If you want to learn more about game mechanics, secrets, or just to get useful tips, then don’t forget to check out our Hellmet Beginners Guide. It will be useful for beginners and experienced players alike.
Weapons (Primary)
Velata Y88-S
Cost: 2 Budget Points
- Damage: 86
- Headshot multiplier: 10x
- Clip size: 30
- Reserve mags: 2
- Reload time: 3.3s
- Tactical reload time: 2.2s
- RPM: 650
- Suppressed: No
- Perturbator required?: No
Special attribute/ability: Cheap and efficient.

Cost: 3 Budget Points
- Damage: 66
- Bullets per mag: 20
- Mag count: 5
- Reload time: 3s
- Tactical reload time: 2.1s
- Fire rate: 800 RPM
- Suppressed: Yes
- Perturbator required?: No
Special attribute: Internally suppressed, making gunshots a lot more quiet (The suppressor only reduces the range of where the gunshot can be heard, closer enemies will still be able to hear suppressed gunshots).

Cost: 3 Budget Points
- Damage: 125
- Headshot multiplier: 10x
- Clip size: 5
- Reserves: 20
- Reload time: 1second delay then 0.5s per bullet
- Fire rate: 30 RPM
- Suppressed: No
- Perturbator required?: No
Special attribute: This weapon loads the bullet individually instead of using a mag.
Special ability(Keybind V): “I slap things” the ability to bash anything with your gun, this deals 100~ damage to enemies and can break doors in 1 hit.

Cost: 4 Budget Points
- Damage(Semi):100~
- Damage(Auto): 75
- Headshot multiplier: 10x
- Bullet count: 20
- Reserve mag count: 3
- Reload time: 4 seconds
- Tactical reload time: 2.5 seconds
- Fire rate: 650 (Auto)/300~(Semi)
- Perturbator required?: No
Special ability (Keybind V): Switch between semi auto and full auto, this will affect the recoil, fire rate, damage.

Bishen OV-4
Cost: 4 Budget Points
- Damage: 82
- Headshot multiplier: 10x
- Bullets per mag: 20
- Reserve mag count: 3
- Reload speed: 3.15 seconds
- Tactical reload speed: 2.2 seconds
- RPM: 200
- Suppressed? : Yes
- Perturbator required?: No
Special ability (Keybind V); “I’m just flashlight but better” Pressing V will turn on and off night vision, that’s literally it.
Special attribute: Internally suppressed.

Cost: 5
- Damage: 65
- Headshot multiplier: 10x
- Bullet count: 25
- Mag count: 3
- Reload time: 4
- Tac-reload time: 3
- RPM: 680
- Suppressed: No
- Perturbator required?: Yes
Special Ability(Keybind V): “I shoot fart gas” Able to convert flashbang into tear gas canister, throwing this into a room will damage any hostiles and force civilians to run outside.

N18A2 Hardkill
Cost: 6
- Damage: 35 per pellet (shoots 12 pellets)
- Headshot multiplier: 10x
- Ammo count: 7
- Shells count: 20
- Spread: Medium
- Reload speed: 0.667 second to start reloading, 0.9second per pellet, 0.8 ending reload.
- Fire rate: 55 RPM
- Suppressed: No.
- Perturbator required?: Yes
Special attribute: This weapon loads the shells individually instead of using a mag.
Special ability (Keybind V): Switch between ammunition types.
- Beanbang, deals nearly no damage but stuns your enemy, headshots are still lethal.
- Slugs, deals considerable amount of damage to non armoured, and can break doors by shooting the handle.
- Fletcher, deals more damage to hostiles with armour.

Cost: 6 Budget Points
- Damage: 125
- Headshot multiplier: 10x
- Bullets per mag: 10
- Mag count: 3
- Reload speed: 3.1s
- Tactical reload speed: 2.15s
- RPM: 310
- Suppressed: No.
- Perturbator required?: Yes
Special attribute, bullets are able to go trough walls and doors, use this with the camera gun for maximum effectiveness.
Special Ability (Keybind V): Aiming will give you an arrow, this will help with aiming your shots trough an object, this arrow will NOT be present on Extermity.
Fun fact: Formerly the H15L also no this is not based off the M110, it’s based off the DMR variant off the Polish MSBS Grot, I don’t know why do I have to type this here.

- Damage: 160
- Headshot multiplier: 10X
- Bullets per mag: It’s a BOW (1)
- Reserve mag count: 12
- Reload speed: 1.5 seconds
- RPM: 60
- Suppressed?: It’s a BOW (Yes)
- Perturbator required?: Yes
Special attribute: Shoot this weapon at a teammate and it will heal them for 20 hp, shooting at a downed teammate will also revive them.
Second special attribute: This weapon uses shells, meaning it will load individually instead of using a mag.

Cost: 6 Budget
- Damage: Nope (zero)
- Bullet per mag: 1
- Mags: inf as long as you retrieve the cartridge
- Perturbator required?: Yes
Special Attribute: “Stop Resisting! Taser Taser Taser!” knocks out enemies/civilians, making them easier to zip tie.

Khelyeta 11
Cost: 6 Budget Points
- Damage: 75
- Headshot multiplier: 10x
- Bullets per mag: 20
- Mag count: 2
- Reload speed: 3.3s
- Tactical reload speed: 2.2s
- RPM: 650
- Suppressed: No.
- Perturbator required?: No.
- Armor damage multiplier: 1.35x (Meaning 35% more damage against enemies with bodyarmor, headshot still ignores helmet)
Special Attribute; “Armour? Helmets? Nah what’s that?” The bullets of this weapon ignores enemy body armours and helmets, making each shot deal true damage regardless.

Bianje 99
Cost: 6 Budget Points
- Damage: 22
- Headshot multiplier: 10x
- Bullets per mag: 32
- Mag count: 3
- Reload speed: 1.25s
- Tactical reload speed: 0.45s
- RPM: 950
- Suppressed: No.
- Perturbator required?: Yes
Special Ability (Keybind V); Fold and unfold stock, when unfolded hip fire aim is centered on the middle of your screen but reduces your aim walk speed, when folded it will remove aim walkspeed debuff.

Weapons (Secondary)
N24 Leeman
Cost: 0
- Damage: 68
- Headshot multiplier: 10x
- Ammo per mag: 12
- Reserve mag count: 3
- Reload time: 2.4
- Tactical reload time: 1.8
- Fire rate: 300 RPM
- Suppressed: No
- Perturbator required?: No
Special attributes/ability: Cheap and Efficient

Ammo Box
Cost: 1 Budget Point
- Uses: 1
- Perturbator required?: No
Refills ammo and gadgets for your teammates and yourself, that’s literally it

Talen 81
Cost: 2 Budget Points
- Damage (Suppressed): 22
- Damage (Unsuppressed): 42
- Headshot multiplier: 10
- Bullets per mag: 16
- Mag count: 3
- Fire rate: 950 RPM
- Reload time: 3s
- Tactical reload time: 2.5s
- Perturbator required?: No.
Special ability (Keybind V): Able to detach and attach the suppressor at will, attaching/ detaching the suppressor will affect the weapon damage and noise.

BV-844 Khivnoya
Cost: 2 Budget Points
- Damage: 45
- Headshot multiplier: 10x
- Clip size: 20
- Reserve mags: 2
- Reload time: 2.4
- Tactical reload time: 1.8
- RPM: 750
- Suppressed: Yes
- Perturbator required?: No.
Special attribute: Internally suppressed.
Second special attribute: Automatically switches to this weapon if your primary runs out of ammo.

.42 Suppressed
Cost: 3
- Damage: 145
- Headshot multiplier: 10x
- Bullets per mag: 6
- Reserve mags: 3
- RPM: 50
- Reload speed: 3.2s
- Suppressed: Yes
- Perturbator required?: Yes
Special attribute: Internally suppressed, significantly reducing the range of where the gunshot can be heard.
Extra special attribute: “It’s high noon…” Automatically intimidates if you were to aim at an npc.

K08 Heavy
Cost: 4
- Damage: 85
- Headshot multiplier: 10X
- Bullets per mag: 9
- Reserve mag count: 3
- Reload speed: 2.6 seconds
- Tactical reload speed; 2 seconds
- RPM: 300
- Suppressed?: No
- Perturbator required?: Yes
Special Attribute/Ability; “I have a cool shield and a cool pistol!” Aim to take reduced damage due to the shield, while being able to fire back at enemies. You can not fire the pistol without aiming, and you can only reload if you stopped aiming.

Cost: 1
- Uses: 1 (You can bring 3)
Consume this pill to gain a really high damage reduction for 11 seconds with fatal consequences, after 11 seconds your character will DIE (you can still get revived though).

Cost: 1 Budget Points
- Uses: 1
Flashbang is an utility item often used for stunning enemies in a room, making clearing a room significantly easier.

Door Wedge
Cost: 2
A door wedge used to prevent enemies from passing trough a door. You can bring two door wedges.

Cost: 2 Budget Points
- Damage: Yes.
- Hits to break down a door: 1.
The sledgehammer is a utility tool, you can use this item to breach doors, or even hit people with it. I am recognized as one of the best weapons in game despite not being a firearm.

Cost: 2 Budget Points
- Uses: 6
Zipties is a item that can be used to cabletie hostages, making them unable to get up or do anything else.

Cost: 2
- Uses: infinite.
Lockpick is a tool you can use to unlock doors silently without alerting the enemies behind that door.

Cost: 3 Budget Points
- Uses: 1
- Healing: 60% hp
Health pen is an consumable item you can use to heal yourself and teammates. Right click to heal a teammate.
Note: Using too many healthpen will give you the overdose effect, using the healthpen for the 3rd time will start a timer, every so often you will fall and stand back up, after some time you will die, getting revived will give you the tittle “everytime this guy injects himself with something, kill them lol.”. Dying to overdose will give you the “Healthy Lifestyle” badge, albeit not being added yet.

Cost: 4
- Damage Reduction: 33%
If you wear the plate, you will gain damage reduction from damage. Can be stacked: 2 times max + 2 from “scavenger” perk, each stack will have less effects.

Cost: 4 Budget Points
You will need to wear this gadget first before it can take effect, having this shoes equipped will make your footsteps significantly quieter. Can’t be caught without my Jordans.
Ballistic Shield
Cost: 8 Budget Points
- Durability: Infinite.
Ballistic shield is an item you can get that when taken out, shields you from incoming bullets from the front.

Camera Gun
Cost: 6 Budget Points
- Uses: Inf
Camera gun is a tool you can use to see trough doors, revealing anything that is behind the door. Aiming the center at an NPC will result with them being marked, use this with the H110 for the maximum effectiveness. Note that the camera gun will not outline enemies on extermity.
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