Lust Goddess – Ultimate 3 Girls Event Guide with Roadmap

Definitive Guide to 3 Girls Event

General and Specific Tips

General Tips for a good start

  • Have one Legendary Crate ready for Friday. Keep one that you find the days prior. To be sure, keep one you find on Tuesday or Wednesday and if you find another one before Friday you can open the previous one. Otherwise you might be stuck at the end of Chapter 2.
  • Have Battle Pass resources ready. This includes the Credits and the Rare and Epic Crates.
  • If your Legendary Crate is gives much more than a Battle Pass Legendary Crate, then you can use the lower value one for the Chapter 2 Mission and keep the higher value one for Chapter 3 (more on this in Chapter 3).

Event specific tips

  • Try to sync te Exo Missions wit the Event Mission if you can to minimize resource consumption.
  • To not be stuck at the “Activate the Legendary Roulette 4x” Mission at CHapter 3 for too long, try to get both missions on the branching paths. That means collect the rewards for the top “AND” bottom paths.

How to collect rewards on both paths

  1. Do Mission A first “AND” collect it, but “WITHOUT” doing Mission C
  2. Do Missions B “AND” C before collecting either one of them. This is crucial, collect the rewards only when both are done

Please note: X is a Placeholder for a Number that is determined by your peak League reached.

Chapter 1

Easy even for F2P


  • Defeat Boss 1
  • Kill 10 Mercs

First Branching Path

  • Top: Find X Merc points AND deploy 30 Merc
  • Bot: Open 4 Crates
  • Defeat Boss 2
  • Level up Mercs 4x (Sync with Exo if possible)
  • Defeat Boss 3
  • Open 12 crates (try to sync with Exo Mission if possible)

Second Branching Path

  • Top: Win 4x AND Kill 50 Mercs
  • Bot: Find X points of the Rare EVENT Mercs (Can take a while, depends on luck)
  • Activate Rare Roulette 2x
  • Defeat Boss 4

Third Branching Path

  • Top: Speed up Crates 4x AND find 650 Common Mercs (Set a timer and speed up for 1 Emerix. For Common Mercs, use the Green Crates from the Event Pass)
  • Bot: Level up Rare Event Mercs to lvl X (You only need 1. If you already fulfill the requirement it’s automatically completed and you cannot do the second mission on the Top path)
  • Recruit Merc 2 times (If possible use your weekly free Recruitment and 1 Micro Chip or use Emerix. And Sync with Exo if possible)
  • Defeat Boss 5

Chapter 2

Doable as F2P


  • Defeat Boss 1
  • Activate Epic Roulette 3x

First Branching Path

  • T: Open 10 Crates AND find X Purple Cards (I would suggest to do the 10 Crates first and collect the reward. Then do the 2 Recruitments. If you are lucky you will also find Epic Merc Points which will count to this Mission as well. Also having Battle Pass Crates help. I believe Event Pass EPic are not unlocked at this mission.)
  • B: Recruit 2x (Sync with Exo if possible)
  • Defeat Boss 2

Second Branching Path

  • T: Speed up Crates 6x AND boost Legendary Mercs 4x(?) (Again set a timer for speed ups)
  • B: Find X Epic EVENT Mercs (Modify counts)
  • Defeat Boss 3

Third Branching Path

  • T: Spend 200 Emerix AND modify Rare EVENT Mercs to Epic EVENT Mercs (Sync spend gems if possible with Exo. A good way to spend Emerix is to use it to refresh the highest level Boss you can defeat. As buying Legendary Cards for 300 in lower League is not really worth it)
  • B: Spend 7500 Red Tokens (The Split Paths before were actually quite doable, but here I would recommend to NOT do the 7500 Red Tokens.)
  • Defeat contestant 4

Fourth Branching Path

  • T: Find X Credits AND Rebirth the Epic EVENT Mercs 3x. (Ideally all 3 of them once is the easiest way. If you already fulfill this requirement prior, it will be automatically completed)
  • B: Spend 500 gems (As F2P skip this)

This is the point were new + F2P will have their first big trouble. As having enough Epic Points for these Cards could be difficult. If you played longer you could have 2 of those Rebirthed once already. As the new Merc is just introduced it’s unlikely to have it Rebirth already. If it were a rerun of an Event this would be easy.

Open 1 Legendary Crate (Next big struggle. It’s best to always have 1 Legendary Crate saved up on Thursday or even Wednesday. Alternatively use a Crate from your BP. Use the one with lower cards).

  • Defeat Boss 5

Chapter 3

Needs insane luck as F2P to complete it. Realistically it’s not, but possible.


  • Defeat Boss 1
  • Activate Legendary Roulette 4x

First Branching Path

  • T: Find 300 Emerix AND boost Legendary EVENT Mercs 9x (Find 300 is pretty easy with Dailies and Weekly and Battle Pass. Always Save the Weekly Emerix for this Mission, in case you can get to this part in a little more than 2 days. If you have more than 3k Serum boosting each of the 3 Legendaries 3x is the cheapest way to do it 9x.)
  • B: Get X Legend Merc Points by Crates or Recruitments (Use Battle Pass or time your League Rank ups with this. At League 16 or even before you get Legendary Mercs for a League Rank up. That’s why never just do a Rank up, always time it with Missions and Events) (For most people it’s 350. at lower Leagues I would advise to skip this)
  • Defeat Boss 2

Second Branching Path

  • T: Recruit 20x AND modify Epic EVENT Mercs to Legendary X times. (P2W path or Stock up on Micro Chips beforehand)
  • B: Spend 30K Red Tokens (Needs insane luck to get Red Tokens in Roulette to get those 30k)
  • Defeat Boss 3
  • Level Up 1 Legendary EVENT Merc to lvl X (Best to not Rebirth at 6 and push through to X, unless you already did 1 Rebirth. Use the Primary Merc for an easier time in the later missions. If you already fulfill the requirement prior to reaching this mission, it will be automatically completed)
  • Defeat Boss 4

Third Branching Path

  • T: Spend 3500 Emerix AND level PRIMARY Legendary Merc to lvl X (P2W)
  • B: Spend 50K Red Tokens (Insane luck is needed to get Red Tokens in Roulettes)

Activate Bonus Roulette 3x (If you spin the Bonus Roulette only 2-3 times before you got here, than you can still get enough Legendary Spins to get 3x Bonus Roulette again. The amount of Legendary Roulettes needed for 1 Bonus Roulette gets higher and higher. So be mindful about it).

  • Defeat Boss 5

Good Luck!

The successive “Bonus Roulettes” unlock at (total token spent from event start ±250):

  1. 11,250
  2. 26,250
  3. 45,000
  4. 67,500
  5. 93,750
  6. 124,000
  7. 157,500
  8. 195,000

Revamped Roadmap

Includes recommended path for f2p (hoarder) event completion.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2153 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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