Starfield – How to Pick Which Universe Variant You’ll Get in NG+

This guide will give you the console commands to select the universe you’ll be “reborned” within at the start of the next NG+.

Guide to Pick Which Universe Variant You’ll Get in NG+

How to Choose

When the credits are rolling in (after entering the unity, entering the light, and having the wide shot of the universe), NG+ is loading, after a few seconds in the credits, you should have the option to press TAB (or B if you’re using a controller) to skip the credits and go to NG+.

Do not do that just yet!

Instead, open the console and enter:

set 17E727 to 100

This is the variable that dictate the % you’ll get a “special” universe, obviously setting it at 100 guarantee you’ll enter a “variant”

and then enter one of the following lines (only one!) to pick the universe variant you’d like to explore (Do not enter the description which is [marked]):

  • set 1801B9 to -1 [Default NG+ universe]
  • set 1801B9 to 0 [Everyone is dead in constellation… except you, and by that I mean the “you” from this universe]
  • set 1801B9 to 1 [A mix of universe -1 and 0, constellation is alive, but “you” is starting their own mainquest when you barge in. This is usually the desired universe to NG+]
  • set 1801B9 to 2 [Dopplegangers (yes plural) universe]
  • set 1801B9 to 3 [Andreja killed everyone]
  • set 1801B9 to 4 [Walter collected all the artefacts, and will sell them to you for 100k]
  • set 1801B9 to 5 [Hunter has killed everyone]
  • set 1801B9 to 6 [Cora Coe is a starborn]
  • set 1801B9 to 7 [A NG10+ version of your character has already killed constellation and is waiting inside. you have to fight your Variant]
  • set 1801B9 to 8 [The children universe]
  • set 1801B9 to 9 [Constellation has retired]

So, if you want to have “you” as a companion, and constellation is alive, type this when the credits are rolling in the console:

  • set 17E727 to 100
  • set 1801B9 to 1

If you want to rush trough universes, I guess you could use Walter’s universe, here’s the codes:

  • set 17E727 to 100
  • set 1801B9 to 4
Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2274 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.


  1. Thank you for the guide and codes. Everything worked perfectly fine for me. Now I know all 10 different endings

    • there are more then 10. there is one each constellation member spawns as a floral plant on startup. first i had sarah, then i managed to get Walter.

      • i just went for this chosing my new game+ with console again, after i had andreja game 2 times in a row.
        there can be a bug after using this console command combination, which prevent you from oping inventory and saving the game. if you encouter this too, another console command repairs it:
        SetInChargen 0 0 0

  2. I’m having a problem, and i fix that, I think I can’t select when I log into unity for the first time.
    Use “player.modav PlayerUnityTimesEntered 1” before logging into unity, and the commands should work – at least it did for me.

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