Hellmet – Characters and NPC’s Guide

Guide to Important NPC’s and Characters

If you want to learn more about game mechanics, secrets, or just to get useful tips, then don’t forget to check out our Hellmet Beginners Guide. It will be useful for beginners and experienced players alike.



Aradus is the Squad Leader, you will always play this character if you were to make the lobby for the game.

Appearance: He appears to be using a standard body armour with a helmet (wow yes HELMET) with blue stripes and a blue cross mark. Also he has a chimera goggles mount sort of thing.


Calar is one of Aradus’ Squad member, you will always play as Calar if you are the 2nd one to join the lobby.

Appearance: Calar wears the same helmet and body armour as Kaska and Aradus, but instead he has a green stripes and cross and also wears a goggle.


Kaska is another Aradus’ Squad Member, you will always play as Kaska if you are the 3rd one to join the lobby.

Appearance: Kaska wears the same body armour and Aradus as Aradus and Calar, but with yellow stripes and cross, also has a goggle in front of the helmet mount, and he wears shades.


Civilian Guesan


HP: 50-150(? Depends if they have armor or not).

  • Civilian Guesan has multiple morphs, it could be a normal Guesan with a hat to a Guesan wearing PRESS vest and helmet.
  • They can now wear military armour and helmets but does not have a gun.
  • They are usually facing the wall in a room, making them mostly unaware of your presence when entering the room.
  • Intimidating them head on when they are aware of you might take a couple of tries.
  • They will surrender instantly if you intimidate them when they are not aware of your presence.
  • They will always walk backwards after encountering you, trying to get far from you.
  • They have a 30%(also varies on difficulties) chance to investigate sounds (Footsteps, Gunshots, etc.). The hearing chance is based off how far the noise can be heard and how far the Civilian is from the noise.
  • They have a determined chance based on the AID behavior to decide to rush and shank you or not.
  • Using zip ties on them pretty much disables their AI completely.
  • Securing a non-hostile Guesan will give you 150 points, and using ziptie to them will give an extra 60 points.
  • If left unattended and not ziptied, they will get up and run to the nearest escape zone to instantly raise the alert level to 3
  • They can dress as a soldier despite not having a gun.
  • An extra to the point above some civilians dressing as soldiers may wear Anti Riot Visors making them unable to be stunned by the flashbang.

Killing a non hostile Guesan will result in a -250 points deduction. (No warcimes please).

Armed Guesan


Hp: 100-200 (Depends on difficulties and armor)

  • Damage: 15~(Vetala)/65 (Externity)
  • Weapons: Vetala/K1889
  • Fire rate: 650/30
  • Draw time: 0.45 seconds + 0.1 second buffer before firing at you.

They take the appearance of a Guesan but differs from civilian they usually wear a vest, different hat, or even a helmet.

  • When they are alert of you they will pull out their gun making their status as a Non-Hostile > Hostile, of which, you can shoot them.
  • They will stay in one place when aiming their gun at you(They will try and push your location if you went out of sight), they have a 45% chance to surrender when intimidated.
  • If you make them get on the ground, they have a chance to crawl to their gun(Also varies on AID’s behavior). Losing their Non-Hostile status once again.
  • Same like civilians, they can instantly surrender if you intimidate them when they are not aware of you.
  • Securing them will give you 150 points, and using zipties on them will give an extra 60.
  • The amount of them spawning will now base off the size of the room
  • If you gotten out of their sight they will rush at you.
  • Killing an Non-Hostile armed Guesan will result in a -250 point deduction.
  • Enemies weapon will vary either the Velata or K1889 based off difficulty and Director.
  • They can now wear civilian outfits while having a gun and grenade.
  • Some enemies may wear Anti Riot Visors(Also counts as helmet) making them immune to flashbangs.
  • When killed also have a chance to drop radio, if not answered raises the alert level by 1 level
  • Enemies with helmets will now take no headshot damage(registering as bodyshot damage), and bodyarmours increases their hp pool up by 100+
  • May have a chance to throw a grenade at you upon visual contact (chances are low but never zero

APU (Zho)

He is the final enemy and a boss at the end of HELLMET’s 2nd mission.

  • He wears some sort of construction APU fitted with a fully automatic machine gun.
  • He cannot be stunned or damaged by bullets
  • He can only be damaged by searching the boxes and crafting makeshift bombs to throw at him
  • The boxes search time is RNG, and the amount of materials you get is also RNG.
  • He requires 4 bombs to entirely be defeated

He also varies based on difficulty. Killing him gives 300 points.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3641 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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