Super Snail – How to Species Map

Species Map Guide


  • Defeat Pawson and shoot the sky.
  • Activate the relic.
  • Go to your rocket and clear the Cyclops Domain then use the item it gives you to unlock Species Map.
  • Clear the Bird Domain to unlock the Bird Map.

Now you can access species maps on your snail stats page. The top left icon will be your species (this guide is written for snails, birds come back later). Bottom right relates to all other species.

How to Species The Map

  • After completing incidents in a Species War, you will be able to trade in 1,000 of their cash to redeem their species map. This shows up in the bottom left “General Species Map” area.
  • Once you have redeemed their map, you can use excess cash to buy “Sequences” for that species. These look like marbles and drop in 3 rarities (at random).
  • You can trade in these Sequences to redeem upgrades from the species map you just unlocked. Each upgrade will cost between 1 and 5 sequences and will give you a “Super Species Sequence” with the same color as the upgrade you just redeemed alongside the buffs listed. You always get one super sequence, regardless of how many it cost to unlock an upgrade.
  • You can then use these “Super Sequences” the same way as before but in the top left menu. More specifically, you can use them to unlock upgrades in the bird map and work towards unlocking the Hatchery (bird content) on your snail. You have to complete EVERY SINGLE upgrade in the Bird Map to unlock Hatchery. This will take a couple of months.


As you may have seen, maneater is releasing soon. You can basically feed a big plant with food you buy using Ancient Coins (fissure money).

  • Each time you feed the big plant, it will give you some blue sequences.
  • After you have redeemed 30 upgrades using the Super Sequences (Bird Map), you will have a value pack that unlocks Sequence Crafting. This is not out yet, we hope it will be by the time maneater drops.
  • Once we have crafting, you can spend your excess sequences at a 10:1 ratio to get the higher rarity sequences. E.g. you have 10 spare blue maneater sequences so you trade them in for a 1 purple maneater sequence to help you finish that one off.
  • Otherwise, Maneater is just another map you can use to get some more upgrades towards Bird Map and hopefully speed things up.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3754 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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