Shadows Over Loathing – Books with Continuously Upgradeable Skills

Doing multiple playthroughs of the game I noticed an inconsistency in the skillbooks I had, so I decided to write down the locations of the skillbooks for elemental resistances and + Max HP, + % Meat Drops and + % Item Drops, which I’m calling continuously upgradeable skills, since they are skills that you can upgrade… continuously.

I don’t mean to be patronizing, I’m just differentiating them from the rest of the skillboks in the game, which can either be upgraded once or not at all.

Ocean City

The book for sleaze resistance is called “Surely Shocking Jokes (complete set)”. It will be sold by a wandering merchant for 200 meat.

Crystaldream Lake

The book for stench resistance is called Flora Foetida. It will be available at the Junkyard, which itself is part of the main quest in Crystaldream Lake. Upon first entering the region, move left to find the entrance to the lower levels. Once you’re inside, kill the pixies to the right and move right to the end of the corridor. The book will be on the ground and requires a muscle 4 stat test to pick up.

The book for + Max HP is called Encyclopaedium of Bloode. It will be at The Sandwich Museum, which, in turn, can be found while wondering the lake. The book will be in the bookcase in Proctor Manor basement (in the past), which is the 4th house to the right, when entering the village. This overlaps with the ending of the Sandwich questline, associated with the Village of Sandwich Achievement. 

S.I.T Campus, Porkham

The book for cold resistance requires two parts. Part 1 of 2 is buying “His Magesty’s Least Favorite Poems”. The very boring book that does nothing will be sold by Ovid, a Hobo salesman found while wandering S.I.T Campus. It will later converted to Posthumous Works of Famous Poets in Grey County’s H*** Hole.

The book for hot resistance is called “Short Stories of Long Winters” and will be available at the BBQ Wing Maintenance Room, which can be accessed through the steam maintenance ladder.

The + % Meat Drop is called 111 Mutton Recipes. Acquiring it overlaps with the main questline for the S.I.T Campus. The door inside the library, next to the man with an eyeball for a head, will open once you advance said questline enough and will close forever once you acquire Librum Umbra Mallum Ovilla (LUMO, for short). If you are doing the hobo questline (required for increments in hobo code), make sure you notice the code in the back left shelves and take the book about panhandling before taking LUMO. Once you uncurse LUMO, in Murray’s Antiques, Ocean City, 111 Mutton Recipes will be added to the inventory. 111 Mutton Recipes and LUMO are mutually exclusive.

Grey County

The book for cold resistance requires two parts. Part 2 of 2 is converting “His Magesty’s Least Favorite Poems” to “Posthumous Works of Famous Poets”. The H*** Hole can be found while wandering Grey County and will convert many items starting with the letter “H” into more demonic and frequently more interesting counterparts. Tossing “His Magesty’s Least Favorite Poems” into the pit will yield the cold resistance book. Finally. As a curiosity, if your player’s name starts with the letter H you will be able to toss *yourself* into the pit. Have fun.

The book for spooky resistance is called “Scary Stories for Spooky Children” and will be available at the Gilmore House: The house itself will appear on the map as part of the main quest for the cursed item in Grey County, which can be picked by talking to the fine anarchist terrorists at the Feed Store. The book will be on the table to the left of when you first enter the house.

The book for + % Item Drop is called “Expensive Luxuries, Inc. Catalogue” and will be available at The Black Gold Mine. Clear the mine of vampires and the book will be on the furniture to right. Croesus Vanderbilt, the wealthy Hobo, will also be there. The mine can be found while wandering and also as part of the mob questline.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3641 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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