Isekai: Slow Life – Guide to Fellows

Leveling Up Fellows

The most important part before leveling up fellows, is to understand how the math behind the game mechanics work. Go to Game Math to read more.

To make a quick summary, everything that is multiplying power gets exponentially higher when they are grouped together. In simple terms, you should try to focus as much as possible on one single fellow, or a few, if you are looking to boost your stats as much as possible. The exception is potions and items from Mini Events (Wrestling etc), that works are additions instead of multipliers and can be used on any fellow.

To level up fellows, you need Fellow Exp. This is acquired by educating students or complete Stages. Early on in game, especially if you are p2w, it’s common to hit a wall and lack Fellow Exp. This changes very soon however, and most long term players have more Fellow Exp than they would ever be capable of using. Because of this there is no reason to try to boost the Fellow Exp production, and you should not stress if you run out.

After 50 levels, you need to make a “Limit Break” each time you level up. Limit Breaks uses Crystals and Crystal Ores instead of Student Exp. Crystal Ores are relatively easy to come by, but at higher levels you need a very large amount of them.

Leveling up a fellow works as a power addend, while making a limit break count as a multiplier.

At level 50 and 200 the Fellows unlock two Village Earning Bonuses for while operating a building in the Village, so make sure your Fellows are always above level 200 as quickly as possible.

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At the Fellow page you find several different options for updating aptitude, which might seem confusing at first glance but it’s actually very simple. You have several different ones of the same type, because at a certain point the get capped out and can’t level up anymore. When you reach certain limit breaks or unlock costumes, you get additional ones.

That way you can level up aptitude more, and isn’t capped out. The aptitude is counted by amount of items and not by level. To use 3 skill pearls for 3 levels in the category that cost 1 Skill Pearl does the same aptitude as using 1 in the category that cost 3. Only difference is that one that cost 1 pearl is capped out at 300 aptitude at level 300, while one that cost 3 is capped out at 90 aptitude at level 300.


To learn more about artifacts please go to Artifacts Guide.

Auras and Other Multipliers

When you level up your aptitude, you will after a while reach a top cap where it’s not possible to raise it anymore. For f2p players it will take a very long time to reach this top cap, but for a person spending money on the game it’s very important to use a fellow that doesn’t cap out to early. An Archdemon will be able to be upgraded better and further than a fellow recruited from Fellow Recruit, since additional insignias can be used to boost the aura of the Archdemon. In general, it’s always better to focus on an UR-level fellow rather than an S-level one. In general you should not use items on Fellows below S-level.

Fellows that belongs to the same chategory will add an additional boost (working as multiplier) every time more than one of them is added to your village.

Fellows with different bonds will boost each other. For the basic recruitments for in-game currency, Archdemons boost each other via “Archdemon’s Authority” and Valiants boost each other via “Otherwordly Bravery”. This makes them better than the Fellows recruited in Bonds Between Recruits or through VIP rewards, since they have no bonds. When you can no longer use Skill Pearls to level up the aptitude of your fellow, you will have to reply on auras and other bonuses instead.

UR Fellows and Event Fellows can always get their aura higher by adding extra shards to them. This makes them more long term reliable than other Fellows.

Family Members & Blessing Power

For a complete guide about family please go here.

All fellows are blessed by one or more family members. Every time you go on a date with this family member, you will receive Blessing Points that you can spend on upgrading their blessing power. This makes the Fellow stronger.

Family members recruited in events can use their spare shards to upgrade the family blessing higher. This makes them stronger and more potent than other family members. Especially for p2w players, it might be a good thing to pick an event family as your main family member.


Family members boosts the same no matter if they are N, R, SR or SSR. The only difference between them are the initial amount of intimacy and blessing power they come with. For exmaple Kagura (SSR) comes with 300 of each from the start, while Kaka (R) only comes with 100 of each. You need thousands of blessing power each on your main family members, loosing out on 200 power isn’t that important. Don’t look at rank, just look at who they bless.

Skills and Awaken

At your Fellows page you can see a tab called “Awaken”, when you press it you see either 2 or 3 skills (depending on Fellow Rank). Every time you awaken a Fellow, this power increase. Since you need a lot of acquaintance stone to awaken heroes, you should only awaken heroes that has skills you actually need. Try to stay away from student exp and student earnings, since these in general have a much smaller impact than the other skills.

Some fellows have the same skill, but with various effects. For example Shlomo, Lux and Emosen all have the same skill but Shlomos is much more effective than other two. If you have all 3 and want to focus on blessing points, you should level Shlomos up first.

Jewlrys skill is often recommended to early game f2p players, since she is quickly recruited and gives extra free coins to the account by participating more than once in Mine Clearance.

Fellow Skills

All Fellows That Boost Daily Grind:

All Fellows That Boost Blessing Power:

All Fellows That Boost Fellow Power:

All Fellows That Boost Artifact Limits:

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3753 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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