THE FINALS – Guide to Weapons (Pros and Cons)

All Weapons: Overview

Contestants have a wide variety of weapons available to them to dictate firefights and change the way engagements work.

From a simple dagger to a rotary grenade launcher, if our contestants can imagine it, we have it.

Light Build


Pros and Cons

The V9S is the standard pistol available for the Light Build. With a decent ammo capacity, deceptively high firepower, and good range, the V9S is a great choice for the Light.

The V9S silenced pistol is a fast-firing semi automatic weapon that can quickly end ambushed enemies up-close and decimate health at medium ranges. However, its damage drop-off may force you to close the gap in longer-range encounters.


Pros and Cons

This tactical submachine gun, available to the Light Build, has a slower firing rate compared to the M11, but compensates with enhanced damage and accuracy for long-range engagements and also includes a red dot sight attachment.

The XP-54 shares many of the strengths and weaknesses of the M11, but is slightly better suited for longer range fights. The lower firerate makes it easier to handle while aiming-down-sights, while the higher damage compensates in order to make the damage output similar to the M11.


Pros and Cons

The M11 is the default weapon for the Light Build. It is notable for having a combination of high fire rate and a large magazine capacity, and includes a suppressor barrel attachment.

It is best utilized in close-combat situations, like defending indoor objectives, and is typically hip-fired. It is also reliable in medium engagements, although it is recommended to ADS at medium ranges and longer.

The M11 is best at close-range engagements. It is capable of eliminating Light and Medium Builds easily, although accuracy and headshots will play a factor. The Light build can use their speed to avoid getting hit while unloading the magazine of the M11; due to its high fire rate this weapon allows you to out-DPS your opponent in most engagements when in close-quarters. When unable to finish an enemy it is advisable to instead do damage, back away, and then attack again. This will allow you to get close and get a mag or two dumped without risking the enemy having time to track you down; this is known as the “Hit and Run” tactic.

Its primary weakness is long-range engagements. While it can be used to assist in damage at medium range, this weapon is best considered useless at long range as it would be advisable to either push your target or find another engagement at closer range.


Pros and Cons

The LH1 is a long range option for the Light Build. It is a high damage, high recoil rifle best used for picking off targets at a medium to long ranges.

The LH1 is a very reliable rapid firing semi-automatic weapon with high damage and a reasonable magazine size. Its biggest weakness is the high recoil and inaccuracy while hipfiring, but overall this weapon has very little downsides, especially with its combined fire rate and stopping power.


Pros and Cons

The SR-84 is a rifle for Light Build. It is a high damage rifle with a scope that can reliably land hits on contestants from across the map.

The SR-84 is a high damage weapon that has an impressive range and virtually no drop-off within the limits of the current Arenas. It has high headshot potential with the largest headshot multiplier of any weapon in THE FINALS. It’s less reliable at closer ranges due to the scope limiting vision and the relatively high hipfire sway. A secondary weakness of the weapon is that it rarely promotes teamplay unless the team is actively communicating.


Pros and Cons

The SH1900, formerly the Sawed-off Shotgun, is a weapon that the Light Build can equip. It is incredibly powerful close range, but next to useless beyond a few meters due to its extremely high spread. It fires 15 pellets in a fixed pattern.

The SH1900 is perhaps the strongest close quarters weapon in THE FINALS. It is capable of taking down almost every build within a few shots, and is devastating combined with the Cloaking Device. This weapon takes very careful positioning to master, and has a tiny magazine size, which could leave the user vulnerable if the target survives the first few shots.


Pros and Cons

The Dagger is a knife available to the Light Build. Attacking with primary fire will quickly slash the Dagger, dealing a small amount of damage. Holding secondary fire and releasing will perform a stab, which will critically strike enemies that have their back turned.

This critical hit deals massive damage, enough to one-shot both Light and Medium Builds. Hitting an enemy with a charged secondary fire without backstabbing them will deal the same amount of damage as the primary slash, and the primary slash cannot deal bonus damage from behind.

The Dagger is weapon that solely relies on the wielder to stab an enemy contestant in the back. Wielding this weapon requires precise positioning and game sense, and requires careful planning to execute a clean assassination on an enemy contestant.

The Dagger’s prime weakness is that its damage output when not backstabbing is extremely low, making a wielder a very easy target for any enemy who has noticed their presence. The Dagger is commonly paired with the Cloaking Device specialization to enable effortless flanks.


Pros and Cons

The Sword available to the Light Build. Attacking with primary fire will quickly slash the Sword, dealing a moderate amount of damage. Holding secondary fire and releasing will perform a high-damage stab, where the user will lunge forward a short distance and deal heavy damage to its target. As opposed to the Dagger, the Sword does not deal bonus damage from behind.

The Sword has a relatively high damage output, and is broadly used as a very aggressive weapon for melee range. The weapon can be combined with any of the current specializations and is mainly used to overwhelm an enemy of any size.

Like many other melee weapons, the sword leaves the wielder vulnerable for attackers when not within striking range and as the Sword is specifically wielded by a Light body type character, it generally fulfills a more opportunistic glass cannon’s playstyle. A very interesting perk of the Sword is that it can take down Guardian Turrets in 3 hits.

Medium Build


Pros and Cons

The AKM is the standard assault rifle given to Medium Builds. With a quick fire rate, decent recoil, and overall good performance, the AKM is a reliable weapon for the Medium Build.

The AKM is a Jack-of-all-trades, master of none. With an average damage output, manageable recoil, and a 36 round magazine. It reflects its real world counterpart as a well balanced and reliable weapons platform. In THE FINALS the AKM is considered the “Golden standard” of weapons and can flex into a variety of playstyles within the Medium class.

Its decent DPS and chugging firerate makes it great for putting out consistent punishment, able to partake in both an aggressive skirmish, or a solid defensive play. You won’t be the best defender or attacker on your team, but you will have a reliable weapon that lets you flex into whatever role is most important. Making the AKM a forgiving and a reliable option for a neutral playstyle.


Pros and Cons

The FCAR is a tactical assault rifle with a holographic sight attachment, available to the Medium Build. It has a slower fire rate than the AKM, but offers greater damage with a smaller magazine size.

The FCAR is the premier mid-range weapon for the Medium Build, with high damage and a slower fire rate, you’ll be at an advantage against anyone using automatic weapons whilst at range. This is accompanied by harsher recoil and a lower magazine capacity.

The FCAR, while more accurate at range than most of the automatic weapons contestants have access to, will be at a disadvantage compared to most other short-range, and long-range weapons. It is imperative you use the FCAR at range, or risk getting eliminated.


Pros and Cons

The R.357 is a double-action revolver using a .357 Magnum cartridge and available to the Medium body build.

The R.357 was first seen in the full first trailer for THE FINALS, which was released on September 27, 2022.

The R.357 is a very powerful revolver that boasts an impressive range, remaining viable from short range fights to long range skirmishes with reliable kill potential even for across the map shots. However some limiting factors include its poor iron sights with limited visibility, high recoil, slow reload, and a low magazine size.

The revolver is double-action, meaning the user does not need to manually cock the hammer before pulling the trigger, but rather the chamber automatically cycles with each trigger pull. The revolver is a great flexible weapon for Medium Builds, it can excel at variety of ranges if you can hit your shots. However it tends to perform the best around medium range giving the user some breathing room when taking fights. If you’re a crack shot, the revolver might just be the gun for you.

Model 1887

Pros and Cons

The Model 1887 is a lever-action shotgun that has a relatively low spread but rapid damage fall off. It has high damage potential for close range brawls.

The Model 1887 is a strong short-range weapon with a relatively high damage output within a few meters. Capable of easily shredding through Light and Medium Builds, though you may struggle if confronted with an undamaged Heavy Build.

However, its damage dropoff, fire rate, and spread can leave the user at a disadvantage outside of close quarters. So make sure to stay close to your team so they can aid you in situations outside of close quarters. While situational, the 1887 can prove deadly when utilized correctly.


Pros and Cons

The CL-40 is a grenade launcher available to the Medium Build. It deals high damage on direct hits, and a small amount of splash damage to surrounding objects, opponents, and the user. The explosions do not have destructive capability.

The CL-40 is an impact grenade launcher, which excels in confined passageways and corridors where the enemy will struggle to get out of its blast radius. It can take on multiple opponents at once and cause general chaos and confusion for whoever is on the receiving end. The CL-40 is an excellent tool for those contestants who value destruction and mayhem above all else.

However, despite appearances, the CL-40 requires an unanticipated degree of skill and planning to truly excel in its role. If the user fails to keep their distance from their opponents, they may find themselves on the receiving end of their splash damage. In the right hands, this weapon can be one of the strongest weapons in the Arsenal of the Medium build.

Riot Shield

Pros and Cons

The Riot Shield is the exclusive melee option of the Medium combining a bulletproof ballistic shield and a riot baton. Whilst guarding with the shield, the wielder is entirely protected from enemy fire to the front.

Team communication, positioning, and careful planning are the key to using the Riot Shield effectively. A contestant wielding a Riot Shield has the potential to act as mobile cover for your teammates, as a distraction for enemy teams, or assist in close range encounters.

A major downside of the Riot Shield is that it offers limited value at long ranges and makes the user susceptible to flanking enemies. The Riot Shield is also weak against explosions, as they will not be shielded from the splash damage from the detonation.

Heavy Build


Pros and Cons

The M60 is the standard machine gun given the Heavy Build. With a quick fire rate, decent recoil, and overall good performance, the M60 is a reliable weapon for Heavy Build.

Though the M60 lacks handling, it has a very sizeable magazine size to suppress enemies. This LMG has considerable damage, but the low handling causes it to be less effective over longer ranges and is most at home in close range combat and inside buildings where enemies cannot retreat easily.

Similar to the AKM, it is a jack-of-all-trades, master of none.

Lewis Gun

Pros and Cons

The Lewis Gun, available to the Heavy body build, is a LMG with a rich history! The Lewis Gun has a lower rate of fire compared to the M60, but compensates with enhanced damage and accuracy over longer distances.

The Lewis Gun shares many of the strengths and weaknesses of the M60, but is slightly better suited for longer range fights. The lower firerate makes it easier to handle while aiming-down-sights, while the higher damage compensates in order to make the damage output similar to the M60.


Pros and Cons

The MGL32 is a grenade launcher available to the Heavy Build with a revolver-style loading mechanism.

It is important to note that the grenade projectiles from this weapon will only detonate after bouncing exactly once, even if hitting an enemy directly. This makes the M32GL especially useful in confined areas, as it can be used to flush out players who are taking cover around corners.

The M32GL suffers at long range because of slow projectile speed and arc of the grenades. The grenades can also cause harm to the user, so caution should be used in certain situations.


Pros and Cons

The Flamethrower is a unique weapon available to the Heavy Build. It is a short range weapon that deals moderate damage over time.

Whilst the damage seems relatively low, continuous hits can be lethal rather quickly. The Flamethrower excels in close-quarters-combat, and the flames can damage multiple enemies at once if they are close enough to each other.

Due to the nature of the Flamethrower’s attack, it does not require precise aim, making it a good choice for beginners. The Flamethrower’s biggest weakness is its short range, which requires the user to close the distance to their target.


Pros and Cons

The SA1216 is a semi automatic shotgun available to the Heavy Build. It fires 13 pellets in a fixed pattern with a high spread.

One of the strongest aspects of this weapon is its high fire-rate and relatively large magazine size, allowing the user to deal high, sustained damage at a short range.

On the other hand, the high spread limits its effective range, and makes it difficult to provide damage in medium to long range fights. This lack of damage at long range combined with the Heavy Build’s slow movement speed means that smart positioning and teamwork is the key to mastering this weapon.


Pros and Cons

The Sledgehammer is a powerful melee weapon available to the Heavy Build that deals significant damage to both the environment and opponents.

Similar to the Sword, the Sledgehammer can be swung with both primary fire and secondary fire. Swinging with primary fire deals less damage but is quicker, and swinging with secondary fire is slower but deals massive damage.

A few hits can break through walls and thus with some tactical prowess, the Sledgehammer can be a useful device to manipulate the Arenas. The Sledgehammer has a very high damage output, but due to its limited range and reasonably slow speed, it only really thrives in close quarter, chaotic fights.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 13787 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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