Metal Slug: Awakening – Weapon Debuff Guide

Hi there everyone, did you know there are follow ups to maximize your debuff weapon status? Here’s a quick in-depth guide on how to optimize your weapons debuffs that some of you may not familiar with.

Guide to Weapon Debuff

By Marco Rossi

There are 4 main debuffs found in this game which are:

Weak/Break Debuff

Found in every variant of HMG (heavy machine gun), gatling guns & saw launchers. These weapons put people in weaken state, once the armor debuff is applied to your enemy, you will need to change to an AoE (area of effect) weapon to deal additional follow up damage, recommended weapon to pair with this debuff will be any variants of Bazooka

Freeze/Cold Debuff

Found only in freeze variant guns, these weapons causes opponents to be in a frozen state. Once frozen debuff is applied to your enemy, you will need to change to a high DPS (damage per second) weapon to deal additional follow up damage, recommended weapon to pair with debuff will any sniper variant.

Wound/Bleed Debuff

Found in all variants of boxing guns, snipers and Bazookas, these weapons puts opponents to be in a wounded state. Once wounded debuff is applied to your enemy, you will need to change to a high RoF (rate of fire) weapon to deal additional follow up damage, recommended weapon to pair with this debuff will any variant HMG or gatling weapons.

Ignite/Fire Debuff

Found in all variants of shotguns and flameshots, these weapons will put an ignite debuff on your opponents. Once ignite debuff is applied to your enemy, you will just need to apply additional damage on the enemy to trigger explosion around them, this could come from any weapon with high dps/aoe/rof weapons (basically any other gun is fine).

Included in this guide will be the images provided by the developers which could be found in the game but I notice a lot players did not fully understand how these debuff stack works.

There are no perfect weapon or character in this game as a lot of players are asking in the server. It all about the synergy of weapons and characters that are all used in case by case scenario, so it would always be best to have one of each debuff weapon type for your battles, whether it be World Adventure, Joint Operation, Hot Pursuit, Shootout challenge, Djinn Range or Arcade Carnival.

Some might just try to punch through the game with their legendary and even mythical weapons but eventually the pros will not be getting their potential maximum damage output if you do not master your debuff basics correctly. And one last fun fact before I finish this up, legendary weapons will have additional S-tier advanced debuff mark which triggers additional damage by 40% as seen in the gallery above. (Mythical weapon will have SS-tier debuff as well, it is not sure how much additional debuff we can get from that as of now).

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2274 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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