Lust Goddess – Basic Deck Building Guide: Combos, Synergy and Choices

Guide to Deck Building


Before we get started, I would like to point out that we cannot help you build a team if you do not understand how they work, combo, synergize, and more. If you are stuck because you don’t really know what the unit does. Please take the time to read each units, then ask us where you might be having difficulties understanding.

To those helping you build your team, it is not our responsibility or our time to teach you to learn your team, when to swap, how to counter etc. If you lose because of the team we built, then you can only blame yourself. This guide is to help you understand how to think of ways to build off other units.

Level of units, reboot/rebirth, neural link, and boost can help your units and increase your power level, but it does not mean it will increase your winning chance if you don’t know how to setup or play.

RNG and having a huge wallet also have a huge factor in winning.

Do not use Best to create your team, it will only take the strongest unit, and it may be the unit that does not complement your team.

Melee vs Range

Melee – Can be your front line defenders or attacker, they hold the fort down and can be deploy first or second row. They are there to protect your ranger, kill enemies, stall them and buy you time, or as a counter to another melee/range unit.

Range – They can be supporter, attackers, and buffer/debuffer. They are perfect to help your team survive, kill, or fuck the other team up. However they can easily be killed if not being a module or another melee/range unit.

With this in mind, you want to first create a good mixture of melee and range units. Melee behind a melee will not make the second melee person not attack. So its good to have a range unit to attack from behind a melee unit. That being said there is nothing wrong with have 2 melee in the same column to protect your range unit.

Having at least minimum 2 range unit and minimum of 3 melee. As you go in league you will adjust your deck accordingly to your playstyle or a style that you feel will help you win more.


Combo unit is where two units or more changes the tide of war for you. Example: Unit A (have healing ability) and Unit B (have attack buff on healing) this is a combo.

You should have multiple combo in your deck that can work off different units or same units. This is to guarantee that if the RNG screws you over. You have a chance to recover and hopefully hold out until you can make a comeback. It can be possible but extremely difficult. This is why you need to understand your team well and know who to play or start off.

Example Common Combos


This is different from combo, this is where all your deck flows really well with each other and the commander you pick. This may not always be the case, as you should switch commander or units often to make your deck more efficient or stronger. Some units will come and go, so keep that in mind.

Synergy can be related to faction which we have three: Syndicate, Peacekeeper and Freeman.

You deck does not need to have one single faction to pair with your commander. Your commander however should be in line with your units in most cases, but this does not always have to be true.

I pick this synergy base on what you may have early access to when starting off some may be a bit of paid units, but you will eventually get them.

Trixie can be use as a counter or as a stronger damager dealer. However she affects everyone on the board.

Pair her with Dominica and she can get the enemy unit to low hp.

Dominica will also populate the board with mini melee tanker if you kill the enemy units, providing some relieve for you to set up the rest of your units.

Wayne and Hannah/Kitty can be a good set up.

With Wayne decent HP and electrocute, he can stop enemies from getting through for the time being, unless the enemy unit can ohko him.

Hannah debuff the entire enemy units on the board, every turn and summon a range attacker. Giving you free unit on the board to deal damage or stall.

Kitty on the other hand will deploy force shield to random allies including herself, which is great to stall one attack.

You also got Trixie, Dominica, and Hannah.

Commander Choices

Picking the correct commander to use can help you. We currently at this moment have 4 commanders, and more will come. Commander provide additional support for you when you are in a pinch. There uses, depends on your team. Here is the most common uses for the current commander.

  • Ethan: Damage all enemies, to either kill or reduce their hp low enough.
  • Rachie: To suppress all enemies that are making it difficult for you to fight back
  • Melissa: To stun and provide a 1 turn breather.
  • Ceres: To kill all injure enemies units.

Each commander should be used to help your team win, but switching commander is also recommend depending on what your team is lacking or the bot player has a unit that are annoying to deal with.

For the team above I posted a good commander would be Ethan or Melissa in this case. Rachie and Ceres is situational. However you can choose whatever commander that you like or fit your playstyle.


Every unit deck have a weakness and you can’t always account for everything. Meta changes, some units are just simply to OP, or the enemy has more money than you and better/stronger team. In this case, just know you may lose a lot than win a lot. Unless you can drop a ton of money and be #1.

Recommend to swap units to counter certain units, within your league, if you have a hard time dealing even with the counter units, you may need to level your units or use your command to help you create a favorable situation.

  • Accuracy – Attacks can hit Elusive targets. Accurate Mercenaries cannot be blinded.
  • Agility – Agile targets evade melee Attacks, unless the attacker is also Agile. Does not affect Modules.
  • Antidote – Cleanses allies of all negative effects except for Suppression.
  • Attack Buff – Increases attack.
  • Attack Debuff – Reduces attack by the specified value.
  • Block – Reduces damage from enemy attacks by the specified value.
  • Counterattack – Retaliates against the attacker.
  • Damage – Deals damage to the target.
  • Electrocute – Enemies attacking a target with Electrocute take damage on hit.
  • Elusive -Elusive targets evade all ranged attacks. Does not affect Modules.
  • Force Shield – Fully negates an attack or ability, and protects from death.
  • Heal – Restores lost health, through cannot beyond maximum health.
  • Health Buff – Increases health (can exceed the maximum value).
  • Immunity – Immune to allied and enemy effects and abilities.
  • Lifesteal – After attacking, deals additional damage to the same enemy and heals for damage dealth.
  • Multi-Attack – Performs several consecutive attacks.
  • Poison – Poisoned targets take damage every turn.
  • Regeneration – Regenerates health each turn, but cannot exceed maximum health.
  • Reinforcements – Deploys Mercenaries, Stims, or Traps.
  • Set ATK – Sets attack to the specified value.
  • Splash – Deals damage to all enemies adjacent to the target.
  • Steal Attack/Steals – Steals target attack, increasing their own.
  • Suppression/Suppresses – Cleanses the target of all (or some) abilities and buffs.

Roxie abilities tips

Skill 1

  • Module count as summon. Therefor, any skill related to summoning things like kitty, bloom or scarlet proc.
  • It does require you to destroy it after summoning. So it’s a 2 times effect..
  • Because it’s a module, it cant be suppressed. You can play it whenever you want and activate the bomb effect later.
  • Lvl52, the damage is quite good : 52 in AoE. You summon 2 of them.
  • It is easy to destroy (5hp) so be sure the enemy don’t destroy it before you.
  • They are place at random.

Skill 3

  • Activable turn 7.
  • Lvl 52, you summon 3 of them on your field, they have 43HP.
  • It does heal the commander.

Bonus tip: Best synergy combo

Best Synergy combo for me is Syndicate+Freeman, in particular Bea plus Ivy. I drop Bea always on the left most lane in the middle square, since she can dodge melee and protect Ivy in the backrow.

Doing this first turn is optimal, since she will infect the modules and deal a lot of dmg when they get boomed. I try not to shoot the modules directly first turn if possible. Then turn 2 drop Ivy behind bea. My bea is R2 so she does 66 dmg to enemy commander when infected dies, and when ivy proccs she does 30 damage, basically 60 since she poisons 2 mercs. Easy kills every time.

Another piece of the puzzle is Trixie. Drop Bea first, to soften the opps then turn 2 drop Trixie and she will blow up everyone and gain a lot of attack, also proccing Bea to deal dmg.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2274 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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