No Man’s Sky – Fully Upgrading Living Ship Guide

Quick guide showing what you need to go through to upgrade your Living Ship with every module you need.

How to Upgrade Living Ship

How to Find Modules:

Not all star systems are the same. Some have nothing useful. Others take a long time to find anything. I got lucky with two systems.

What I Did:

I played for hours but only found two modules. This was annoying. I looked at the game’s forum for help. I found good advice there. Now I made a video to show others how to find modules faster.

Starting Conditions:

  • You need a living ship.
  • You need to find a system that is empty of life.
  • Point to the sun and pulse for a few minutes and you should get some kind of encounter.
  • Once you think you have found everything warp to another empty system and do the same thing again.
  • When that system looted go back to the previous system and do everything again.

It’s hard to visualize these words into something useful so here is a video of me collecting 4 modules in about 6 minutes:

Starbirth Quest

  • To unlock Living Ships, the player needs to complete the full Starbirth quest once per save. Disable multiplayer when progressing the quest to avoid bugs.
  • It’s strongly recommended that the player has learned at least the first 12 portal glyphs in order to complete the quest.
  • To start the quest, obtain and store 1 Void Egg (3200 QS at the Quicksilver Companion shop) in your suit inventory and then pulse in space until hailed by the Alien fallen host.
  • Progressing the quest, keep the related items in your exosuit to avoid duplication and issues with progression.
  • Quest has 4 real-time organ maturing phases, and another 2 final stages. Time skipping is highly discouraged, since it causes bugs anywhere in the save file that uses real time counters.
  • If the current Starbirth mission objective mentions that “Unconventional travel may be required” to progress to the next stage, and the egg item card screams EUCLID 3 times find a portal in Euclid, and dial this address.

To get additional Living Ships, the player will need a Void egg and 10k nanites per ship, but will not need to run the entire quest again.

Known Bugs:

  • While waiting for the next organ to mature, changing galaxies by core warping or completing the Artemis Path may reset the organ mature timer.
  • If a non-Living Ship spawned at the marker instead, restart the game to fix it.

Living Ship Information

  • Always S class;
  • Base stats feature good damage and hyperdrive range, but low shields and maneveurability.
  • Cannot install non-Living Ship tech, except figurines and starship trails.
  • Can warp to any star system without any hyperdrive upgrades.
  • Repair kits can be used to fix damaged technologies and upgrade mods. Just like with other ships, base core tech is immune to any damage sources except core warping. The player is also able to store installed tech/upgrade modules temporarily to protect them from any damage sources.

Ship systems can be recharged with materials and/or food items:

  • Singularity Core (Hyperdrive): Chromatic Metal, Processed Meat
  • Pulsing Heart (Pulse engine): Silver, Carbon, Viscous Fluids
  • Neural Assembly (Launch thrusters): Oxygen, Mordite, Condensed Carbon
  • Scream Suppressor (Shield): Pugneum, Mordite, Di-hydrogen

Living Ships always start with 36 cargo, and 30 tech slots. They can be upgraded up to 120 cargo slots, and 60 tech slots.

Spawning Sacs are used to upgrade storage, and pre-built Living Ship tech (e.g., Wormhole Brain, Saline Carapace) can drop from Psychonic Eggs. Spawning Sacs and Psychonic Eggs are randomly obtained from fleet expeditions that had at least 1 organic frigate in its composition.

Upgrade modules can be looted from both Psychonic and Melody Eggs. The Melody Egg is a destroyable object, that can spawn as a deep space encounter, after pulsing a certain amount of time with a Living Ship.

It’s suggested to focus searching in uncharted systems, the systems that no race (korvax, vykeen or gek) controls, i.e. don’t have a space station.

Installed [C,B,A] class upgrade mods can be evolved with nanites.

Rerolling stats can be done by saving/evolving mod A, checking stats/reloading/evolving mod A again as many times as needed/desired.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2273 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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