, than another row or grass, and another row of Flowers. This area will insure your Base will have a steady amount of resources close by.
  • Next you will need Rope, and Cloth so research Weaving Mill, Grinder, Kiln, Furnace, and assign workers (build these Has close as possible to the Main Chest if not possible Than Build a second Chest Far Bellow Near the Ore Resources, but place it Directly in Line with your Main Ladder going down where the future Lift elevator will be installed)
  • Research a Shrine of Rat, and place a Code Stone, anywhere at your base. Setup the Code of Stone to charge daily 20% of wealth to any rat, and set up to charge them to use toilets, to start off, once you place the Shrine of Rat, interact with it and Activate it, so when you walk by any rat you collect the 20% of tax. Setting up Tax Code at the Code of Stone is needed to insure make money (and will need its own Guide, but for now, only 3 codes are mainly needed) the 3rd is a subsidy allowance for any rat that has less than 200 gold.
  • If you find a good Fishing pond, you can set out to make a Fishing area, research the Fishery, and assign workers. Here is the best way to maximise the Fish Pond you can direct the Fishery to face Left or Right, you can install ladders in between each Opening direction where the rat will fish. #=tile ==Ladder (F=Fishery, T=Toiler, B=Bed C-Circus)
  • Research and Build 1 Rabbit Pastures to produce milk as another food source, At his point u can also Research Wheat, Grass, and Flower Farms, and placing one of each near your water tank and assigning 1 work will also offer much future needed food
  • At this point you should have about 30+ Rats, Do not go about 40, try to stay around this number for a while, U can research more future workshops and place them but DO NOT assign any one to them, The Bakery, the Grill.
  • Keep Exploring and making Paths to gather resources, Make sure you have gathered and made a farming area, fishing area, garden area with wheat, grass, and flowers, Water reservoir area,
  • Build a defence at least 4 training camps, 2 on the right of base and 2 on the left of base at different elevations

Design References

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3641 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.


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