This is a basic guide showing where to find and hunt coyotes for the Vualez missions in the game. I like these missions because they offer a good challenge.
The ‘Coyote Hunter’ is Not You
First things first. You are not the Coyote Hunter.
These small creatures prefer to hide among rocks. They might be searching for trapped animals. Regardless of their reason, you can easily hear them moving across the rocky terrain. More importantly, they detect your presence long before you notice them. They are actually hunting you. They tend to follow hunters, possibly because they’re interested in abandoned kills. This behavior makes them easy targets – you just need to wait for them to come to you.
Coyote Spotting in Leviathan – Vualez #1
This little lake off of Balmont Lake feeds the only good source of coyotes into Leviathan area.
- Start at the Outpost to the NE.
- Approach the rocky bank (B) headed towards the little lake You’ll hear the coyote in the rocky area.
- Stand in the open grassy area between patches of trees (green triangle trees)
- Don’t worry about the coyotes hearing you. They hunt you.
- Squat & wait while using the distressed rabbit caller now & then
After a brief wait you’ll hear one. Just keep waiting and he’ll walk out to you and you can id him for the early Vaulez mission. Then you can shoot him for the good payout.
This can be repeated if failure by fast traveling back to the outpost and returning. Best time of day is 5am.

The Big Coyote Tour
The Big Tour requires you to harvest a coyote in each of the five districts. This is really rather easy, and you will probably have to kill 2-3 coyotes before you can drag yourself away from these very nice hunting spots. But, the mission completion is very lucrative.
These are the 5 locations I used:
- Willipeg Cave back entrance- Highton Peaks (2 screenshots below)
- Deer Stand just south of the Layton Canyon Outpost in Nordon – Northern Ridge
- Upper Cheelah Outpost & Lake – Southern Ridge
- SE corner of Highlake @ hunting stand near point of interest – Lake District
(West of the NE Outpost in Roonachee along the bend in the Oregon Trail POI) - South of the Outpost below Roonichee Lake, just before the track near hunting stand
The back entrance to the WIllipeg cave can be reached directly from the outpost. It is marked with the waypoint below. It can also be accessed directly by diving into the front of the cave on your ATV & driving out (after picking up the secret artifact.)

As pictured here, you can lie down on a big rock & call for the coyotes to come to you. But, below the mouth here, behind you is a rocky face where coyotes & rabbits abound.

Late Night With the Dogs – Vualez Main Mission
Revealing “The Moonlight Coyote Field” in Leviathan
This mission opened up a new location for coyotes for me. Though I’d explored both entire maps, and climbed over the Leviathan Volcano I’d not been in this particular secluded field.
When I found it canvassing the lake for this mission, the narrator had opened with this line about “the full moon doing strange things to animals”.
When I walked into the clearing in the full moonlight at midnight, I was surrounded by multiple species of animals, along with a marching coyote band.
Idk if this was triggered by having the mission active or not. I had a friend test the clearing at midnight, thanks #SimplyMemes. He uses a different playstyle than me. He has spent a great deal of time at hotspots mass shooting to hard level & has been playing about 6 months longer than me. I enjoy the exploration more than anything else. Though I kill about 25 animals daily, I explore & complete missions in equal measures in the month I’ve played the game. I have leveled pretty fast, on level 29 atm. But, he’s several levels higher.
So, Memes did not have the Late Night With the Dogs mission available or active when he did the experiment. Though he encountered a massive herd of species, and slaughtered them all judiciously as I watched livestream, there were no coyotes in the field. Barks could be heard in the area.
It is my theory that certain missions trigger various spawns. I may be wrong in that. I will leave that right here. A photo of the “Moonlight Coyote Field” location follows circled in red.
As you can see, my tent in the 2nd pic faces the cave on the opposite bank. There is a line of trees behind me as I’m taking the photo, & the clearing is behind the treeline. Do with it as you see fit. I’m not judging.
The Moonlight Coyote Field Location & my tent setup for sleeping til midnight.

Yes! Coyotes are no bears!
So the spot I encountered the same thing without the mission. Its a spawn area that I think is messed up as it crashes my game A LOT
I’m stuck on the leviathan mission (you need to spot 2 coyotes). I finally found the first one (north of where you described), but I’m on night 4 and have yet to see another one.
is there a better map location for getting the coyote needed for the lake district with the 270
The frequently walk along the tracks in packs of 2-3. Also, they walk around the perimeter of the deep marsh grass in packs, on the NW side of the lakes.
thanks for the warecoyote tips I was stuck on that one, I kept trying to get to it from the outpost on the east side but it looks like acocrding to your map image its better to approach it from the west
You do not need to be within that area to harvest the Werecoyote to acheive completion of the quest. The point of the area is to give you a vicinity in which to start tracking the Werecoyote. From my experience It was the only tracks that were around that were well above average weight numbers. I took some tracking since they were few and far apart at times but finally when I scoped with the binos, the Gamewarden then clarified it was indeed the Werecoyote. I then shot and harvested and completed the questline. This will be a huge time saver to most of those staying in the surrounding area on the map. You are basically just finding him when he’s cycling back to the start area. The reason I was able to come to this conclusion was there was an actual starting spawn in which you could tell from the path of tracks that was where he had originally spawned from. Hopes this helps to all future hunters!!
I believe the developers have increased the coyote spawns in the Vualez #1 mission area, after popular demand.
I’m having trouble tracking cohorts in Cheelah! Can you help?