Let me explain how the banners work in the Limbus Company game.
How the Banners Work
Nothing ever goes away permanently. The moment a banner goes up, you can buy the units on the banner in the dispensary using shards. (That’s what you want to spend your shards on, not on thread) There’s only one exception to this and that’s the walpurgisnacht banner. Walpurgisnacht comes around every 3 months and the characters on it can only be bought during the future walpurgisnacht banners, meaning that they’re effectively time locked for 3 months. The first walpurgisnacht banner had regret faust, hook hong lu and mersault’s regret ego, all of which were busted, and it’s safe to assume that the future ones will be too, so just save your currency for that.
Shards are extremely easy to get, especially if you get the battlepass, since once you finish the pass (which is trivial to do. I’m already on level 97 out of 120 and the season only started 2 weeks ago. Each season lasts for 4 months) every level gets you 1 egoshard crate if you’re free or 3 egoshard crates if you buy the bp.
That said, as far as sharding characters go, if you want an easy meta team that’ll help get you through most content, then I’d recommend grabbing R corp ish (and getting her up to uptie 4 as soon as you can), N corp sinclair, deici rodion, lob corp remnant faust (along with her fluid sac ego. Her heals are a lifesaver), rabbit heathcliff, ting tang gang hong lu, and molar outis. That right there is a pretty decent unga bunga team that’ll carry you through most content just fine. When the next walpurgisnacht rolls around though, grab everything you can from it. Seriously, those IDs and the regret ego are busted.
This leads into this: I do a mirror dungeon every day, and that gets me about 150 out of the 200 egoshard crates you need to buy a 3 star character every week. That said, if all you do is log in once a week and do your weekly mirror dungeon hard mode run, that’ll get you 75 crates (assuming you bought the pass), which means your only “daily” obligations at that point are the luxcavations, and you’ve seen how quick those can be. (it’s worth noting, doing a single hard mode run eats up the bonuses from the regular runs as well, so you don’t have to do 3 normals and 1 hard to get everything, you can just do 1 hard and you’re fine)
It’s up to you how much time you want to put in, but even if you play the game super casually, you’re not missing on anything, since, unlike most gacha games, stuff doesn’t go away in limbus company. Characters and egos from the current season will go away until the next season, but that’s really about it (for example, last season was season 2 so we couldn’t buy stuff from season 1, but now that we’re in season 3, we can buy stuff from season 1 and next season the stuff from 3 will go away and the stuff from 2 will join the stuff from 1 up on the shop).
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