Encased – How to Get a Servoshell After the Prologue (Exoskeleton or Power Armor)

The servoshell (aka exoskeleton or power armor) you get in the Prologue cannot be taken to the surface so I had to look for it right after I got into the main game.

Guide to Get a Servoshell After the Prologue 


For now, I haven’t found an upgrade up to MKIII, so this guide only has details on how to get an initial (damaged) servoshell and then upgrade it to MKI.

Getting the Servoshell

So without further ado let’s begin:

  1. Go to Magellan base on Level -2 (Warehouse and parking lot) near the big Garage doors.
  2. By using the gates you will get an interaction scene where you will need to let two marines in one of them is injured.
  3. I’m not sure if the injured marine has to be saved in order to get the armor, but I did save him so that is what I advise to do. So first open the door asap by any method available to you and then get him some first aid without getting the servoshell damaged too much.
  4. Once the marines are inside and wounded one is attended to go to the Level -3 (Military post) and speak there with John Keppler (the guy who stands near two servoshells)
  5. He will give you a quest to go the Nashville truck parking and install there some scanner device he will also give to you.
  6. Go to Nashville, get underground, and from there to the truck parking lot (there are two abandoned trucks there). Don’t mix it up with the normal parking where there are several mutants and no trucks. Also if you have a Starfall Jetpack you probably can get on the truck parking lot directly without taking an underground route.
  7. The easiest way to complete the quest is to go into stealth the moment you get out of the sewers as there are several afflicted on this parking lot.
  8. After installing the scanner device go back to Keppler on Level -3 (Military post) in Magellan base and he will give you his friend’s servoshell.

Upgrading the Servoshell

This servoshell is damaged and therefore has lowered stats. To get it into a better state you will need:

  • Basic servoshell manual. You can get it on the same level in a closed storeroom near the Orange wing elevator).
  • Mobios armor plate. Can be looted from any Mobios under the dome. The easiest two I can think of are the destroyed Mobios in the swamp near Picnic Neutral Zone (save before attempting dismantling so you can reload if you don’t get a Mobios armor plate) or a Mobios named “Old Al” which you will need to kill for Aaron in the same Picnic’s swamp.
  • 20x Spare Parts.
  • 2x Fiber Optic Cable.
  • 10x Electrical Equipment.
  • 60 in Tech ability.

Additional Info

P.S. Just in case, as I heard there is a random event where you can meet a guy stuck in his servoshell (probably an homage to “Wizard of Oz” or Fallout 2). It’s said that you can use tech skill and grease to help him. Afterward, you can fix his servoshell (80 Tech required) and get a free MK3 servoshell.

Please note that I haven’t done this myself yet so cannot tell for sure if this path actually works.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3755 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.


  1. Here are almost all locations where you can find the MOBIUS armor plate for servoshell in Encased (there are only 1-2 locations that have MOBIUS, but I did not find them)

    1) In Picnic Neutral Zone on the swamps, there is 1 MOBIUS in the cave (for the task of returning the leg from Aaron) and 1 corpse of MOBIUS in the center of the location, to take the plate from him, you need the dismantling skill

    2) Magelan Station on the -4 floor (with laboratories) there is 1 peaceful MOBIUS

    3) Sonora Storage Bunker. At the end of the room with the robot that you have to save, there is a room into which you have to go down, there is a mobius

    4) Ash Forest. MOBIUS in the center of the location

    5) Forefathers’ Cave. After you open the big door there will be a MOBIUS

    6) Carmine Heights you will need to go to the medic’s store, one of the guards will be a pilot, he will give you a quest and the location (Eldorado Crash Site) will open for you. You will need to go down into the cave under the plane there will be 3 MOBIUS. Before searching each of them you need to save and if they did not drop a plate you need to reload.

    Together, it turns out 9 plates, this is completely enough to improve the armor to the maximum.

    I’m pretty sure there are 1-2 locations I’ve forgotten about

    7) Random meetings. Every time you move around the map and you encounter a danger, you need to look through the binoculars(reconnaissance perk) and if it says that there are MOBIUS at this location, you need to go to this location, there will be 3 MOBIUS before searching each of them, you need to save and if you did not drop a plate, you need to reload.

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