Limbus Company – Supporting Friends and Where to Find Them

Did you now that there was a support mechanic in this game? I sure didn’t. And i don’t see people talking about it, so here is a guide.

How to Get It Done

First of all you have to open your profile, to do so press this:

You can redact your profile in here but what we looking for is this:

In company tab you can chose your supports that your friends can use.

In friends tab you can see your friend and add new ones.

You don’t actually need to have friends in life the game will give you a choice between some randoms.

If you want to find a specific account you have to type in it’s code that is shown above level on the fist picture. (the keyboard on pc doesn’t seem to work right now, i used my phone with integrated account)

The request will appear here:

After you got your self a friend you can use all of their characters that they have in company tab.

And here comes the tricky part.

To actually select those characters you need to select them from team editor that happens just before battle, not the team editor from the main menu.

After that choose support tab above and enjoy your max level 000 Identety.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3641 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.


  1. Code-R525933588
    G Corp Gregor(Tier 3)(level 30)(EGO:Teth-Lantern(Tier 3).Zain-Legerdemain(Tier 3))
    Blade Lineage Sinclair(Tier 3)(level 30)(EGO:Teth-Impending Day(Tier 3))
    Kurokumo Rodion(Tier 3)(level 30)(EGO:Teth-RimeShank(Tier 3))
    R Corp Heatclif(Tier 3)(level 30)(EGO:Only Base)
    Tingtang Hong Lu(Tier 3)(level 30)(EGO:Teth-Roseate Desire(Tier 3))
    Blade Lineage Yi Sang(Tier 3)(level 30)(EGO:Only Base)
    N Corp Grobhammer Meursault(Tier 3)(level 30)(EGO:Teth-Screwloose Wallop(Tier 3).HE-Persuance(Tier 3))
    Lobotomy Corp. Remnant Faust(Tier 3)(level 15)(EGO:Only Base)
    Shi Section 5 Director Don(Tier 1)(level 13)(EGO:Only Base)
    Seven Section 6 Ryoushu(Tier 1)(level 12)(EGO:HE- 4th Math Flame(Tier 1))
    LCCB Assiant Manager Ishamael(Tier 1)(level 15)(EGO:Teth – Roseate Desire(Tier 1))
    Blade Lineage Outis(Tier 3)(level 09)(EGO:HE- Ebony Stem(Tier 1))

  2. Code: A077686386
    T3 Blade Lineage Yi Sang lvl 20.
    T3 R Corp Reindeer Ishmael lvl 30.
    T3 Grobhammer Meursault lvl 30.
    T3 Kurokumo Wakashu Ryoshu lvl 30.
    T3 Tingtang Gang Leader Hong Lu lvl 30.
    T3 Kurokumo Henchwoman Rodion lvl 30.
    T3 G Corp. Manager Gregor lvl 30.

    T3 Shi Section 5 Heathcliff lvl 20.

    All of them

  3. Code: H902717237
    T3 Blade Lineage Yi Sang lvl 26.
    T3 R Corp Reindeer Ishmael lvl 27.

    T3 G Corp Head Manager Outis lvl 26.
    T2 LCCB Rodion lvl 25.
    T2 Mariachi Sinclair lvl 22.
    T2 Liu Gregor lvl 22.

    T1 Yi Sang Wishing Carin.
    T1 Sinclair Impending Day.
    T1 Gregor Legerdemain.

    Kinda weak, but I don’t roll much so, yeah.

  4. Code:G183922319
    000:Blade Lineage Yi Sang(T3 Lvl30), Kurokumo Ryoshi(T3 Lvl 22),N Corp. Grobhammer Mersault (T3 Lvl 30), Blade Lineage Sinclair(T3 Lvl 30), Blade Lineage Yi Sang(T3 Lvl 30).

    00: W. Corp. Cleanup agent Faust(T3 Lvl 30), Shi Section Don Quixote(T3 Lvl 30), LCCB Assistant Managere Ishmael (T3 Lvl 26), Blade Lineage Outis(T3 Lvl 30), Liu Section 6 Gregor(T3 Lvl 25)

    EGO: Fluid Sac (Don Quixote T2), 4th Match Flames(Rodion T2), Impending Day (Sinclair T2), Ebony Stem (Outis T2), Lantern(Gregor T2), Legerdemain (Gregor T2),4th Match Flames (Yi Sang T2),You Want To Get Beat? Hurity?(Mersault T2)

  5. X286428413

    30/3 G. Corp Manager Corporal Gregor
    26/3 kurakuma wakashu Ryoshu
    27/3 Kurokomo Henchwoman Rodion
    24/3 R corp pack rabbit Heathcliff

    27/3 kurakuma wakashu Hong Lu
    30/3 G corp head manager Outis

  6. Code – S487392063

    000: W Corp Mersault (T3, lvl 20), Blade Lineage Sinclair (T3, lvl 30), Tingtang Gangleader Hong Lu (T3, lvl 22), R. Corp 4th Pack Rabbit Heathcliff (T3, lvl 22), Kurokomo Henchwoman Rodion (T3, lvl 30), G. Corp Manager Corporal Gregor (T3, lvl 29), Blade Lineage Yi Sang (T3, lvl 22)

    00: LCCB Assist. Manager Ishmael (T3, lvl 30), L Corp Faust (T3, lvl 26), G Corp Outis (T3, lvl 20), Shi Section 5 Don Quixote (T3, lvl 20), Seven Section 6 Ryoshu (T3, lvl 15)

    Ego: Lantern Gregor (T3), Ebony Stem Outis (T2), Impending Day Sinclair (T3), 4th Match Flame Rodion (T3), Ardor Blossom Star Ishmael (T3)

  7. Code: E840788317
    000: W Corp DonQ, Kurokumo Rodion, Blade Lineage Sinclair (Tier 3); R Corp 4th Heathcliff (Tier 2)
    00: Seven Section Ryoshu and Kurokumo Hong Lu (Tier 3)
    Ego: Ardor Blossom Star (Ishmael Tier 1)

  8. Code – U019122234
    000: N Corp. Grobhammer Mersault (T3 Lvl 25), Tingtang Gangleader Hong Lu (T3 Lvl 25), G Corp. Manager Corporal Gregor (T3 Lvl 25)
    Ego: Pursuance (T2) on Mersault

  9. Code – M381872900
    000: Kurokumo Rodion (tier 3), W corp Meursault (tier3), Blade Lineage Sinclair (tier 2)
    00: W corp Faust (tier 3), G Corp. Outis (tier 3)
    Ego: Wishing Cairn Yi Sang, Hex Nail Faust, Ya Śūnyatā Tad Rūpam Outis, Lantern Gregor, BP egos

  10. Code (if I correctly identified it, that is): F315956388

    000: Tingtang Gangleader Hong Lu (only lvl30 here atm)
    00: L Corp Remnant Faust (lvl23), Seven Section 6 Ryoshu (lvl12), Liu Section 6 Meursault (lvl13), LCCB Assistant Managers Ishmael (lvl12) and Rodion (lvl15), Zwei Section 6 Sinclair (lvl23), G Corp Head Manager Outis (lvl22).
    Rodion has 4th Match Flame, Sinclair has Impending Day, and Outis has Ebony Stem, all at Tier 1.
    All mentioned Identities are at Tier 3.
    Will probably add more as I get them to Tier 3 (or obtain EGO). Levels are subject to change.

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