How to Regenerate HP
There are 3 known Internals that give you Hp Regeneration. There may be more in the newest update.
Revitalization Technique (Rare)
+5% Max Hp up to 50 max after every Action. You can get this by helping one of the 2 girls in the opening
Longevity Technique (Epic)
+5% missing Hp up to 250 max after every Action. You get this from the Chuxiang Hero Statue if you kowtow with a cushion
Nine Provinces Manual (Legendary)
+20% Missing HP and Mp, and -10 Status Effects after every Action. You get this from Joining the Lewd Old Man and becoming his Disciple. Continue his quests until you finish the Fountain of Youth.
There is also the Lotus Gem Accessory. This has the effect: +8% Missing Hp and Mp after every Action. You get this from paying 500 Coins for Ye Yinping’s Meal in the Nameless Village Inn around Noon (12 pm). Then you have to Appraise it at a pawn shop for about 1k. Or don’t pay for Ye Yinping and trade with Hua Siniang (Inn Keeper) for it fully appraised already.
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