Dishonored 2 – Jindosh Riddle Puzzle Solution (Eureka Achievement)
Guide on how to complete the Jindosh Riddle in Dishonored 2. The Jindosh Riddle The Jindosh Riddle is a logic puzzle found in the Dust District of Dishonored 2. While […]
Guide on how to complete the Jindosh Riddle in Dishonored 2. The Jindosh Riddle The Jindosh Riddle is a logic puzzle found in the Dust District of Dishonored 2. While […]
In this guide we will be showing you where to find all five of the resonance gems on Solstheim. First Resonance Gem The first resonance gem can be bought from […]
A detailed guide on becoming a Creature of the Shadows as well as what abilities vampirism grants your character. Vampire Distinction It is important to note that there are two […]
This Guide provides a budget deck for all classes for you to play around with and start competing with in Shadowverse. Intro Shadowverse is a very fun collectible card game. […]
This achievement is harder than it seems like it should be, at the time of writing this guide. We feel as if that is partly due to bugs still in […]
Console commands can be used to spawn enemies, add items into your inventory, make you invincible, free camera and so on. How do I open my console? You open up […]
For this tutorial we will be showing you how to transport fertilizer, but this will work for seed as well. This is especially helpful for loading the larger seeders and […]
In this guide, we will explain how you can get over 50% of the achievements in a very short time! Here are some very cheap ways that we found to […]
This is a basic guide to using the train for gathering crops from the field and delivering them to where they are to be stored or sold. Based on Goldcrest […]
Here’s a list of informations about fields from Goldcrest Valley and Sosnovka. Goldcrest Valley (Size / Price / Owners) Sosnovka (Size / Price / Owners) General Information In single […]
Here is a picture of the map with around 80 of the 100 golden nugget locations. Above field 20 there are around 5-7 nuggets in the wooded area. P.S. There […]
Do you want to be able to take on full blasts of Crystal Soul Spear, and Soul Stream without a flinch?! Do you want to invade one against three Ultra […]
Console commands to unlock Automatron and Nuka-World robot parts. Here’s a string of console commands to unlock the various parts to build robots. Both Automatron and Nuka-World parts are listed. […]