The First Descendant – Best Material Farming Locations

Best Way to Farm Materials

Misc Items

ItemTargetFarm LocationNotes
Code AnalyzersElite EnemiesSterile Land [N] – Anticpated Ambush Point (Rockfall)Needed for Encrypted Chests
Code BreakersElite EnemiesSterile Land [H] – Anticpated Ambush Point (Rockfall)Needed for Encrypted Chests
KuiperAny MonsterSterile Land [H] – Anticipated Ambush Point (Rockfall)Set to public, power farm with pub groups. Now has a chance of dropping 2 Rare Resources in addition to Code Breakers
KuiperEncrypted ChestsAny Encrypted Chests on Hard ModeHigher tier Chests award more, Enzo increases this.
GoldAny MonsterBasically AnywhereYou’re either “Kuipoor” or grind to just be poor. Rare Mods eat a lot of gold.
GoldSpeical MissionsAny Special Operation (Defense, Void Experiment, Kuiper Mining)Higher Waves can award tons of Gold, though the chance goes much lower. Awarded in excess of 250k per wave.

Crystallization Catalysts

Fully BuiltWave RewardEcho Swamp – Defend Albion ResourcesRare reward for final wave, needs additional confirmation
Advanced Neural CircuitElite EnemiesWhite-night Gulch and Fortress [H] MissionsBorder Line of Truth (Mountaintops) is the fastest, with each mission giving three chances at a drop per run.
Macromolecule BiogelOutpost RewardEcho Swamp – Derelict Cover and Muskeg SwampOn Timers, bounce between them to reset cooldown (Private only). Bonus for Sharen Stealth.
Mixed Energy ResidueEncrypted ChestsAgna DesertRequires Code Analyzer [N] or Code Breaker [H]
Mixed Energy ResidueAny EnemiesAgna DesertAgna Desert – Commanding Grounds (Miragestone) or Mining Beacon (The Mining Site)
Murky Energy ResidueElite EnemiesSterile Land – Infiltration OperationsSterile Land [N] – Forgottense, Clear to Elite Tracker before first hold objective, reset. Sterile Land [H] – Unknown Laboratory has an equally fast if you have the clearing power.

Energy Activators

Low-Carbon ActivatorOutpost RewardKingston – Fallen TheatreOn Timers, leave zone and return to reset cooldown (Private only). Bonus for Sharen Stealth.
Conductive Metallic FoilEncrypted ChestsVespersRequires Code Analyzer [N] or Code Breaker [H]
Conductive Metallic FoilAny EnemiesVespersVespers – Mossy Colossus (Lost Supply Depot) spawn the most enemies quickly. Otherwise Frontline Base (Lumber Yard) is a quick Mission to repeat
Heat Plasma BatteryElite EnemiesHagios – Infiltration OperationsHagios [H] – Old Mystery, clear to Kuiper room and stall for 5x Elites, reset after
Polyatomic Ion ParticleElite EnemiesFortressFortress – Command Relay, multiple elite spawns

All Crafting Materials

Resource Boxes

Monad ShardResource BoxesKingstonSmash and Grab with Bunny, as needed
ReptonResource BoxesKingstonSmash and Grab with Bunny, as needed
Metal AccelerantResource BoxesSterile LandSmash and Grab with Bunny, as needed
SuperfluidResource BoxesSterile LandSmash and Grab with Bunny, as needed
Semi-Permanent PlasmaResource BoxesVespersSmash and Grab with Bunny, as needed
HardenerResource BoxesVespersSmash and Grab with Bunny, as needed
Compound Coating MaterialResource BoxesEcho SwampSmash and Grab with Bunny, as needed
SiliconResource BoxesEcho SwampSmash and Grab with Bunny, as needed
NanopolymerResource BoxesAgna DesertSmash and Grab with Bunny, as needed
Monomolecular ExtractorResource BoxesAgna DesertSmash and Grab with Bunny, as needed
Ceramic CompositeResource BoxesWhite-night GulchSmash and Grab with Bunny, as needed
FlectoriteResource BoxesWhite-night GulchSmash and Grab with Bunny, as needed
Shape Memory AlloyResource BoxesHagiosSmash and Grab with Bunny, as needed
Carbon CrystalResource BoxesHagiosSmash and Grab with Bunny, as needed
HellionResource BoxesFortressSmash and Grab with Bunny, as needed
Reverse Charging CoilResource BoxesFortressSmash and Grab with Bunny, as needed

Dismantling Equipment

Energy Control CoreDismantleExternal Components
Void OrganismDismantleExternal Components
High Precision Exchange ComponentsDismantleWeapons
Multi-Composite RecieverDismantleWeapons
SuperalloyDismantleWeapons (Non-Ultimate)
Liquid MetalDismantleWeapons (Non-Ultimate)
Nano CompoundDismantleReactors
Quantum CrystalDismantleReactors
Supercoductor CoreDismantleReactors

All Rare Materials

Advanced Neural CircuitElite EnemiesWhite-night Gulch and Fortress [H] MissionsBorder Line of Truth (Gulch – Mountaintops) is the fastest and most consistent, with each mission giving three chances at a drop per run.
Data Processing Neural CircuitElite EnemiesVespers MissionsVespers – Frontline Base (Lumber Yard) is fastest option.
Encrypted Neural CircuitElite EnemiesEcho Swamp MissionsHazy Swamp (Misty Woods), quick exterminate with 2 elites at the end
Artificial BiometalElite EnemiesSterile Land [H] – Anticipated Ambush Point (Rockfall)~30 second (or less) mission with Bunny, always an Elite at the end
Deformed BiometalOutpost RewardFortress – Frozen Valley and Converter FacilityOn Timers, bounce between them to reset cooldown (Private only). Bonus for Sharen Stealth.
Synthesized Artifical BiometalOutpost RewardAgna Desert – Vermillion Waste and MiragestoneOn Timers, bounce between them to reset cooldown (Private only). Bonus for Sharen Stealth.
Specialized BiometalOutpost RewardHagios – Dune Base and Forward BaseOn Timers, bounce between them to reset cooldown (Private only). Bonus for Sharen Stealth.
Common Carbon ActivatorElite EnemiesVespers – Infiltration OperationsNeeds Testing to Determine best mission
Complex Carbon ActivatorElite EnemiesEcho Swamp – Infiltration OperationsNeeds Testing to Determine best mission
Compound Carbon ActivatorElite EnemiesWhite-night Gulch – Infiltration OperationsNeeds Testing to Determine best mission
Low Carbon ActivatorOutpost RewardKingston [H] – Fallen TheaterReset by moving to the Grand Square via the nearby gate, will be reset on re-entry. (Private only). Bonus Loot with Sharen.
Cooling Metallic FoilEncrypted ChestsWhite-night GulchEstimated 1 hour respawn
Cooling Metallic FoilAny EnemiesWhite-night GulchNeeds Testing to Determine best mission (Quantity of mobs > Elites)
Conductive Metallic FoilEncrypted ChestsVespersEstimated 1 hour respawn
Conductive Metallic FoilAny EnemiesVespersNeeds Testing to Determine best mission (Quantity of mobs > Elites)
Insulated Metallic FoilElite EnemiesKingston – Infiltration OperationsNeeds Testing to Determine best mission
Thermal Metallic FoilEncrypted ChestsEcho SwampEstimated 1 hour respawn
Thermal Metallic FoilAny EnemiesEcho SwampNeeds Testing to Determine best mission (Quantity of mobs > Elites)
Balanced Plasma BatteryElite EnemiesFortress – Infiltration OperationsRun Quarantine Zone on Normal and restart the mission after the elite Vulgus War Slave
Divided Plasma BatteryElite EnemiesAgna Desert – Infiltration OperationsAgna Desert [N] – The Asylum, Clear to Elite Farseer and reset
Heat Plasma BatteryElite EnemiesHagios – Infiltration OperationsHagios [H] – Old Mystery, clear to Kuiper room and stall for 5x Elites, reset after
Fusion Plasma BatteryOutpost RewardSterile Land – Rockfall and Classified AreaOn Timers, bounce between them to reset cooldown (Private only). Bonus for Sharen Stealth.
Crystal BiogelOutpost RewardWhite-night Gulch – Shipment Base and HatcheryOn Timers, bounce between them to reset cooldown (Private only). Bonus for Sharen Stealth.
Inorganic BiogelOutpost RewardVespers – Lumber Yard and Lost Supply DepotOn Timers, bounce between them to reset cooldown (Private only). Bonus for Sharen Stealth.
Macromolecule BiogelOutpost RewardEcho Swamp – Muskeg Swamp and Derelict CovertOn Timers, bounce between them to reset cooldown (Private only). Bonus for Sharen Stealth.
Organic BiogelElite EnemyKingston – Communication Repeater, Vulgus Field Generator, Surveillance RadarSurveillance Radar cuirrently seems to be the faster option as an Extermination. Communications Repeater can be faster if not using Bunny, as its a fixed timer.
Mixed Energy ResidueEncrypted ChestsAgna DesertEstimated 1 hour respawn
Mixed Energy ResidueElite EnemyAgna DesertAgna Desert – Commanding Ground (Miragestone) or Mining Beacon (The Mining Site)
Murky Energy ResidueElite EnemySterile Land – Infiltration OperationsSterile Land [N] – Forgottense, Clear to Elite Tracker before first hold objective, reset
Highly-concentrated Energy ResidueEncrypted ChestsHagiosEstimated 1 hour respawn
Highly-concentrated Energy ResidueElite EnemyHagiosDeep Digger (Corrupted Zone) or Large Supply Transport Point (Fractured Monolith). Large Supply has a slow start, but double the elites if you clear all eenmies instead of rushing objective
Pure Energy ResidueEncrypted ChestsFortressEstimated 1 hour respawn
Pure Energy ResidueElite EnemyFotress Missions (Normal and Hard)Needs Testing to Determine best mission
Anode Ion ParticleElite EnemiesHagios [H] MissionsDeep Digger (Corrupted Zone) or Large Supply Transport Point (Fractured Monolith). Large Supply has a slow start, but double the elites if you clear all eenmies instead of rushing objective
Negative Ion ParticleEncrypted ChestsSterile LandEstimated 1 hour respawn
Negative Ion ParticleElite EnemiesSterile Land [H] Missions and Normal InfiltrationSterile Land [H] – Kuiper Mine (Repository) or Anticipated Ambush Point (Rockfall)
Polyatomic Ion ParticleElite EnemiesFortress [H] MissionsFortress – Command Relay (Frozen Valley), 2x Spawns.
Positive Ion ParticleElite EnemiesAgna Desert MissionsAgna Desert – Commanding Grounds (Miragestone)

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3642 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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