Warframe – Toroid Caves Location Guide

A newbies guide on where to find those ever elusive Toroids!
After struggling to find consistant information on which caves contained Toroids, I have cross referenced which caves were confirmed to have Toroids, along with my own explorations, to create this (hopefully) complete guide!
17 caves, with pictures of the location, entrance I recommend, and where the Toroids may be located within!

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What even are Toroids, and why am I finding them again?

Toroids are a resource introduced with the first part of Fortuna. They are small, round orbs with varying detail and colour.

They can be turned in for standing with Vox Solaris, or used as building components for gear obtained using Vox Solaris standing; Baruuk, Amps, Operator Armour and Operator Arcanes, as well as Garuda from the Solaris United Bounty rewards.

Toroids can also be found at the Temple of Profit, Enrichment Labs and Space Port from enemy loot drops.

What Should I Use to Farm Them?

The first two things I recommend are the fastest Arcwing you own, with Hyperion Thrusters. Itzal and a max rank Hyperion Thrusters is what I use personally. The other thing I recommend is a Sentinel if you use Animal Instinct, rather than a Kubrow, Kavat or Moa, since one of the caves contains an electricity trap, and I’ve found my Kavat gets stuck every, single, time.

Other recommended things are a decent enough weapon, and of course, resource boosters are wondeful, if you wish to use them.

The Map

Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide

Calda, Sola and Vega Toroids may be found in any of the 17 caves marked on the map. Not every cave will have a Toroid spawn each time you check, and it is also possible to get multiple Toroids in one cave.

Cave #1

Cave 1 is NW of Fortuna, NE of the Coolant Resevoir, SW of the Grow Site and SE of the Temple Fabrication, roughly in the middle of these four locations.

Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide
Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide

Toroids spawn in a small alcove you need to slide through, near the bottom of the cave.

Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide
Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide

Cave #2

Cave 2 is the long cave found between the Grow Site, Central Maintenance and Ustara Crater. The caves south entrance can be found roughly half way between Central Maintenance and Ustara Crater.

Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide
Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide

Toroids can be found roughly 1/4 of the way along the cave from the south entrance, hidden in a small tunnel hidden under a toppled Orokin structure.

Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide
Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide

Cave #3

This is a small cave directly East of the Temple of Profit.

Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide

Toroids are on a low laying ledge on the far side of the natural structure in this cave.

Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide
Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide

Cave #4

Cave 4 is next to a small, un-named corpus outpost about half way down the West side of the map, SW of the Temple Fabrication.

Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide
Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide

Toroids in this cave are in a small tunnel, which cannot be accessed until the boxes infront of the tunnel have been moved using the small control box next to the coolant.

Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide
Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide

Cave #5

Cave 5 is right next to Cave 4, just East of it along the river.

Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide
Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide

Toroids are in an alcove at the very top of a giant, fallen Orokin pillar.

Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide
Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide

Cave #6

Cave 6 is in the SW corner of the map, SW of Asta Crater.

Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide
Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide

Toroids in this cave are found at the very bottom of the cave, in a small alcove past the coolant in the cave.

Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide
Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide

Cave #7

Cave 7 is location just East of Cave 6, almost directly South of Asta Crater.

Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide

Toroids are located in a corner of the cave, tucked into a small tunnel at the end of the coolant river.

Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide
Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide

Cave #8

Cave 8 is located East of Caves 6 and 7, by the lake SW of the Transit Depot.

Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide
Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide

Toroids are in the tunnel behind the jumping flower directly next to one of the caves entrances.

Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide
Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide

Cave #9

Cave 9 is just NW of the Transit Depot.

Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide

Toroids in this cave can be found near the top of the cave, in a small passage that runs parallel with the main passage.

Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide
Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide

Cave #10

Cave 10 is just West of the Space Port.

Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide
Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide

Toroids in this cave can be found by sliding into the gap above the dried coolant waterfall, and almost immediately turning right and heading down a tunnel into a small hidden cavern.

Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide
Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide

Cave #11

Cave 11 is the Northernmost of the two caves SW of the Space Port.

Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide
Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide

Toroids are found in a tunnel along the caves coolant river that can only be accessed by sliding.

Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide
Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide

Cave #12

Cave 12 is the Southernmost of the two caves SW of the Space Port.

Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide
Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide

Unlike the other caves, this cave has two spots where Toroids can spawn;
The first spot is a tiny alcove near the coolant at the bottom of the cave, not too far from the caves Southwestern entrance.

Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide
Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide

The second spot is down a tunnel hidden on one of the walls below the path leading to the caves Northern entrance.

Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide
Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide

Cave #13

Cave 13 is SE of the Space Port, on the slope facing the massive collapsed Orokin tower.

Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide

Toroids in this cave are found in a tiny alcove along the caves right wall.

Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide
Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide

Cave #14

Cave 14 is just East of the Orokin Dig Site, north of the Massive fallen Orokin tower.

Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide
Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide

Toroids are found in the submerged underwater cave below the main cave. You will need to activate the pump to drain the coolant from the pond before you can access the lower cave.

Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide
Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide

Cave #15

Cave 15 is North of the Spaceport and Orokin Dig Site, and SW of the Harindi Crater.

Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide

Toroids in this cave are under a bridge at the bottom of the cave, vertically down from the caves southern entrance, which can be identified by the Jumping Flower visible inside the entrance.

Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide
Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide

Cave #16

Cave 16 is West of the Harindi Crater, North of the Orokin Digsite.

Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide

Toroids in this cave are hidden in a tunnel behind an electric wall that you will need to deactivate by standing on a drum connected to a livewire. You will need to be fast in going past where the electric wall is, before the livewire lowers back to the coolant.

Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide
Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide

Cave #17

Cave 17 is NE of Central Maintenance and South of Reflector Control.

Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide
Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide

Toroid here can be found on a small ledge on the far side of the giant coolant stalactite above the pond in this cave.

Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide
Warframe - Toroid Caves Location Guide

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3754 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.


  1. Your guide deserves far more attention, it’s very well pointed out and explained, helped me find tons of toroids, keep it up!

    P.S: You repeated the same screenshot for cave 13 location on cave 14 location, if you haven’t noticed yet.

  2. Found another one in the cave southwest of cave 15 and the toroid is below a “bridge” at the south entrance.

  3. I ran through the route twice and found 1 of each (3 all together) from all 17+17 caves
    could just be my luck really, rng doesn’t like shining on me

  4. ok new day, new try. in a single all cave run I got 1 of them to spawn. Cave 15, which means the previous 14 were utterly demoralizing. Maybe I am just having bad luck

  5. great guide – I have a list of 20 caves that spawn as well as two of those caves having two spawn sites. Anyone have an advance on 20? I think there are still more as well as double spawn locations

  6. It looks like there’s a spot in the cave directly north of cave 4 and 5, next to the landbridge (east side). I found a set of 3 there, in a spot on the other side of the water (it shows up on the map as a couple dots).

    It’s a great guide, just looks like they either updated some of the spawn locations, to make it take longer, or there were some missed spots. Hard to say.

  7. thanks for your guide! although i only found toloid in cave 11, but most of the secret cave got some codex to scan so i still thank you for bringing me there

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