Tips on How to Make a God
Well, first, make sure your god-to-be has the tough trait, either neutral or boosted psychic sensitivity and a good passion for shooting or melee.
Then use biotech give them the robust gene, so that all incoming damage is reduce to 37.5%.
If you’re going melee, a shield belt. The better quality, the better.
Then comes to fun stuff.
EPOE or your choice of proesthetic mods, equip your god-to-be with advanced bionic or archotech limbs and organs if you have them. If you’re using EPOE, there’s also a exoskeleton you can equip them for another 80% incoming damage multiplier, now reaching 30% overall
VPE: make them a psycasting god. The warlord tree is a lot of fun, as you can stack all the buff it offers, equip a monosword with kill focused and kill skip your way through the enemy.
Vanilla Persona Weapons Expanded: the empire will give you a persona weapon when you reach duke rank, guaranteeing that kill focused monosword.
Altered Carbon: give your god a neural stack, so even if the body dies, they can rise again. Also replace your god’s original body with a legendary sleeve, giving additional bonuses. The legendary sleeve does remove the tough trait, but has its own 50% damage reduction.
At this point, you have a pawn that hack and slash their way through entire enemy armies. You can further boost their power with other paycaster casting other buff psycasts, such as further incoming damage reductions, or word of healing (I once tried to make a pawn who out healed all incoming damage… and succeeded as the game bugged out and the pawn was literally unkillable bar one-shots until I reloaded the save).
There’s other mods you can use, such as VRE: Archons, so that your god cannot die at all, bar cave ins or complete body destruction in 2 seconds, due to skipping out when they die. Or you can use VFE: ancient to make an immortal assassin. Or biotech and deathless and just hope you avoid brain destruction.
And Pawnmorpher can go crazy, making pawns larger so body parts have more health and adding additional armour to the skin layer, over armour skin.
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