Raid Build for Mage
Opener 111642223 after that just build up 30 Water, turn it into ice with 2 and with 90 Ice press 3. In Multitarget fights you can fish for instant snowstorm procs with 30 water into 30 ice (2) and then 3.
If you get a proc press snowstorm, if not repeat it.
Only skill Frost Mastery if you need it for the next Breakpoint (42 or 50%) keep in mind that you get 1% extra combo from the melee Buff in a 10 Man group and 1% from your 30minute Potion.
The points in instant snowstorm are flexible in a single target fight, but the dps is quiet similar.
Inscribed Stone:
This one is individual for everyone. Just try to hit your Breakpoints (42% combo> 10%CD > 50% Combo > 19% CD). Try to get 50% Bonus on your Combo/CD Nodes, thats important. For my Rune Setup i am not 100% sure yet. but ill do more testing.
For now I am running High Energy Potion, Fates, Sprawl, Invasion and Crush. If you hit 50% Combo with your Potion+Groupbuff in a Raid, get the first Core Node to 3.
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Note: Right now I run 50% Combo (Raidbuffed) 6% Omni and 11% Combo because I cant reach the 19% CD Breakpoint.
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