How to Cheat
To start off you donkeys must learn how to hack the game to enter all your GTA cheat-codes and cheese your way to countless glorious victories.
Located at the topleft of your epic gaming keyboard you will find the ` key.
Did you find it? Congrats, now click on it with all the strength of your left pinkie. It should bring up an overlay where you will be able to put in the desired cheats.
Veni, Vidi, Vici
As I find myself to be quite lazy, I will gift you the basic most used cheat-codes.
Up to 40000 buckeroos in one command!
- add_money (Desired amount of money)
for example: add_money 20000
Are you kidding me? This damn barracks take 6 turns to build? Nah.. lemme build everything instantly.
- process_cq (Settlement)
For example: process_cq (Alexandria)
Instantly create massive armies with this one I guess.
- create_unit (General Name) (Unit) (Number Of Troops)
create_unit Flavius Julius Velites 100
Do you have a fetish for big ass elephants? This cheat command will make your dreams come true
- Oliphaunt
This one comes straight out of the bible. Knock down a targeted citywall by putting this command in your console.
- Jericho
Tired of that 0.5% growth rate in your settlements? Instantly breed up to 4000 civvies to boost your population.
- add_population (Settlement Name) (Number Of People)
for example: add_population (Lilybaeum) (4000)
Does your useless piece of garbage spy die every time you want to put him in a city? Fear not, as this will give you all the information about every city on the world map.
- toggle_perfect_spy
Want your men to freeze to death instead of sunbathing? Change the season at will.
- season (summer/winter)
Or even change the year!
- date (year)
Sending diplomats out into the world to gain knowledge of the map is a tedious task and I always forget to move them at some point. Get rid of the fog of war with this spicy command.
- toggle_fow
Want to make your General a drunk? Let him drink himself to death while being absolutely useless as a commander with this command.
- give_trait (General Name) (Trait) (Level of Trait)
give_trait (Flavius Brutus) (Mercenary captain) (5)
Oh here is the list of traits by the way.
- list_traits
Automatically win/lose autoresolve battles.
- auto_win (Attacking Faction/Defending Faction)
Can’t be bothered to actually attack a city? Make it yours right away! Click on it and put in the following.
- Capture_settlement
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