A quick list and rundown of when quests should be started and finished.
Guide to Quest Tree
This a quick guide to show when side quests show up so they can be completed without risk of failing certain ones. Some quests are missable due to story advancement, but most are okay to do later. Missable quests noted by the community have been labeled as such. Do these as soon as they become available to avoid locking yourself out of the quest. I have lost dozens of hours due to missing some of these by having to restart or load backups, so hopefully this helps at least some players avoid that.
Quests formatted into a list under a Main Quest become available during that specific quest and players should accept and complete those at that time. Quests located in the Faction Quests/Challenge Quests/Misc Quests section don’t appear to have a specific start time, just whenever a facility is assigned, a windmill is activated, or a chain of requirements are met.
The Bugged Quest section lists the quests that the community have noted as giving issues with finding or accepting.
Eventually, I want to try to add a missable mementos section here to help players avoid missing those as well.
For the sake of simplicity, SVs is Survivors and PKs is Peacekeepers. And if some of the information is incorrect or can be added upon, please notify me and I will edit it. Enjoy.
Quest Tree
Main Quests
- Pilgrim’s Path
- Getting Stronger
- Markers of Plague
- The Only Way Out
- The Spark of Invention
- Cheers!
- All in the Family
- Double Time
- Fish Monk
- The Ball is in Your Court – Fails if not finished before completing “Revolution/Into the Dark”.
- The Breadwinner
- The Princess in the Tower
- The First Biomarker – Activate ‘Alder’ Windmill after completing “Markers of Plague”.
- Unruly Brother
- Missing Persons – Fails if not finished before completing “Water Tower”.
- Sentimental Value – You can give the music box back to Maya before selling valuables to a vendor.
- The Arrival
- True Friends – Speak to Dominik after completing “The Only Way Out” and then complete “Unruly Brother”. Fails if not finished before completing “Revolution/Into the Dark”.
- The Raid
- Water Tower
- The Matchmaker
- Revolution (SVs) / Into the Dark (PKs)
- Sniper’s Alley – Available only if you choose to help Hakon.
- Let’s Waltz
- A Place To Call Home
- Orders
- An Exemplary Grandson
- Birdwatching
- Closure
- Crystal White
- Deep Cover
- Foster Family
- It’s Alive!
- Sister Act
- The Reddest Red
- The Knick
- Undying Affection
- Observatory
- Renegades – Automatically starts after completing “Orders”. Fails if not finished before completing “Observatory”.
- Welcome on Board
- Aitor – Automatically starts during “Welcome On Board” if you told Jack Matt the truth during “A Place To Call Home”. Fails if not finished before completing “The Lost Sight/Cathedral”.
- Book Club I-X – Available after speaking to Jack Matt during “Welcome On Board”.
- Moonshine – Available only if you spared Jack and Joe during “Water Tower” and after speaking to Jack Matt during “Welcome On Board”.
- The Baba I-X – Available after speaking to Jack Matt during “Welcome On Board”
- The Lost Sight (turn down Juan) / Cathedral (work with Juan)
- Broadcast
- Last Will – Automatically starts during “Broadcast” after speaking to Leon and agreeing to deliver his letter to his wife.
- Satellite Dream
- The Black Widow
- The Shoe
- Den for Brigitte
- The Deserter
- The Living Dead – Fails if not finished before completing “X13”.
- Nightrunners (SVs) / Empire (PKs) / Spy Game (Juan)
- Veronika
- No Mercy – ‘Give control over the transmitter to JACK MATT’ during “Broadcast” then agree to help Jack Matt during “Veronika”.
- The Breakthrough (SVs) / Assassination (PKs) / The Colonel (Juan)
- Now Or Never
- X13
Faction Quests
- Goats Galore Quiz – Assign Saint Paul Water Tower to SVs and activate ‘Spruce’ Windmill.
- Life Finds A Way – Assign Houndfield Electrical Station to SVs and activate ‘Cherry’ and ‘Birch’ Windmill.
- Perfume – Assign Horseshoe Water Tower to SVs and activate ‘Larch’ Windmill.
- Silencio – Assign Wharf Water Tower to SVs and activate ‘Elm Windmill’.
- Stolen Goods – Assign the Horseshoe Water Tower to the SVs and complete “The Ball is in Your Court”.
- The Fortune Teller – Assign the Saint Paul Water Tower to SVs and activate ‘Spruce’ Windmill.
- The Runaways – Assign Horseshoe Water Tower to SVs.
- The Scarecrow Queen – Assign Houndfield Electrical Station to SVs and activate ‘Cherry’ and ‘Birch’ Windmill.
- The Ultimate Weapon – Assign Horseshoe Water Tower to SVs and activate ‘Willow’ Windmill.
- The Walls – Assign Houndfield Electrical Station to SVs and activate ‘Cherry’ Windmill.
- The Water Fight – Assign Horseshoe Water Tower to SVs and activate ‘Willow’ Windmill.
- A Good Samaritan – Assign Horseshoe Water Tower to PKs.
- Dirty Job – Assign Horseshoe Water Tower to PKs and activate ‘Willow’ Windmill.
- Make Way for the Blastaway! – Assign Houndfield Electrical Station to the PKs and activate ‘Cherry’ Windmill.
- Missy – Assign Wharf Water Tower to the PKs and activate ‘Elm’ Windmill.
- The Hunter – Assign Downtown Electrical Station to PKs and activate ‘Walnut’ Windmill.
- The Pilot – Assign Horseshoe Water Tower to PKs and activate ‘Maple’ Windmill.
SVs or PKs
- History Quiz – Assign Garrison Electrical Station to SVs or PKs and activate ‘Juniper’ Windmill.
- Infected Intelligence Quiz – Assign Horseshoe Water Tower to SVs or PKs and activate ‘Maple’ Windmill.
- Out of Your League – Assign Horseshoe Water Tower to SVs or PKs and complete “True Friends”.
Challenge Quests
- Color Run Challenge – Assign Houndfield Electrical Station to SVs and activate ‘Cherry’ & ‘Birch’ Windmills.
- Expiration Date Challenge – Activate ‘Oak’ Windmill.
- Garlic and Sardines Challenge – Assign Downtown Electrical Station to SVs or PKs and activate ‘Walnut’ Windmill.
- Handle With Care Challenge – Assign Houndfield Electrical Station to SVs or PKs and activate ‘Birch’ Windmill.
- Hooked on the Thrill Challenge – Activate ‘Pine’ Windmill.
- Journal of a Nightrunner Challenge – Assign Houndfield Electrical Station to SVs or PKs and activate ‘Cherry’ Windmill.
- Paraglider City Tour Challenge – Assign Downtown Electrical Station to SVs or PKs and activate ‘Pine’ Windmill.
- Persons of Interest Quiz – Assign Garrison Electrical Station to the SVs and activate ‘Teak’ Windmill.
- Protecting the Boys Challenge – Assign Houndfield Electrical Station to SVs or PKs and activate ‘Birch’ Windmill.
- Running on Eggshells Challenge – Assign Houndfield Electrical Stationn to SVs or PKs and activate ‘Cherry’ Windmill.
- The Master Brewer’s Bees – Activate ‘Oak’ Windmill.
- Ultimate Fury Cricket – Activate ‘Oak’ Windmill.
- Water and Lightning Challenge – Assign Horseshoe Water Tower to SVs or PKs and activate ‘Maple’ Windmill.
- Wounded in Action Challenge – Assign Houndfield Electrical Station to PKs and activate ‘Birch’ Windmill.
Misc Quests
- Afterparty – Available only if you:
- ‘Help Hakon’ during “Revolution/Into the Dark”.
- ‘Give control over the transmitter to Frank’ during “Broadcast”.
- Say ‘Hey, what’s going on?’ during “The Shoe”.
- Say, in order, ‘I don’t want to fight.’, ‘Let’s not fight.’, ‘Hear me out, Lawan. Don’t do it.’, then finally, ‘Stay and talk with Lawan’ during “Nightrunners”.
- Carriers – Speak to both unmarked Carriers, 1 at Main Terminal Station and 1 at PK Floating Fortress, or complete “Rats in the House”.
- Carriers I-X – Automatically starts after completing “Carriers”.
- Deals With The Devil – Agree to help Juan in “Welcome on Board”, complete “Cathedral”, then ‘Give control over the transmitter to JUAN’ during “Broadcast”.
- Diva – Activate ‘Larch’ Windmill.
- Space ‘Rooster’ – Finish the main story.
- The Essence of Survival – Activate ‘Larch’ Windmill.
- The History Lesson – Activate ‘Alder’ Windmill.
- The Key to Humanity – Activate ‘Oak’ Windmill.
- The Rose Garden – Activate ‘Oak’ Windmill.
- Treasure Hunt – Automatically starts after completing “The Deserter” if you chose to keep the map.
- Turning the Page – Automatically starts after completing “Book Club X”.
- Wall of Valor: Bad Medicine – Speak to Cyra in the Wall of Valor room.
- Wall of Valor: Deadly Exchange – Speak to Cyra in the Wall of Valor room.
- Wall of Valor: Lost Transmission – Speak to Cyra in the Wall of Valor room.
- Wall of Valor: Missing in Action – Automatically starts after completing all 3 “Wall of Valor” quests.
Bugged Quests
- Rats in the House – Available only after completing “Renegades” but before securing Metro Station: Newalls Crossing.
- To Kill or Not to Kill – Talk to Paul in the Fish Eye after 1. completing Rats in the House, or 2. giving Frank control of the radio tower (best guess from forums. more info to come as this is solved).
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