Sword of Convallaria – Aura Guide

How Auras Work

By JustNaes.

A guide on how auras work in game since there’s a lot of misinformation and confusion.

Aura Categories

  • Leader (Vow of Justice, Battle Flag of the Union, etc.)
  • Normal (Attack Command, Longinus Flag Waving, Crit Command, etc.)
  • Banner (SoC Flag Tactics Skill, PvP Banner, Story Mode Banners, etc.)

Stacking Mechanics

Leader Auras:

  • Leader Auras DO NOT stack with other Leader Auras EXCEPT for UNIQUE buffs:
    • For example: If a Leader Aura has the following effects: Reduced Reduced Back Damage + Additional Damage When Attacking and another Leader Aura has the following effects: Reduced Back Damage and Physical Shield When Attacked, only the Reduced Back Damage buffs DO NOT STACK.
    • The game will instead take the highest value between the two uniques. So if one reduction had 30% and the other only 20%, it would take the 30% value over the 20%.
    • Unless the other uniques were the same effect, all other uniques would be adopted. Meaning both Additional Damage When Attack AND Physical Shield When Attacked would be applied.
    • Leader Auras flat stats (PATK, MATK, PDEF, MDEF) DO NOT STACK. Instead, if there any duplicate stat boosts (like both Leader Auras granting PDEF), it will take the higher value of those two stats and apply it. The rest of the stats that aren’t duplicated will be applied normally.
  • Leader Auras CAN stack with Normal Auras and Banners.

Normal Auras:

  • Normal Auras DO NOT stack with other Normal Auras:
    • For example: PATK + PDEF Aura and MATK + PDEF Aura. The game will take the highest value of the two PDEF values then apply it. The rest of the stats are not affected and are applied normally.
  • Normal Auras CAN stack with Leader Auras and Banners
  • Very important note to most newbies: Gloria’s Flag is considered a Normal Aura! It is not considered a Banner. Furthermore, she only applies this Aura to Other Allies and not herself until she throws it down.

Banner Auras:

  • Banners CAN stack with EVERYTHING.
  • Very important note to most newbies: Gloria’s Flag is considered a Normal Aura! It is not considered a Banner. Furthermore, she only applies this Aura to Other Allies and not herself until she throws it down.


  • If you’re running Gloria, her Flag Waving is considered a Normal Aura so do not take any other Auras that have PATK, MATK, PDEF, MDEF if running Gloria.
  • Additionally if you run Gloria’s Leader Aura, you do not take any Leader Auras with the same stats or effects as Vow of Justice.
  • SoC Banner is mad powerful with Gloria because you basically stack 3 auras and grant a massive powerboost to all allies.
  • Lastly, wording on Auras are a little weird. To clear things up:
    • Auras affect all allies unless stated otherwise. For example: Vow of Justice affects all union allies. It’s not a stacking buff that affects Gloria only (the wording makes it seem like she gets 20% DEF for every Union unit on the field; this is not true).
    • Auras will explicitly state if an Aura affects allies within 2 tiles and not the entire map.
    • Lastly, Gloria’s Longinus – Flag Waving only affects all other allies and not herself. She only gives herself the buff after she throws down the flag.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3757 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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